*Hey Guess Who's Trying To Kill You Again In The AIR*?


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. More domestic attempted attacks on Americans.
2. Guess who wants you dead?
3. Yeah, you guessed it, again.
4. Muslims.
5. The shock!!!!!???????
6. And you thought you were safe????
7. Link and sample:Al Qaeda ink cartridge bomb: Woman arrested in Yemen | Mail Online


A woman accused of posting two printer bombs found on board cargo planes in the UK and Dubai has been arrested in Yemen.
Investigators said the woman was detained as part of a manhunt for a number of suspects believed to have used forged documents and ID cards that played a role in the plot that was thwarted yesterday.
Yemeni officials this evening said the suspects are believed to have links to Al Qaeda's faction in Yemen.
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates had provided him with information that helped identify the woman as a suspect.

He said security forces had surrounded a house in the capital city of Sanaa that was believed to be holding the woman. A security official later confirmed the woman had been arrested.
Investigators in Yemen confirmed they traced the woman through a telephone number left with courier company UPS. They are also searching for several accomplices linked to Al Qaeda.
Tonight's developments came as David Cameron said the explosive device found hidden in a printer cartridge on a cargo plane at East Midlands Airport was apparently designed to blow the aircraft out of the sky."

8. Don't worry about it, they failed, so you can go ahead and get the remote and watch the tube, yawn, then pick your nose.

Sorry bout that,

1. More domestic attempted attacks on Americans.
2. Guess who wants you dead?
3. Yeah, you guessed it, again.
4. Muslims.
5. The shock!!!!!???????
6. And you thought you were safe????
7. Link and sample:Al Qaeda ink cartridge bomb: Woman arrested in Yemen | Mail Online


A woman accused of posting two printer bombs found on board cargo planes in the UK and Dubai has been arrested in Yemen.
Investigators said the woman was detained as part of a manhunt for a number of suspects believed to have used forged documents and ID cards that played a role in the plot that was thwarted yesterday.
Yemeni officials this evening said the suspects are believed to have links to Al Qaeda's faction in Yemen.
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates had provided him with information that helped identify the woman as a suspect.

He said security forces had surrounded a house in the capital city of Sanaa that was believed to be holding the woman. A security official later confirmed the woman had been arrested.
Investigators in Yemen confirmed they traced the woman through a telephone number left with courier company UPS. They are also searching for several accomplices linked to Al Qaeda.
Tonight's developments came as David Cameron said the explosive device found hidden in a printer cartridge on a cargo plane at East Midlands Airport was apparently designed to blow the aircraft out of the sky."

8. Don't worry about it, they failed, so you can go ahead and get the remote and watch the tube, yawn, then pick your nose.


Wrong mate! Al Qaeda is trying to murder us. Pull your head out of your fart stack and look at the real world, instead of constantly looking at yesterday's lunch!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. More domestic attempted attacks on Americans.
2. Guess who wants you dead?
3. Yeah, you guessed it, again.
4. Muslims.
5. The shock!!!!!???????
6. And you thought you were safe????
7. Link and sample:Al Qaeda ink cartridge bomb: Woman arrested in Yemen | Mail Online


A woman accused of posting two printer bombs found on board cargo planes in the UK and Dubai has been arrested in Yemen.
Investigators said the woman was detained as part of a manhunt for a number of suspects believed to have used forged documents and ID cards that played a role in the plot that was thwarted yesterday.
Yemeni officials this evening said the suspects are believed to have links to Al Qaeda's faction in Yemen.
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates had provided him with information that helped identify the woman as a suspect.

He said security forces had surrounded a house in the capital city of Sanaa that was believed to be holding the woman. A security official later confirmed the woman had been arrested.
Investigators in Yemen confirmed they traced the woman through a telephone number left with courier company UPS. They are also searching for several accomplices linked to Al Qaeda.
Tonight's developments came as David Cameron said the explosive device found hidden in a printer cartridge on a cargo plane at East Midlands Airport was apparently designed to blow the aircraft out of the sky."

8. Don't worry about it, they failed, so you can go ahead and get the remote and watch the tube, yawn, then pick your nose.


Wrong mate! Al Qaeda is trying to murder us. Pull your head out of your fart stack and look at the real world, instead of constantly looking at yesterday's lunch!

