Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States

Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States
Herman Cain ^ | 10-16-11 | Josh Feldman

On Meet the Press today, Herman Cain explained to David Gregory why he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction.

Cain argued that if the economic situation was to get any worse, “it would destroy our economic capability,” and from that the United States would have to look at making cuts in defense spending, which Cain seemed to imply were not on the table for him. Gregory asked the candidate to clarify if he truly meant liberals would be implicit in the destruction of America, rather than just pure mismanagement. Cain continue to stick by his comments, saying, “They do not believe in a stronger America, in my opinion.”

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Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States | Mediaite

God it's hard for me not to respect Herman Cain. This is coming from someone like me to...The guy is pretty intelligent and is earning it.:eek:

have you ever watch the re-runs of "MSNBC's OnLine Predators" and immediately said to yourself,,,hey! these losers are all typical dumbass Obama Supporters,,,they are the reason our economy has collapsed! and Im watching it now,and I know they are also as intelligent as the Wall Street Shitters!:lol:

haha, they're dumber than hell. Cain will win in a land slide that will make anything Obama did in 2008 look like a walk in the park. 75 percent of this country are angery and Cain will do what 3/4th of this country want. The left is finished!

So, what exactly is this "thing" that 3/4s of Americans "want", and Cain will deliver?
Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States
Herman Cain ^ | 10-16-11 | Josh Feldman

On Meet the Press today, Herman Cain explained to David Gregory why he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction.

Cain argued that if the economic situation was to get any worse, “it would destroy our economic capability,” and from that the United States would have to look at making cuts in defense spending, which Cain seemed to imply were not on the table for him. Gregory asked the candidate to clarify if he truly meant liberals would be implicit in the destruction of America, rather than just pure mismanagement. Cain continue to stick by his comments, saying, “They do not believe in a stronger America, in my opinion.”

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(Excerpt) Read more at mediaite.com ...

Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States | Mediaite

God it's hard for me not to respect Herman Cain. This is coming from someone like me to...The guy is pretty intelligent and is earning it.:eek:

have you ever watch the re-runs of "MSNBC's OnLine Predators" and immediately said to yourself,,,hey! these losers are all typical dumbass Obama Supporters,,,they are the reason our economy has collapsed! and Im watching it now,and I know they are also as intelligent as the Wall Street Shitters!:lol:

haha, they're dumber than hell. Cain will win in a land slide that will make anything Obama did in 2008 look like a walk in the park. 75 percent of this country are angery and Cain will do what 3/4th of this country want. The left is finished!

And you consider yourself superior? Hahahahahaha!
Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States
Herman Cain ^ | 10-16-11 | Josh Feldman

On Meet the Press today, Herman Cain explained to David Gregory why he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction.

Cain argued that if the economic situation was to get any worse, “it would destroy our economic capability,” and from that the United States would have to look at making cuts in defense spending, which Cain seemed to imply were not on the table for him. Gregory asked the candidate to clarify if he truly meant liberals would be implicit in the destruction of America, rather than just pure mismanagement. Cain continue to stick by his comments, saying, “They do not believe in a stronger America, in my opinion.”

Video at Link

(Excerpt) Read more at mediaite.com ...

Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States | Mediaite

God it's hard for me not to respect Herman Cain. This is coming from someone like me to...The guy is pretty intelligent and is earning it.:eek:

have you ever watch the re-runs of "MSNBC's OnLine Predators" and immediately said to yourself,,,hey! these losers are all typical dumbass Obama Supporters,,,they are the reason our economy has collapsed! and Im watching it now,and I know they are also as intelligent as the Wall Street Shitters!:lol:

haha, they're dumber than hell. Cain will win in a land slide that will make anything Obama did in 2008 look like a walk in the park. 75 percent of this country are angery and Cain will do what 3/4th of this country want. The left is finished!

A Cain/Romney or Romney/Cain ticket will probably satisfy the GOP and Tea Party, it balances out the votes. Romney can take the north, Cain support is the deep red south! I can understand why one half of voters aren't too sure of one of them,,but hey,,we are in an anyone but obama crisis!!! God,,,I would even vote for Barney or The Afflac Duck !!!
Move over Perry, give Cain enough time and he can join the ever growing list of Republican/Tea Party presidential candidates who have proven they're not ready for "prime time!"
Obama with a realistic approval of 35% will stoop to voter fraud again. but where will he dig up 25 million people? didn't obama pass legislation to give the dead the right to vote?
There goes his chances of veep.

