Hey Barack, why so socialist?

Meister, stop driveling and pay attention. The parcel and post and delivery industries have competed with the USPS very well for a very long time. Health insurance reform is not universal health care reform. Government regulati.on is not socialism. Breathe into a paper bag, if you have to, and calm down.

Government regulation is not socialism, I agree.

Redistribution of wealth, bailouts, nationalizing banks and auto industry is.
I never got the Joker/Obama comparison. Wasn't the Joker just an agent of chaos trying to destroy humanity for the sake of it after he was abused and had his lips cut open by his mother?

People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:
I never got the Joker/Obama comparison. Wasn't the Joker just an agent of chaos trying to destroy humanity for the sake of it after he was abused and had his lips cut open by his mother?

People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:

Which is why I didn't get it. What evidence is there that Obama is deliberately plotting to take down the country? It's a stupid analogy. I could've sworn the Joker said it was his mother in The Dark Knight though...
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Ame®icano;1646659 said:
Meister, stop driveling and pay attention. The parcel and post and delivery industries have competed with the USPS very well for a very long time. Health insurance reform is not universal health care reform. Government regulati.on is not socialism. Breathe into a paper bag, if you have to, and calm down.

Government regulation is not socialism, I agree.

Redistribution of wealth, bailouts, nationalizing banks and auto industry is.

Any step toward government control and regulation of the economy is socialism. That includes the mere existence of the SEC and IRS.
Any step toward government control and regulation of the economy is socialism. That includes the mere existence of the SEC and IRS.
Regulation (i.e. to make regular) is not any kind of attempt to control the economy.

Given the recent failures of the SEC to do their job and the history of IRS thuggery, your examples of allegedly beneficial "regulating" agencies leaves much to be desired.
Ame®icano;1646659 said:
Meister, stop driveling and pay attention. The parcel and post and delivery industries have competed with the USPS very well for a very long time. Health insurance reform is not universal health care reform. Government regulati.on is not socialism. Breathe into a paper bag, if you have to, and calm down.

Government regulation is not socialism, I agree.

Redistribution of wealth, bailouts, nationalizing banks and auto industry is.

Socialism is a form of economics, where the government owns and manages the industry (that includes micro-managing, administering, running payroll with everyone on the payroll). Please show me where that is happening.
I never got the Joker/Obama comparison. Wasn't the Joker just an agent of chaos trying to destroy humanity for the sake of it after he was abused and had his lips cut open by his mother?

People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:

Which is why I didn't get it. What evidence is there that Obama is deliberately plotting to take down the country? It's a stupid analogy. I could've sworn the Joker said it was his mother in The Dark Knight though...

The Joker told two different stories about his face. He is a LIAR, no one knows when he is being serious. He says one thing, then turns around and does the opposite.

Those are the things the Hussein has in common with him. :lol:
People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:

Which is why I didn't get it. What evidence is there that Obama is deliberately plotting to take down the country? It's a stupid analogy. I could've sworn the Joker said it was his mother in The Dark Knight though...

The Joker told two different stories about his face. He is a LIAR, no one knows when he is being serious. He says one thing, then turns around and does the opposite.

Those are the things the Hussein has in common with him. :lol:

Ah... well thanks for the explanation.
notice what Leeden and Limbaugh did when they realized they'd fallen for a dumb joke -- they blamed Obama anyway.
What in hell are you talking about?

This particular hoax motivated me to tune Rush in yesterday, and all he did after correcting himself for being hoaxed was go off on a riff mimicking Dan Rather.

Now, why are you derailing the thread?
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notice what Leeden and Limbaugh did when they realized they'd fallen for a dumb joke -- they blamed Obama anyway.

Rush was making a point - because that is the precedent the media set with the fake comments they made up about Rush. But of course liberals are too stupid to know what that means.
People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:

Which is why I didn't get it. What evidence is there that Obama is deliberately plotting to take down the country? It's a stupid analogy. I could've sworn the Joker said it was his mother in The Dark Knight though...

The Joker told two different stories about his face. He is a LIAR, no one knows when he is being serious. He says one thing, then turns around and does the opposite.

Those are the things the Hussein has in common with him. :lol:

Ame®icano;1646659 said:
Meister, stop driveling and pay attention. The parcel and post and delivery industries have competed with the USPS very well for a very long time. Health insurance reform is not universal health care reform. Government regulati.on is not socialism. Breathe into a paper bag, if you have to, and calm down.

Government regulation is not socialism, I agree.

Redistribution of wealth, bailouts, nationalizing banks and auto industry is.

Socialism is a form of economics, where the government owns and manages the industry (that includes micro-managing, administering, running payroll with everyone on the payroll). Please show me where that is happening.

The "micromanaging" etc. will come a step at a time....first socialism must insert its fat foot into the free market....thru more and more government "administration"....Obama is definitely an advocate of that....

Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

How about Obama's advocating a national health care system? Isn't that government administration in the free market?

How about Obama's advocating the cap and trade system? Isn't that government administration in the free market?

How about Obama's advocating the government administration of communications in the free market?

How about Obama's advocating the nationalization of the banks? Government administration once again.