1. You keep lying to yourself.
2. And just pray yor time isn't near.
3. Us grown ups will deal with reality, go watch some cartoons.

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. More domestic attempted attacks on Americans.
2. Guess who wants you dead?
3. Yeah, you guessed it, again.
4. Muslims.
5. The shock!!!!!???????
6. And you thought you were safe????
7. Link and sample:Al Qaeda ink cartridge bomb: Woman arrested in Yemen | Mail Online


A woman accused of posting two printer bombs found on board cargo planes in the UK and Dubai has been arrested in Yemen.
Investigators said the woman was detained as part of a manhunt for a number of suspects believed to have used forged documents and ID cards that played a role in the plot that was thwarted yesterday.
Yemeni officials this evening said the suspects are believed to have links to Al Qaeda's faction in Yemen.
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates had provided him with information that helped identify the woman as a suspect.

He said security forces had surrounded a house in the capital city of Sanaa that was believed to be holding the woman. A security official later confirmed the woman had been arrested.
Investigators in Yemen confirmed they traced the woman through a telephone number left with courier company UPS. They are also searching for several accomplices linked to Al Qaeda.
Tonight's developments came as David Cameron said the explosive device found hidden in a printer cartridge on a cargo plane at East Midlands Airport was apparently designed to blow the aircraft out of the sky."

8. Don't worry about it, they failed, so you can go ahead and get the remote and watch the tube, yawn, then pick your nose.


Wrong mate! Al Qaeda is trying to murder us. Pull your head out of your fart stack and look at the real world, instead of constantly looking at yesterday's lunch!

1. You keep lying to yourself.
2. And just pray yor time isn't near.
3. Us grown ups will deal with reality, go watch some cartoons.


Now listen here, you shit-for-brains retard. We in Britain face further attacks from an extreme wing of the IRA. Now we all know the IRA is catholic, so, on the basis you use...it's the catholics who threaten us and try to kill us. See how that doesn't fly...you stupid twat!

You refer to yourself as a grown up, I see. Really? I reckon you've only recently quit crapping in your diapers. As for terrorism, what have you been doing about it? Apart from sitting at your computer typing the kinda bullshit and bigoted nonsense you post here. It's people like me who make sure idiotic arseholes like you can spout your crap in comfort and safety.

You know what, I spit on you, you miserable piece of shit. Oh, and I see you use the title, 'Sir'. You made a spelling mistake. It should be 'Cur'.
OMG,not another Muslim.....I thought they were the Cool ones.....right Whoppi and Joy? the people who are peaceful.
Earlier today, police bomb technicians examined a suspicious package flown in from Yemen to a regional British airport, but they reported the object was not a bomb although it appeared “sinister.” The package was removed from an American cargo plane at East Midlands Airport which was en route to Chicago via Philadelphia, British police said in a statement.

Scotland Yard officials reported that the object was “definitely not a complete bomb but it was potentially sinister.
Yemeni terror threats spark fears in U.S., Britain


The “sinister” parcel at East Midlands, contained in a UPS container, comprised what police described as a “manipulated” computer printer cartridge, which was covered in white powder and had wires protruding from it.

The device initially tested negative for traces of explosives but it was understood that a further search uncovered a second suspicious package containing a “cleverly hidden” device in a printer, which included a mobile phone as one of its components.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Wrong mate! Al Qaeda is trying to murder us. Pull your head out of your fart stack and look at the real world, instead of constantly looking at yesterday's lunch!

1. You keep lying to yourself.
2. And just pray yor time isn't near.
3. Us grown ups will deal with reality, go watch some cartoons.


Now listen here, you shit-for-brains retard. We in Britain face further attacks from an extreme wing of the IRA. Now we all know the IRA is catholic, so, on the basis you use...it's the catholics who threaten us and try to kill us. See how that doesn't fly...you stupid twat!

You refer to yourself as a grown up, I see. Really? I reckon you've only recently quit crapping in your diapers. As for terrorism, what have you been doing about it? Apart from sitting at your computer typing the kinda bullshit and bigoted nonsense you post here. It's people like me who make sure idiotic arseholes like you can spout your crap in comfort and safety.

You know what, I spit on you, you miserable piece of shit. Oh, and I see you use the title, 'Sir'. You made a spelling mistake. It should be 'Cur'.

