Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality vs. ???

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
Some years ago I read that curious though it may seem, the 'Star of David' has been found in ancient sites throughout the world - in places as far away as India and China - even at native American ruins in South & Central America all predecessing the existance of the Jewish religion.

Now, in reading 'The DaVince Code', I found it interesting that the pre-ancient symbol for man was a triangle pointing up, while the symbol for woman was a triangle pointing down. This insinuates that the 'Star of David' is actually the symbol for the bonding of man and woman - the symbol of devote monogamy.

Being from New York, I've known quite a lot of homosexuals. I'm devotedly hetersexual and every homosexual that I've ever known has respected my hetersexuality - possibly losing interest in me socially, but other than that there has been no problem.

I am also aware that dedicated homosexuals are only a tiny percentage of the population - even in New York. I do not concieve of homosexuals as being a threat in any way to myself or my family. Additionally, I applaud homosexuals for their desire marry thereby humanizing their romantic relationships.

That being said, I find that the true conflict in soceity is NOT between homosexuals and heterosexuals, but between MONOGAMOUS and POLYGAMOUS.

Quite a few people that I've known - and unfortunately dated - seem to have tremendous tendencies towards polygamy. They change boyfriend or girlfriends, they cheat on spouses. They tend to get married and devorced quite a lot. They simply are not prone to be dedicated to a single person. They also tend not to be devoted parents either.

What worse is that these polygamous people also have a tendancy towards orgies. Something that I, and many other people find to be grotesque.

So while we debate homosexuality ad infinitum, we seem to have no label for the rather large percentage of the population that is prone to polygamy. Yet it is obvious that they influence our soceity tremendously.

It seems that monogamy became the norm for humanity very late in the anthropological calendar - and was noted thru the 'Star of David' everywhere. Monogamy, it seems, is the true 'new revolution' of human sexuality.

It is my belief that monogamy is the bedrock on which human social evolution is built. That which pulled us out of the darkness of primitivism and launched civilization.

So why is it that we have no name for or a discussion of people with strong polygamous tendancies? They seem to be a shadow force in soceity that is constantly pulling humanity back to primitivism.
Some years ago I read that curious though it may seem, the 'Star of David' has been found in ancient sites throughout the world - in places as far away as India and China - even at native American ruins in South & Central America all predecessing the existance of the Jewish religion.

Now, in reading 'The DaVince Code', I found it interesting that the pre-ancient symbol for man was a triangle pointing up, while the symbol for woman was a triangle pointing down. This insinuates that the 'Star of David' is actually the symbol for the bonding of man and woman - the symbol of devote monogamy.

Being from New York, I've known quite a lot of homosexuals. I'm devotedly hetersexual and every homosexual that I've ever known has respected my hetersexuality - possibly losing interest in me socially, but other than that there has been no problem.

I am also aware that dedicated homosexuals are only a tiny percentage of the population - even in New York. I do not concieve of homosexuals as being a threat in any way to myself or my family. Additionally, I applaud homosexuals for their desire marry thereby humanizing their romantic relationships.

That being said, I find that the true conflict in soceity is NOT between homosexuals and heterosexuals, but between MONOGAMOUS and POLYGAMOUS.

Quite a few people that I've known - and unfortunately dated - seem to have tremendous tendencies towards polygamy. They change boyfriend or girlfriends, they cheat on spouses. They tend to get married and devorced quite a lot. They simply are not prone to be dedicated to a single person. They also tend not to be devoted parents either.

What worse is that these polygamous people also have a tendancy towards orgies. Something that I, and many other people find to be grotesque.

So while we debate homosexuality ad infinitum, we seem to have no label for the rather large percentage of the population that is prone to polygamy. Yet it is obvious that they influence our soceity tremendously.

It seems that monogamy became the norm for humanity very late in the anthropological calendar - and was noted thru the 'Star of David' everywhere. Monogamy, it seems, is the true 'new revolution' of human sexuality.

It is my belief that monogamy is the bedrock on which human social evolution is built. That which pulled us out of the darkness of primitivism and launched civilization.

So why is it that we have no name for or a discussion of people with strong polygamous tendancies? They seem to be a shadow force in soceity that is constantly pulling humanity back to primitivism.

Good post, but we do have a name for those who promote polygamy, don't we? We call them bigamists or polygamists.

As to why society seems to accept them more than homosexuals? Well, the Word of God is clearly interpreted by most Christians to declare homosexuality as a sin, and it seems for some, to be the "unforgivable sin". Many believe Polygamy was acceptable to God because the Scriptures speak freely about Polygamy (David was a polygamist and declared to be a "man after God's own Heart", Solomon was clearly a polygamist, Abraham was as well and many others), yet, I don't think that God approves of polygamy anywhere in the Scriptures.

Again, good post.

Some years ago I read that curious though it may seem, the 'Star of David' has been found in ancient sites throughout the world - in places as far away as India and China - even at native American ruins in South & Central America all predecessing the existance of the Jewish religion.

Now, in reading 'The DaVince Code', I found it interesting that the pre-ancient symbol for man was a triangle pointing up, while the symbol for woman was a triangle pointing down. This insinuates that the 'Star of David' is actually the symbol for the bonding of man and woman - the symbol of devote monogamy.

Being from New York, I've known quite a lot of homosexuals. I'm devotedly hetersexual and every homosexual that I've ever known has respected my hetersexuality - possibly losing interest in me socially, but other than that there has been no problem.

I am also aware that dedicated homosexuals are only a tiny percentage of the population - even in New York. I do not concieve of homosexuals as being a threat in any way to myself or my family. Additionally, I applaud homosexuals for their desire marry thereby humanizing their romantic relationships.

