HERMAN CAIN: Contender for President

HERMAN CAIN for President?

  • No way in hell!!!

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I'll need a lot more convincing.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm interested and want to know more.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Yes!!! Let's elect him.

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Herman Cain gave the closing keynote speech at CPAC and it was well received. Lacking much in the way of name recognition, Cain nevertheless is surfacing on quite a few preferred candidates lists these days. He is being included on even more potential vice president lists.

So let's start improving the name recognition problem and see what develops.

A segment of the speech:


Cain warned us of what he called “the attack of the ations”…….legislation, regulation and taxation. He used what he called “health deform legislation” as on example of the legislation attack. Then he cited the cost to small businesses for every single employee they hire as an example of the regulation attack. That cost? $10,000 per employee. His final of the 3 “ataions” was taxation. That he said was based on a current tax system that we must throw out. Adding “Isn’t that what you do when you mess up a cake?”

More plus a link to the whole speech here:
CPAC 2011: Herman Cain’s Speech at CPAC « White House 2012

What do you think? Interested? Apalled? Something in between?
I like that he isn't a career politician, I like that he's principled in terms of abortion. I'm pro-choice, but I've always been confused by people who say it's immoral yet think it's ok if incest or rape. Seems pretty black and white to me, you either think it's immoral or you don't.

I like that he's worked for the Fed and has concluded that the gold standard is the way to go. I doubt he gets the nomination, but seems like he'd be a good candidate.
Some interesting observations are coming out already:

National pollster Scott Rasmussen told members of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry that the search is on for a candidate to challenge Barack Obama in 2012. “I have no idea who the Republicans will nominate next year,” the keynote speaker at LABI’s annual meeting said.

He surprised some business leaders by saying “it’s not one of the big names” — Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty or Newt Gingrich. Instead, he said it will be someone who hasn’t previously been involved in a national campaign but has some national recognition.
Why Herman Cain | RedState

So that would suggest a foot in the door for somebody like Cain?

The fact that Cain is a black Republican doesn't hurt his chances, either. As Politico's Roger Simon recently wrote of Michael Steele: "As a black Republican nominee, Steele could get many of the white votes a Republican usually gets while cutting into the Democratic black vote. In this manner, he could defeat Obama in 2012. And that would be his pitch for getting his party's nomination."

If that's true, then Herman Cain may be Michael Steele without the baggage. "I think Herman could effectively heal the race divide," Atkinson said. Cain has been laying the groundwork for a run. For example, he was the featured speaker at a recent Tea Party held in Des Moines, Iowa, he has already lined up the support of Joe the Plumber – and he has launched a political action committee called The Hermanator PAC.
Herman Cain: Possible 'Dark Horse' 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate

The left is scared crapless of this guy.

And it's true. The 2012 GOP contender won't be one of the common names. People are tired of them. They want someone they can get excited about.

The GOP is flat out better at politics than the Dems. They are marching out Palin, Romney, Gingrich, etc, for a reason. They're old names. They'll attract the scorn of the left and the media.

In theory, they're the lightning rods. They'll attract all the scorn, then, out of nowhere, a fresh face emerges.

And the left is screwed if that face is a black man. A real black man, not one like Obama. Because they won't be able to tear him down. And flocks of disappointed Obama zombies will change over.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

All evidence? Have you even listened to any of the speeches from CPAC this past week?

Do you know what the American Conservative Union that sponsors CPAC is all about? It has consistently opposed the Neocon philosophy and has consistently chosen the most radically conservative people as winners in its straw poll. Frankly, I'm surprised that Mitt Romney has scored as well as he has with CPAC voters and even he can generate only 23% of the vote. Ron Paul, the MOST fiscally conservative of all candidates has emerged the winner for two years in a row now.

American Conservative Union
America’s Oldest and Largest Grassroots Conservative Organization

Founded in 1964, ACU represents the views of Americans who are concerned with economic growth through lower taxes and reduced government spending and the issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security.

As America’s conservative voice, ACU is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, Administration Officials, State Governments, the media, political candidates and the public.

Read More :: About ACU | The American Conservative Union
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

All evidence? Have you even listened to any of the speeches from CPAC this past week?

Do you know what the American Conservative Union that sponsors CPAC is all about? It has consistently opposed the Neocon philosophy and has consistently chosen the most radically conservative people as winners in its straw poll. Frankly, I'm surprised that Mitt Romney has scored as well as he has with CPAC voters and even he can generate only 23% of the vote. Ron Paul, the MOST fiscally conservative of all candidates has emerged the winner for two years in a row now.

American Conservative Union
America’s Oldest and Largest Grassroots Conservative Organization

Founded in 1964, ACU represents the views of Americans who are concerned with economic growth through lower taxes and reduced government spending and the issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security.

As America’s conservative voice, ACU is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, Administration Officials, State Governments, the media, political candidates and the public.

Read More :: About ACU | The American Conservative Union

:cuckoo: No no no, you're crazy.

The conservatives, all of them, have a big red "R" by their name on the ballot, which obviously means.........they are George W Bush and Dick Cheney's love child. It's true. Just ask a liberal.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

All evidence? Have you even listened to any of the speeches from CPAC this past week?