1. You have got to be kidding me,.... right,..... *Cupcake*???
2. What fairyland you are living in is your problem, you can keep it.
3. What I type and express here on the WWW, is my business, and none of your concern, you can either agree with it, or agree to disagree, your childish name calling isn't my thing, kido.
4. What kills me is you think your defending the good, and attacking the bad, man have you got a lot to learn,....*Cupcake*!!!!!!
5. Islam has nothing to offer mankind, but an early grave, you up for it???,....*Cupcake*????
6. I'm not, and its my will to expose islam for what it is, and the best way to do it is to reach out onto the WWW, and tell it like it is.
7. Now go back to your cartoons,....*Cupcake*!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. You keep lying to yourself.
2. And just pray yor time isn't near.
3. Us grown ups will deal with reality, go watch some cartoons.


Now listen here, you shit-for-brains retard. We in Britain face further attacks from an extreme wing of the IRA. Now we all know the IRA is catholic, so, on the basis you use...it's the catholics who threaten us and try to kill us. See how that doesn't fly...you stupid twat!

You refer to yourself as a grown up, I see. Really? I reckon you've only recently quit crapping in your diapers. As for terrorism, what have you been doing about it? Apart from sitting at your computer typing the kinda bullshit and bigoted nonsense you post here. It's people like me who make sure idiotic arseholes like you can spout your crap in comfort and safety.

You know what, I spit on you, you miserable piece of shit. Oh, and I see you use the title, 'Sir'. You made a spelling mistake. It should be 'Cur'.

1. You have got to be kidding me,.... right,..... *Cupcake*???
2. What fairyland you are living in is your problem, you can keep it.
3. What I type and express here on the WWW, is my business, and none of your concern, you can either agree with it, or agree to disagree, your childish name calling isn't my thing, kido.
4. What kills me is you think your defending the good, and attacking the bad, man have you got a lot to learn,....*Cupcake*!!!!!!
5. Islam has nothing to offer mankind, but an early grave, you up for it???,....*Cupcake*????
6. I'm not, and its my will to expose islam for what it is, and the best way to do it is to reach out onto the WWW, and tell it like it is.
7. Now go back to your cartoons,....*Cupcake*!!!!:lol::lol::lol:


:lol::lol::lol: What a moron you are! And what a sad little man you must be. News for you dickhead. You post on a public board and it becomes everybodies business, not just yours. Now crawl back under that rock of yours...Cur Jimmy! :lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. My opinons are my own,....... *Cupcake*,.......:lol:
2. And I have every right to express them,......small child.
3. Maybe you should stick to your cartoons kiddy boy.:lol::lol::lol:
4. This is my rock, and I will continue to post my opinions *RIGHT HERE*,....:lol:
5, Cur Colon,..lol!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Earlier today, police bomb technicians examined a suspicious package flown in from Yemen to a regional British airport, but they reported the object was not a bomb although it appeared “sinister.” The package was removed from an American cargo plane at East Midlands Airport which was en route to Chicago via Philadelphia, British police said in a statement.

Scotland Yard officials reported that the object was “definitely not a complete bomb but it was potentially sinister.
Yemeni terror threats spark fears in U.S., Britain


The “sinister” parcel at East Midlands, contained in a UPS container, comprised what police described as a “manipulated” computer printer cartridge, which was covered in white powder and had wires protruding from it.

The device initially tested negative for traces of explosives but it was understood that a further search uncovered a second suspicious package containing a “cleverly hidden” device in a printer, which included a mobile phone as one of its components.
Cargo plane terror alert: bombs 'designed to harm US synagogues' - Telegraph

Exactly, it's all bullshit, to keep people scared, and continue to hate Israels enemies.
"What is really insulting is that whoever set up this hoax really thought that it would never occur to us that an intelligent woman, sharp enough to be a medical student, would probably not put her own phone number on such a package. They really did think you were that dumb! "
Hanan al Samawi, woman busted in Yemen for role in cargo plane bomb plot, was 'set up': lawyer
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!



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*Hey Guess Who's Trying To Kill You Again


Several police with guns drawn surrounded and then entered a house at 569 Crescent St. Monday after a man reported to be the father of suspected spree killer Keith Luke had made loud, overt threats from a window.

According to reports from the area, police surrounded a house on Crescent Street where David Luke was believed to be. Witnesses said police entered the building and talked with Luke before they all emerged from the house and walked Luke to a waiting ambulance. No shots were fired.

