He's not dead yet Dems Romney just 1pt behind Obama Gallup poll


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
It's the economy! Obama's bounce has evaporated. And even though this is before the secret video was released, and sorry libs, Romney's right about the victim mentality of the left, it shows the convention bounce has gone and the race is neck and neck.


Mitt Romney's presidential bid has been gleefully portrayed as doomed after a series of supposed stumbles that have delighted Democrats.

Voters, however, apparently view things rather differently.

Romney has closed to just one point behind Barack Obama - a drop of six percentage points in a week for the President, according to the latest Gallup tracking poll released on Tuesday. Obama is now on 47 points and Romney 46.

Gallup poll shows Mitt Romney CLOSING to just one point behind Barack Obama | Mail Online
I think it's awesome Republicans have been reduced to claiming their candidate's "not dead (yet)".

I think it's kind of stupid that Democrats keep yelling he is dead while their candidate is in the midsts of a huge foreign policy scandal, the economy is a free fall, the Fed is printing more money, and our debt is beyond belief.
I think it's awesome Republicans have been reduced to claiming their candidate's "not dead (yet)".

It's been the liberals claiming that Romney has been dead for the past several months. Not Republicans. I think his new nickname really should be Lazarus, because every time the lib media declares him dead, cripes, he comes alive again.

The polls for ages now, with the exception of the bounces over the conventions have had for the most part when there's no oversampling, both Obama and Romney in almost a dead heat.

The incumbent, the liberal messiah, is in trouble. And I love it. :D
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I think this new poll is just an outlier, besides, it's the state polls that matter now and on that count, Obama is headed for over 300 electoral votes at this point.

Romney's going to pick off NC and IN, but he's still behind everywhere else and has never moved ahead to stay in CO, FL, OH, MI, WI, IO and VA. And he needs to flip 4 or 5 of those.

At this point in the 2008 campaign, the RCP average showed Obama ahead of McCain by about 1.5%. At this moment, Obama's ahead by about 3% in the RCP average.

Romney has about two weeks to turn this thing around, or forget about it. And since he's such an awful candidate who seems incapable of explaining himself, I doubt he can rebound.
I think it's awesome Republicans have been reduced to claiming their candidate's "not dead (yet)".

It's been the liberals claiming that Romney has been dead for the past several months. Not Republicans. I think his new nickname really should be Lazarus, because every time the douche bag lib media declares him dead, cripes, he comes alive again.

The polls for ages now, with the exception of the bounces over the conventions have had for the most part when there's no oversampling, both Obama and Romney in almost a dead heat.

The incumbent, the liberal messiah, is in trouble. And I love it. :D

Lovely pot/kettle you got going there. IIRC, you wingnuts have been crowing about how totally unpopular the Prez is, yet he's been ahead in the polls the whole time.

Btw, do you mind if I rub your face in this later? How 'bout we see how polls look in a week after this little video that's going around has a chance to sink in. Who knows, we may not even have to wait that long...
I think it's awesome Republicans have been reduced to claiming their candidate's "not dead (yet)".

It's been the liberals claiming that Romney has been dead for the past several months. Not Republicans. I think his new nickname really should be Lazarus, because every time the douche bag lib media declares him dead, cripes, he comes alive again.

The polls for ages now, with the exception of the bounces over the conventions have had for the most part when there's no oversampling, both Obama and Romney in almost a dead heat.

The incumbent, the liberal messiah, is in trouble. And I love it. :D

Lovely pot/kettle you got going there. IIRC, you wingnuts have been crowing about how totally unpopular the Prez is, yet he's been ahead in the polls the whole time.

Btw, do you mind if I rub your face in this later? How 'bout we see how polls look in a week after this little video that's going around has a chance to sink in. Who knows, we may not even have to wait that long...

<rub, rub>


Talking Points Memo

That poll does not have Gary Johnson in it who polls around 6%... So that poll is fail seeing as GJ is on the ballot in 47 states. Like it or not Mitt will lose a few % to GJ.
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