Do you know what the American Conservative Union that sponsors CPAC is all about? It has consistently opposed the Neocon philosophy and has consistently chosen the most radically conservative people as winners in its straw poll. Frankly, I'm surprised that Mitt Romney has scored as well as he has with CPAC voters and even he can generate only 23% of the vote. Ron Paul, the MOST fiscally conservative of all candidates has emerged the winner for two years in a row now.

American Conservative Union
America’s Oldest and Largest Grassroots Conservative Organization

Founded in 1964, ACU represents the views of Americans who are concerned with economic growth through lower taxes and reduced government spending and the issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security.

As America’s conservative voice, ACU is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, Administration Officials, State Governments, the media, political candidates and the public.

Read More :: About ACU | The American Conservative Union

:cuckoo: No no no, you're crazy.

The conservatives, all of them, have a big red "R" by their name on the ballot, which obviously means.........they are George W Bush and Dick Cheney's love child. It's true. Just ask a liberal.

LOL. I haven't found liberals providing much objectivity when it comes to either the ACU OR Republicans. :)

And yeah, it will be mostly Republicans or Independents that accept invitations to CPAC though I know for a fact some Democrats with conservative credentials have been invited. Didn't Lieberman speak at CPAC once? Can't remember for sure. But Conservatives will most often choose the Republican party to run for office in because Conservatives are mostly unwelcome in the Democratic Party.

There is concern among the liberal ranks though. I noted in the NY Times recently a piece on how the Democrats are putting together a defense for CPAC rhetoric. :)
He sounds like Haley Barbour's slightly more intelligent brother.

He won't get jack squat.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

Yup, Ron Paul wins because of all the neocons voting for him.

I'm not trying to defend CPAC, just sayin.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

Yup, Ron Paul wins because of all the neocons voting for him.

I'm not trying to defend CPAC, just sayin.

You must not know what a neocon is either. No way in hell a neocon would vote for a Ron Paul.
I know virtually nothing about the guy but his active involovement in CPAC is a strike against him for me.

all evidence suggests that CPAC is far more socially than fiscally conservative.
ie Neocons.

Yup, Ron Paul wins because of all the neocons voting for him.

I'm not trying to defend CPAC, just sayin.

You must not know what a neocon is either. No way in hell a neocon would vote for a Ron Paul.

er... My point is neocons won't vote for him, or it would be hard for them to... Meaning Cpac is not just a bunch of Neocons because RP won...
Yup, Ron Paul wins because of all the neocons voting for him.

I'm not trying to defend CPAC, just sayin.

You must not know what a neocon is either. No way in hell a neocon would vote for a Ron Paul.

er... My point is neocons won't vote for him, or it would be hard for them to... Meaning Cpac is not just a bunch of Neocons because RP won...

:) Noted and agreed. :)

But even a Neocon would vote for him if it comes down to the choices being him or Barack Obama.
Last edited:
Never heard of the guy. Doubt he can beat the President.

That's because only his radio listeners know or care about him.

He's announced his run for candidacy for going on 2 months at least not and not one peep of it in the media.

You know why....?

He's a joke...that's why.

He didn't even get a quarter percentage at the recent CPAC.

Even that retarded sounding Southern A$$Klown Haley Barbour managed to muster up at least some single digits.

Obama's opposition is going to be a real laughing stock. I'm buying my popcorn from now.
Never heard of the guy. Doubt he can beat the President.

That's because only his radio listeners know or care about him.

He's announced his run for candidacy for going on 2 months at least not and not one peep of it in the media.

You know why....?

He's a joke...that's why.

He didn't even get a quarter percentage at the recent CPAC.

Even that retarded sounding Southern A$$Klown Haley Barbour managed to muster up at least some single digits.

Obama's opposition is going to be a real laughing stock. I'm buying my popcorn from now.

I just can't see the ACU inviting a 'joke' to give the keynote speech at CPAC.

The actual straw poll results were:

Texas Rep. Ron Paul: 30 percent
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: 23 percent
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson: 6 percent
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: 6 percent
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: 5 percent
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty: 4 percent
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann: 4 percent
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels: 4 percent
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: 3 percent
Former talk show host Herman Cain: 2 percent
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: 2 percent
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum: 2 percent
South Dakota Sen. John Thune: 2 percent
U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman: 1 percent
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour: 1 percent
Others: 5 percent
Undecided: 1 percent

Our former Governor Gary Johnson, with high name recognition, got only 6 percent. I think Cain's 2% is respectable considering that he hasn't announced and probably didn't work too hard to bring a voting delegration with him to the conference. Take several of the 'no chance' folks who split the vote out of the bottom of the roster, and Cain might have done pretty well. We can't know.
You must not know what a neocon is either. No way in hell a neocon would vote for a Ron Paul.

er... My point is neocons won't vote for him, or it would be hard for them to... Meaning Cpac is not just a bunch of Neocons because RP won...

:) Noted and agreed. :)

But even a Neocon would vote for him if it comes down to the choices being him or Barack Obama.

Yes, and this is what so many hates don't understand. They want to believe that if RP was givin the nod that 50% of the party would just sit it out... If anything the energy RP creates would be massive.

Could RP win if he was against Obama, who knows. I don't care if he wins, it's the message, the education and understanding of what is wrong today that makes RP great.

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