Keith Luke, who when last seen in court had a shaved head and hand-carved swastika on his forehead, is accused of killing two people and critically wounding a third on Jan. 21, 2009 in Brockton in what authorities have called a racially motivated attack. All three victims were Cape Verdean.

The self-proclaimed white supremacist is accused of killing Selma Goncalves, 20, and Arlindo Goncalves, 72, and wounding a third person whom he also is accused of raping.
Luke then led police on a chase through the city before crashing his van. He is also charged with shooting at officers. Keith Luke has been held without bail since his Jan. 21 arrest.
Read more: http://www.patriotledger.com/homepage/x664195383/Brockt...

Wednesday, January 21 -- the day after the inauguration -- 22-year-old Keith Luke goes on a rape and killing spree in his Boston neighborhood. He rapes and kills one woman, and kills the sister who tries to help her. He then goes out onto the street and shoots a passing homeless man. Police intercept him on his way to a local synagogue, where he tells them he intended to "kill as many Jews as possible during bingo night." He also tells investigators that he was fighting the extinction of the white race, and had stockpiled 200 round of ammunition to that end.

Tuesday, February 10 -- In Belfast, Maine, radioactive "dirty bomb" materials are found in home of James Cummings, who had been killed by his wife after years of domestic violence. Cummings was an admirer of Adolf Hitler; a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and a filled-out application for the National Socialist Movement were found on the scene.

Thursday, February 26 -- In Miramar Beach, FL, 60-year-old Dannie Baker walks into a neighboring townhouse where 14 Chilean students -- all in the US legally -- are gathered. He fires, killing two and wounding five. Those who know Baker describe him as a mentally ill man obsessed with the fear that immigrants are taking over the country.

Sunday, April 5 -- Budding white supremacist and recently discharged veteran Richard Popalowski shoots and kills three police officers following a standoff in Pittsburgh. They were responding to a domestic disturbance call. He believed they had been sent by the Obama Adminstration to take away his guns.

Tuesday, April 28 -- US Army Reservist Joshua Cartwright shoots and kills two sheriff's deputies in Fort Walton Beach, FL. His wife called police from the emergency room after he beat her. In the incident report, his wife reported that her husband believed the U.S. Government was conspiring against him, and was severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President.

Wednesday, May 6 -- Stephen P. Morgan of Middletown, CT kills former NYU classmate Johanna Justin-Jinich, whom he had been harassing since at least 2007. A diary found in his belongings included an entry: "I think it's ok to kill Jews and go on a killing spree" and "Kill Johanna. She must Die." Justin-Jinich was Jewish, and the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor.

Sunday, May 31 -- Dr. George Tiller is shot to death while ushering at his Lutheran church in Wichita, KS. His killer, Scott Roeder, is captured by police within hours. Roeder is found to have ties to several violent right-wing groups, including the Montana Freemen and the Sovereign Citizen movement. He had also been committing acts of vandalism against abortion clinics for years, most recently just days before the assassination.

Wednesday, June 10 -- Well-known anti-Semitic blogger James Wenneker von Brunn walks into the national Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and opens fire, killing a security guard. Von Brunn had been prominent in Holocaust denier circles for several decades, and considered Holocaust museums to be a crime against white history.
Sorry bout that,

1. They really are trying to kill you.
2. Most people are just to damned dump to consider it.
3. To busy trying to figure out what channel to watch.
4. Minds of mush.
5. Buts thats why *CWN* is here!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sorry bout that,

1. My opinons are my own,....... *Cupcake*,.......:lol:
2. And I have every right to express them,......small child.
3. Maybe you should stick to your cartoons kiddy boy.:lol::lol::lol:
4. This is my rock, and I will continue to post my opinions *RIGHT HERE*,....:lol:
5, Cur Colon,..lol!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:


You really are fucking dumb! You are of course entitled to your opinion. I simply corrected you on the fact that once you make your opinions public, they are open to comment whether that be ridicule or anything else. OK. You can go back to sleep now.
Sorry bout that,

*Hey Guess Who's Trying To Kill You Again


Several police with guns drawn surrounded and then entered a house at 569 Crescent St. Monday after a man reported to be the father of suspected spree killer Keith Luke had made loud, overt threats from a window.

According to reports from the area, police surrounded a house on Crescent Street where David Luke was believed to be. Witnesses said police entered the building and talked with Luke before they all emerged from the house and walked Luke to a waiting ambulance. No shots were fired.

