Hero: Brazilian President stops LBGTQ brainwashing of little children


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
During a video address to supporters, Bolsonaro solidified his campaign promise to forbid teachers from exploring “gender ideology” that goes against the moral and religious convictions of students’ parents while

Bolsonaro delivered the message while wearing a Japan soccer shirt, asserting, “In Japan, kids of 6/7 years can solve math problems our college students can’t, because here in Brazil, it’s more important to teach a boy that he’s not a boy and a girl that she’s not a girl (like they did in the National High School Exam) than to teach them something that will allow them to free themselves from social welfare, poverty, and misery.”

The Brazilian President also claimed that left-wing forces in the country were trying to turn pedophilia into an alternative sexual lifestyle, pointing to information on The Workers’ Party’s official website which re-defines pedophilia as a mental disorder and not a crime.


That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony
Last edited:

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

From a Brazilian news agency:

“Let’s unite the people, value the family, respect the religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, fighting the gender ideology, rescuing our values. Brazil will become a country free of ideological ties,” said Bolsonaro during his speech."

Far-Right President Bolsonaro Sworn in as President in Brazil | The Rio Times

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from (since it would violate your contract with the shills to link/advertise/promote the enemy).

Also, I linked the video on the website from which I got the quote. I have done more than is required to prove/support my OP in the OP.

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.
That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.

It AIN'T MY THREAD, DUMBASS. This is *your* job to finish, not mine. And it was supposed to be done in POST ONE.

Fucking stupid shit.

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.

It AIN'T MY THREAD, DUMBASS. This is *your* job to finish, not mine. And it was supposed to be done in POST ONE.

Fucking stupid shit.

We both know where it comes from, so why can't you post it? Is it because it comes from the most publicly censored website in American media?
Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.

It AIN'T MY THREAD, DUMBASS. This is *your* job to finish, not mine. And it was supposed to be done in POST ONE.

Fucking stupid shit.

We both know where it comes from, so why can't you post it? Is it because it comes from the most publicly censored website in American media?

Dood, yer a fuckin' piece o' work. If we both knew where it came from it would have been because you did your due diligence in the OP, wouldn't it.

You're a moron. Dismissed.
What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.

It AIN'T MY THREAD, DUMBASS. This is *your* job to finish, not mine. And it was supposed to be done in POST ONE.

Fucking stupid shit.

We both know where it comes from, so why can't you post it? Is it because it comes from the most publicly censored website in American media?

Dood, yer a fuckin' piece o' work. If we both knew where it came from it would have been because you did your due diligence in the OP, wouldn't it.

You're a moron. Dismissed.
It's simple, your shill overlords will not allow you to link the source since it would violate the contract you have with them (you're not allowed to promote censored websites, aka the enemy).

and YOU do know where it comes from. You want me to link the source so you can attack it, attacking that particular source is high on your shill overlord's agenda. You're salivating at the mouth to attack that source, instead of actually DEBATE THE CONTENT OF THE VIDEO OF THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS
What are you complaining about? Can't you just google the quote I posted and tell us all where I got that quote from, or is it against your shill-overlords that pay you to include the link of the particular website I pulled it from?

What in the wide world of all that is Fuck is wrong with you morons who think SOMEBODY ELSE is going to do your homework for you?


You posted several paragraphs. YOU MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE.

Fucking IDIOT.
I did get ti from somewhere. I dare you to post the link and violate your SHILL contract.

I know how desperately you want to derail this thread and attack the source of those paragraphs instead of the video of the president (the actual content).

But you're not allowed to promote/post/advertise for that website, because they are the enym of your shill overlords.

I dare...post it...prove me wrong shill.

It AIN'T MY THREAD, DUMBASS. This is *your* job to finish, not mine. And it was supposed to be done in POST ONE.

Fucking stupid shit.

We both know where it comes from, so why can't you post it? Is it because it comes from the most publicly censored website in American media?

Dood, yer a fuckin' piece o' work. If we both knew where it came from it would have been because you did your due diligence in the OP, wouldn't it.

You're a moron. Dismissed.

You see, you shills are so predictable, you defile, obscure, deflect and derail and move goalposts. I know that the moment I directly link the source, you will do nothing except attack the source. But anyway, I did the google search for you in this link, if you're not a shill, post the first link the results in the search:

During a video address to supporters, Bolsonaro solidified his campaign promise to forbid teachers from exploring “gender ideology” that goes against the moral and religious convictions of students’ parents while Bolsonaro delivered the message while wearing a Japan soccer shirt, asserting, “In Japan, kids of 6/7 years can solve math problems our college students can’t, because here in Brazil, it’s more important to teach a boy that he’s not a boy and a girl that she’s not a girl (like they did in the National High School Exam) than to teach them something that will allow them to free themselves from social welfare, poverty, and misery.” The Brazilian President also claimed that left-wing forces in the country were trying to turn pedophilia into an alternative sexual lifestyle, pointing to information on The Workers’ Party’s official website which re-defines pedophilia as a mental disorder and not a crime. - Google Search

That's not a link --- that's a Bing search.

And you're not the OP anyway. The klown who IS the OP posted a long rambling quote with no attribution to it whatsoever. I'm waiting for that link. Now fuck off and let him catch up on what he should have furnished in the first place.

Well aren't we "testy"? :laughing0301:

"Once inside Congress, Bolsonaro and his vice president, retired Gen. Hamilton Mourao, took the oath of office. Bolsonaro then read a short speech that included many of the far-right positions he staked out during the campaign.

He promised to combat the "ideology of gender" teaching in schools, "respect our Judeo-Christian tradition" and "prepare children for the job market, not political militancy"."

Bolsonaro says Brazil 'liberated from Socialism' at inaugural ceremony

Once again --- the video from the OP isn't an "inauguration". Looks like a backyard barbecue. I already know about the inauguration; that's not what this is.

And once again, I'm waiting for the OP ------------------ not you, but rather the OP ----------------------- to answer the question put TO HIM. Not to you ----------- to him.

Are you actually unable to discern the difference between yourself and some other poster in a thread you didn't even start?

It's a bit early to be this authoritarian, isn't it?


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