Why? He is right...The left is killing our economy with the epa and their insane policies.:eusa_whistle: The republican party will side with him even more for this and he will go against Obama in 2012.

Insane policies, like clean air and safe drinking water? What a bunch of evil people!

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
Well, there goes your latest installment as a leading Tea Party backed conservative. You all really know how to pick’em.

Cain isn't going anywhere. He won't shut up and he will likely drag his claws into the left now until the election. Only Savage(My personal favorite), I believe would do better. He would do better because he would scream Obama down into a spot of his piss on the ground. Cain will use facts and knife Obama into the ground with his words. Either way Obama is going to look like a joke...

Cain being a hard core--- won't work with the democrats like Reagan, Bush's did. No, he will the first day start burning that red tape up. He will drill everywhere for oil and mine for coal. Herman Cain will bomb Iran within a month of being in office and have a electric fence across our borders. If you think he won't than you will learn.

Cain will laugh at the elite republicans...I wish it was Savage, because he would scream them down. But Cain is good enough.

It's going to be a lot of fun. You leftist have very few people that can handle a Cain...In none of them are within the race. :eek:
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There goes his chances of veep.

Why? He is right...The left is killing our economy with the epa and their insane policies.:eusa_whistle: The republican party will side with him even more for this and he will go against Obama in 2012.

Insane policies, like clean air and safe drinking water? What a bunch of evil people!

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus

Yeah, except when they go overboy ard which happens way too often. You know what is meant. Yet, you do nothing, leaving the door wide open to being dismissed.
There goes his chances of veep.

Why? He is right...The left is killing our economy with the epa and their insane policies.:eusa_whistle: The republican party will side with him even more for this and he will go against Obama in 2012.

Insane policies, like clean air and safe drinking water? What a bunch of evil people!

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus

I think your head, much like your bell, is cracked.

We never had safe drinking water or air before Obamas 80k plus new regulations eh?

Simply calling something nobel does not make it so. Nor does it make it good for our economy.
Cain can't win, he is a fool and a divider.

So Cain is going to have 1 fuck of a time pulling a Republican base being he is a fucking idiot but now he is telling the other half of the people that vote in the country they are actually "trying to destroy America."

Yeah, that kind of "bold" position won't come back and rape the shit out of him in 2012...

This all coming from the guy that likes Alan Greenspan and wants to appoint someone modeled after him… Great, just fucking wonderful, lolz.
Why? He is right...The left is killing our economy with the epa and their insane policies.:eusa_whistle: The republican party will side with him even more for this and he will go against Obama in 2012.

Insane policies, like clean air and safe drinking water? What a bunch of evil people!

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus

Yeah, except when they go overboy ard which happens way too often. You know what is meant. Yet, you do nothing, leaving the door wide open to being dismissed.

Oh, so we really don't need air that is TOO clean or water that is TOO safe, right Annie?

Don't worry, the House Republicans are hard at work eviscerating environmental protections and liquidating the commons.

Ironic, H.R. 2250 would kill 6.66 more people than 9/11...

House Passes Incinerator Bill That The EPA Warns Will Kill Thousands

WASHINGTON -- Less than an hour after passing the so-called Protect Life Act to guard the unborn, the House of Representatives passed a bill that the EPA warns will kill thousands of people prematurely.

House Republicans argued that the EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 was a "timeout" from long-delayed regulations aimed at mercury that threatened to raise costs on boiler operators and incinerators. But the measure also exempts smaller burning facilities from any regulation at all.

The EPA estimated that the bill, H.R. 2250, would allow 20,000 people to die prematurely from pollution.

He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!
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He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

I think its funny that the left is now relegated to trying to pick our winners and losers because they have nothing and no one of their own worthy of equal attention.

Great times....
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

I think its funny that the left is now relegated to trying to pick our winners and losers because they have nothing and no one of their own worthy of equal attention.

Great times....

List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.
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Just like Perry and all the rest, once Cain opens his mouth he's lost the political center.

Cain's liberal conspiracy theories may sell well the conservative faithful BUT there are still voters in this country who will demand that he back up his accusations with PROOF.

The more Cain attempts to ingratiate himself with Tea Party voters, the more he alienates the rest of the electorate.

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