Keith Luke, who when last seen in court had a shaved head and hand-carved swastika on his forehead, is accused of killing two people and critically wounding a third on Jan. 21, 2009 in Brockton in what authorities have called a racially motivated attack. All three victims were Cape Verdean.

The self-proclaimed white supremacist is accused of killing Selma Goncalves, 20, and Arlindo Goncalves, 72, and wounding a third person whom he also is accused of raping.
Luke then led police on a chase through the city before crashing his van. He is also charged with shooting at officers. Keith Luke has been held without bail since his Jan. 21 arrest.
Read more: http://www.patriotledger.com/homepage/x664195383/Brockt...

Wednesday, January 21 -- the day after the inauguration -- 22-year-old Keith Luke goes on a rape and killing spree in his Boston neighborhood. He rapes and kills one woman, and kills the sister who tries to help her. He then goes out onto the street and shoots a passing homeless man. Police intercept him on his way to a local synagogue, where he tells them he intended to "kill as many Jews as possible during bingo night." He also tells investigators that he was fighting the extinction of the white race, and had stockpiled 200 round of ammunition to that end.

Tuesday, February 10 -- In Belfast, Maine, radioactive "dirty bomb" materials are found in home of James Cummings, who had been killed by his wife after years of domestic violence. Cummings was an admirer of Adolf Hitler; a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and a filled-out application for the National Socialist Movement were found on the scene.

Thursday, February 26 -- In Miramar Beach, FL, 60-year-old Dannie Baker walks into a neighboring townhouse where 14 Chilean students -- all in the US legally -- are gathered. He fires, killing two and wounding five. Those who know Baker describe him as a mentally ill man obsessed with the fear that immigrants are taking over the country.

Sunday, April 5 -- Budding white supremacist and recently discharged veteran Richard Popalowski shoots and kills three police officers following a standoff in Pittsburgh. They were responding to a domestic disturbance call. He believed they had been sent by the Obama Adminstration to take away his guns.

Tuesday, April 28 -- US Army Reservist Joshua Cartwright shoots and kills two sheriff's deputies in Fort Walton Beach, FL. His wife called police from the emergency room after he beat her. In the incident report, his wife reported that her husband believed the U.S. Government was conspiring against him, and was severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President.

Wednesday, May 6 -- Stephen P. Morgan of Middletown, CT kills former NYU classmate Johanna Justin-Jinich, whom he had been harassing since at least 2007. A diary found in his belongings included an entry: "I think it's ok to kill Jews and go on a killing spree" and "Kill Johanna. She must Die." Justin-Jinich was Jewish, and the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor.

Sunday, May 31 -- Dr. George Tiller is shot to death while ushering at his Lutheran church in Wichita, KS. His killer, Scott Roeder, is captured by police within hours. Roeder is found to have ties to several violent right-wing groups, including the Montana Freemen and the Sovereign Citizen movement. He had also been committing acts of vandalism against abortion clinics for years, most recently just days before the assassination.

Wednesday, June 10 -- Well-known anti-Semitic blogger James Wenneker von Brunn walks into the national Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and opens fire, killing a security guard. Von Brunn had been prominent in Holocaust denier circles for several decades, and considered Holocaust museums to be a crime against white history.

1. I see crazy people, you being one, if you think these are the same.
2. And not whole nations and peoples tryng to kill me like we see with islam/muslims.
3. Apples,.......etc.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. My opinons are my own,....... *Cupcake*,.......:lol:
2. And I have every right to express them,......small child.
3. Maybe you should stick to your cartoons kiddy boy.:lol::lol::lol:
4. This is my rock, and I will continue to post my opinions *RIGHT HERE*,....:lol:
5, Cur Colon,..lol!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:


You really are fucking dumb! You are of course entitled to your opinion. I simply corrected you on the fact that once you make your opinions public, they are open to comment whether that be ridicule or anything else. OK. You can go back to sleep now.

1. I find it freaking hilarious jokers like you just pipe in with some bullshit, then say nothing about the topic at hand, then stumble back off into nothingness.
2. Perfect example of a know nothing child, just like the other twerp bullshitting me.
3. Grow up and in a few years you come on back and post an opinion/views.
4. When the other half of your brain fills in.
5. CurColon,.........

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