How about Obama's advocating the national takeover of the auto industry? Here's a quick summary of that particular administration where you could see some real "micromanaging" occurring:

Obama's takeover of the American auto industry is so breathtaking in scope and power that it proves all the RNC's accusations about socialism. The takeover was followed by orders to close 789 local Chrysler dealers, notices to 1,100 General Motors franchises that they will be shut down by next year and estimates that total dealer shutdowns will rise to 3,000.

Some of these local dealerships have been family-owned for generations. The Chrysler and GM dealership closings are estimated to eliminate 187,000 jobs, which is more than the number of people who work for the two automakers.

Now we can see the icing on the cake for the politicians who use economic dictatorship to punish those who resist socialist planners. Nearly every one of the closed local dealerships had donated to Republican candidates, almost none was an Obama contributor, and some dealerships owned by Democrats are not getting the ax.

These closings come after Obama's extraordinary cash and stock favoritism to one of his principal campaign supporters, the United Auto Workers union. The car czar, Steve Rattner, was a top Democratic fundraiser (surprise, surprise!).

Obama Is Remaking America Into Socialism - HUMAN EVENTS

Why do you liberals refuse to admit what is happening right in front of you?
Those quotes sure do sound like a socialist ideologue. How can anyone say otherwise?

Definitions of socialism:

•a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
•an economic system based on state ownership of capital

Does the government now own all industry? No. Did it attempt to prop up important industries (financial institutions and automobile) in order for it to survive IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR? Yes.

Does the government now "own" all capital? Hardly. Or did you miss those big bonuses the Wall Street fat cats want to pocket. Again.

Wealth "redistribution" works both ways. It's time that some of the windfall from the last eight years that did NOT trickle down according to Econ 101 but was pocketed by the already wealthy, start being redistributed to those who were pissed on instead.

First, Maggie...look at post #3. Second, they do have control of some auto industries, some lending institutions, and working on the healthcare industry. This isn't going to happen overnight, Maggie. But, the foot is in the door.

I still don't understand why seemingly smart people don't get WHY the so-called "bailouts" were necessary. It wasn't for "Socialist" nationalization to begin, it was to save the private sector from complete destruction. You may not agree with how it was handled at the outset, but emergency surgery was necessary. Now we need to go in and clean out the cancer. But there isn't a THINKING economist alive who doesn't believe that (the blame game notwithstanding), propping up the two most influential industries in our entire economy (the financial institutions and the auto industry) was absolutely essential.

As for health care reform, I think that should have been tabled. But it still would have meant that health care costs would continue to rise sharply in spite of massive unemployment only adding to the list of uninsured or a further reliance by the unemployed on Medicaid for assistance. However, that problem was not quite as runaway as the tsunami of the potential global financial collapse which was upon us, THIS side of the horizon.
First, Maggie...look at post #3. Second, they do have control of some auto industries, some lending institutions, and working on the healthcare industry. This isn't going to happen overnight, Maggie. But, the foot is in the door.

It's nothing but fearmongering. First it was OMG we gotta blow up everything in the Mideast before they blow us up!!! Now it's Socialism is Coming to Town. Bullshit. We are so far away from a true Socialist state, it would boggle your mind if you actually sat down and read some serious information on it.

Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. - washingtonpost.com

Couple of excerpts:

The first clear indication that Obama is not, in fact, a socialist, is the way his administration is avoiding structural changes to the financial system. Nationalization is simply not in the playbook of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his team. They favor costly, temporary measures that can easily be dismantled should the economy stabilize. Socialists support nationalization and see it as a means of creating a banking system that acts like a highly regulated public utility. The banks would then cease to be sinkholes for public funds or financial versions of casinos and would become essential to reenergizing productive sectors of the economy.

The same holds true for health care. A national health insurance system as embodied in the single-payer health plan reintroduced in legislation this year by Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), makes perfect sense to us. That bill would provide comprehensive coverage, offer a full range of choice of doctors and services and eliminate the primary cause of personal bankruptcy -- health-care bills. Obama's plan would do the opposite. By mandating that every person be insured, ObamaCare would give private health insurance companies license to systematically underinsure policyholders while cashing in on the moral currency of universal coverage. If Obama is a socialist, then on health care, he's doing a fairly good job of concealing it.

Maggie, what you posted is bullshit. I don't know if you truely believe that, or you think that I'm that stupid. The government had no legal right to intervene in the manner that they did with the lending, and auto industry....but they did, and what do you call that?
In 20 years with the healthcare industry....or there abouts, you will see a total takeover of the industry....the free market just won't be able to compete with the government. The government does not have to worry about a bottom line, they just have to tax more, and still carry a negative sum...as in Medicare, SS. So don't shove that crap at me. I'm not fearmongering...I'm looking at reality. I'm a conservative, and your a liberal...that's the way it is.

{Sigh...} Once again, what is your solution? Shall I call upon you or Dude for help feeding me, paying my medical bills and my winter fuel bill? My famiily can't afford to keep ME afloat along with their own offspring. (This isn't the 1920's where poorhouses were available for the sick and elderly.) Would you cut taxes and deplete the treasury even further? Do you HAVE any solutions or just criticisms?
Those quotes sure do sound like a socialist ideologue. How can anyone say otherwise?
By cynically trying to parse on the semantics of the term "socialist".

Ahhh yes, I forgot all about deflection. Thanks Dude for the reminder.

Is this parsing? Is this Socialism? Can you tell me who said it?

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.

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