He's calling a vote.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2013
Matt's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matt's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

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What does it matter. Collapse is near. DEMS stole the office, courts and MSM.

Worst case: The criminals plan is to change the system into full-blown communist Police state. Seize your IRA/401K. make you house Blacks and Illegals with your 12 yr. old Children still at home. You will own nothing and be thankful for 10lbs of potatoes once a week.
Matti's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matti's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

Dems have a chance to save McCarthy

Doesnt seem a single Dem wants to throw him a lifeline.
Let Republicans choke on their own disfunction
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Mac1958 has a FUNNY problem.

remember when the board was trailing and piling on @Stacy with funnies and MGT tried to stop it? Was filthy MAC one of those? I try to only use LOVE_IT😍 for a good funny unless it is so ridiculous that it warrants complete disgust or huh? what did you say? that may be funny? But of course I am above the normal bottom-feeding frey of simpletons like badMac.
Matti's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matti's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

Who the fuck is Matti.

Do you asshats even know the English language and how to PROPERLY use it?
Mac1958 has a FUNNY problem.

remember when the board was trailing and piling on @Stacy with funnies and MGT tried to stop it? Was filthy MAC one of those? I try to only use LOVE_IT😍 for a good funny unless it is so ridiculous that it warrants complete disgust or huh? what did you say? that may be funny? But of course I am above the normal bottom-feeding frey of simpletons like badMac.
What does it matter. Collapse is near. DEMS stole the office, courts and MSM.

Worst case: The criminals plan is to change the system into full-blown communist Police state. Seize your IRA/401K. make you house Blacks and Illegals with your 12 yr. old Children still at home. You will own nothing and be thankful for 10lbs of potatoes once a week.
If that's what you think then I guess it shouldn't matter to you. Any House GOP will do for Speaker Of The House huh?
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Mac1958 has a FUNNY problem.

remember when the board was trailing and piling on @Stacy with funnies and MGT tried to stop it? Was filthy MAC one of those? I try to only use LOVE_IT😍 for a good funny unless it is so ridiculous that it warrants complete disgust or huh? what did you say? that may be funny? But of course I am above the normal bottom-feeding frey of simpletons like badMac.
Dude! Disable ratings alerts and ignore them if it bothers you that much.
Dude! Disable ratings alerts and ignore them if it bothers you that much.

I get no alerts at all unless a MOD is after me or my handle is mentioned in a post (Tommy Paine did that recently). You can mind your own pathetic business also.
does not bother me at all that Mac1958 is a childish moron. we all knew it and he confirms it daily. His funny useage has increased 10-fold in the last 6 months.
The Dems should let the clown show continue for a while.

Then they should make a deal with McCarthy in exchange for their votes.

The Republicans are gonna looks like fools and take a beating.

That will put the kabash on the KAOS caucus for good.

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