That being said, I find that the true conflict in soceity is NOT between homosexuals and heterosexuals, but between MONOGAMOUS and POLYGAMOUS.

Quite a few people that I've known - and unfortunately dated - seem to have tremendous tendencies towards polygamy. They change boyfriend or girlfriends, they cheat on spouses. They tend to get married and devorced quite a lot. They simply are not prone to be dedicated to a single person. They also tend not to be devoted parents either.

What worse is that these polygamous people also have a tendancy towards orgies. Something that I, and many other people find to be grotesque.

So while we debate homosexuality ad infinitum, we seem to have no label for the rather large percentage of the population that is prone to polygamy. Yet it is obvious that they influence our soceity tremendously.

It seems that monogamy became the norm for humanity very late in the anthropological calendar - and was noted thru the 'Star of David' everywhere. Monogamy, it seems, is the true 'new revolution' of human sexuality.

It is my belief that monogamy is the bedrock on which human social evolution is built. That which pulled us out of the darkness of primitivism and launched civilization.

So why is it that we have no name for or a discussion of people with strong polygamous tendancies? They seem to be a shadow force in soceity that is constantly pulling humanity back to primitivism.

Good post, but we do have a name for those who promote polygamy, don't we? We call them bigamists or polygamists.

As to why society seems to accept them more than homosexuals? Well, the Word of God is clearly interpreted by most Christians to declare homosexuality as a sin, and it seems for some, to be the "unforgivable sin". Many believe Polygamy was acceptable to God because the Scriptures speak freely about Polygamy (David was a polygamist and declared to be a "man after God's own Heart", Solomon was clearly a polygamist, Abraham was as well and many others), yet, I don't think that God approves of polygamy anywhere in the Scriptures.

Again, good post.


I don't quite agree. I seems that religious people determine bigamists or polygamist as people who participate in some formal marraige ceremony. I define them by their sexual activity. For example ( and once again, I grew up in New York in the 1970-80s, when tere was a thriving sex industry):

I consider prostitutes to be women that have multiple husbands. They are not formally married to any of them. In general, there lovers treat them like godesses and are generally abused by them. They guys are just to stupid to see it that way. This is why people like that flourish in our soceity - becuase the term polygamy is narrowly and inaccurately defined.

Secondly, the ten commandments forbide adultory. Once again narrowly restricted by a formal marraige ceremony - not by people sex habits.

Third, it's pretty clear that Judio-CHristian philosohy does not hod the same standards fro the ancient prophets that it holds for modern day people. David's or Solomon's polygamy does not justify modern polygamy. Possibly becuase the Bible is more of a history of the evolution of the Jewish people from primitivism to a modern soceity.

Fourth, passages from the Bible are INTERPERTED as being God's word forbiding homosexuality. There is nothing EXPLICITLY forbiding homosexuality. It seems that those who interpert the Bible were likely predetermined to find something forbiding homosexuality - and cold only interpert passages to fit their predetermination - because the was no specific and explicit law stated.

Finally, the INTEROPERTATION of any passage in the Bible is STRICTLY forbidden in the very last statement of the Bible which explicitly forbides anyione adding or taking away anything - a clear admonition against interpertation of ant sort. Universally ignored by Christians. To believe in the Christian Bible means no interpertation, no symbolic assumptions at all.
Some years ago I read that curious though it may seem, the 'Star of David' has been found in ancient sites throughout the world - in places as far away as India and China - even at native American ruins in South & Central America all predecessing the existance of the Jewish religion.

Now, in reading 'The DaVince Code', I found it interesting that the pre-ancient symbol for man was a triangle pointing up, while the symbol for woman was a triangle pointing down. This insinuates that the 'Star of David' is actually the symbol for the bonding of man and woman - the symbol of devote monogamy.

Being from New York, I've known quite a lot of homosexuals. I'm devotedly hetersexual and every homosexual that I've ever known has respected my hetersexuality - possibly losing interest in me socially, but other than that there has been no problem.

I am also aware that dedicated homosexuals are only a tiny percentage of the population - even in New York. I do not concieve of homosexuals as being a threat in any way to myself or my family. Additionally, I applaud homosexuals for their desire marry thereby humanizing their romantic relationships.

That being said, I find that the true conflict in soceity is NOT between homosexuals and heterosexuals, but between MONOGAMOUS and POLYGAMOUS.

Quite a few people that I've known - and unfortunately dated - seem to have tremendous tendencies towards polygamy. They change boyfriend or girlfriends, they cheat on spouses. They tend to get married and devorced quite a lot. They simply are not prone to be dedicated to a single person. They also tend not to be devoted parents either.

What worse is that these polygamous people also have a tendancy towards orgies. Something that I, and many other people find to be grotesque.

So while we debate homosexuality ad infinitum, we seem to have no label for the rather large percentage of the population that is prone to polygamy. Yet it is obvious that they influence our soceity tremendously.

It seems that monogamy became the norm for humanity very late in the anthropological calendar - and was noted thru the 'Star of David' everywhere. Monogamy, it seems, is the true 'new revolution' of human sexuality.

It is my belief that monogamy is the bedrock on which human social evolution is built. That which pulled us out of the darkness of primitivism and launched civilization.

So why is it that we have no name for or a discussion of people with strong polygamous tendancies? They seem to be a shadow force in soceity that is constantly pulling humanity back to primitivism.

Actually, it was farming that launched civilisation (enough food around so that people actually had free time instead of grubbing around for twigs and things you know), but nice stretch.

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