Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

Floyd died from a drug overdose and was already in the process of dying from an overdose before officer Chauvin restrained him. The tainted jurors who convicted Chauvin did so out of fear that they would be targeted by the left and the media if they didn't find him guilty.

Derek Chauvin who was convicted of second-degree murder of George Floyd has appealed to the USSC after the state of Minnesota refused his appeal without explanation.

Chauvin's lawyer is saying the original trial was tainted by the media and courts so that facts were discarded such as:

-Floyd admitted to using drugs on video.

-Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe on video before the cops ever touched him.

-Floyd's lungs were 2 to 3 times the normal size and filled with fluid. This is a symptom of an overdose.

-A Floyd hired family pathologist claimed Floyd died of Asphyxiation, but the government found he died from cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained and that there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

-Hennepin County's chief medical examiner strongly suggested the primary cause of death was the deadly combination of Fentanyl, Meth, and a long list of Floyd's health problems.

-Floyd had almost 4 times the level of Fentanyl that is considered lethal.

-The restraint of using a knee on the back was in fact part of the training that officers received.

-Chauvin was the police officer that asked the ambulance to make Floyd a top priority and to hurry it up to the scene.
All true!
Chauvin did not kill George Floyd and the Democrats/MSM are responsible for every death and injury and looting and arson committed by BLM and Antifa and every other thug that used Floyd's death as an excuse to run amok.
All true!
Chauvin did not kill George Floyd and the Democrats/MSM are responsible for every death and injury and looting and arson committed by BLM and Antifa and every other thug that used Floyd's death as an excuse to run amok.
Even your twice impeached quadropoly indicted one said it was a sickening thing to watch. How effed up does that make you? A book will tell you that we`ve been having race riots for 300 years but only 1 (one) riot was an attempt to destroy our Democracy. Can you read books? Can you show us the autopsy report that said Floyd died from an overdose? Do you believe that it`s Jewish space lasers starting the wildfires? You`re going to be sending Pop-Tart money to Derek for the next 2 decades. Hopefully, a fellow inmate will give him a knee to the neck and shorten his sentence.
Even your twice impeached quadropoly indicted one said it was a sickening thing to watch. How effed up does that make you? A book will tell you that we`ve been having race riots for 300 years but only 1 (one) riot was an attempt to destroy our Democracy. Can you read books? Can you show us the autopsy report that said Floyd died from an overdose? Do you believe that it`s Jewish space lasers starting the wildfires? You`re going to be sending Pop-Tart money to Derek for the next 2 decades. Hopefully, a fellow inmate will give him a knee to the neck and shorten his sentence.
Hopefully, Chauvin will pull a Jack Reacher and assert himself in ways you can't imagine.
Hopefully, Chauvin will pull a Jack Reacher and assert himself in ways you can't imagine.
Chauvin is a murderer. A disgraced, bully cop that makes all cops look bad. He’s a stain to the badge and deserve everyday behind bars.

He brutalized a suspect because he was in over his head and couldn’t do the job.
IOW? Not sure what that is

There was nothing keeping these officers from doing their job correctly if they wanted to. We all saw the video.
The thing is that it was blown way out of proportion, and 30 people were killed, thousands assaulted, and $2 billion in property damage done as a result. The Democrats were setting cops up as horrible, evil, racist people - when in reality this was less than a one-in-a-million occurrence, Floyd was a violent ex-felon hopped up on drugs, and there was reasonable doubt as to the cause of death.
The thing is that it was blown way out of proportion, and 30 people were killed, thousands assaulted, and $2 billion in property damage done as a result. The Democrats were setting cops up as horrible, evil, racist people - when in reality this was less than a one-in-a-million occurrence, Floyd was a violent ex-felon hopped up on drugs, and there was reasonable doubt as to the cause of death.
Oh make no mistake the riots weren’t riots, they were demafacist motivated and pushed insurrection attempts to undermine the 2020 election

They had nothing to do with The murder. The demafacist merely took advantage of that tragic event
Oh make no mistake the riots weren’t riots, they were demafacist motivated and pushed insurrection attempts to undermine the 2020 election

They had nothing to do with The murder. The demafacist merely took advantage of that tragic event
It seems that the Left, who has no winning policies to extol, falls back on building “strength“ by getting their brainwashed base to rally against and defeat a made-up enemy. In 2020, it was cops. In 2024, much to my dismay, it appears to be Jews.
It seems that the Left, who has no winning policies to extol, falls back on building “strength“ by getting their brainwashed base to rally against and defeat a made-up enemy. In 2020, it was cops. In 2024, much to my dismay, it appears to be Jews.
Yes leftist regimes throughout history have made up someone to blame for their base. Blacks, Jews, rich people, cops, trump, they find a boogie man…especially when they can’t run on any successful policies like xiden
The thing is that it was blown way out of proportion, and 30 people were killed, thousands assaulted, and $2 billion in property damage done as a result. The Democrats were setting cops up as horrible, evil, racist people - when in reality this was less than a one-in-a-million occurrence, Floyd was a violent ex-felon hopped up on drugs, and there was reasonable doubt as to the cause of death.
A total crock of bullshit. The democrats were not setting cops up as horrible, evil, etc.
WTF is wrong with you? There was NO reasonable doubt on the cause of death. Even Trump said it was a sickening thing to watch.

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