Here's Your "Groomers"

Difference is, we WANT perverts arrested. You protect them
Yeah, sure you do. Now you know why it's a tradition to kneel while praying. The Southern Baptists are perverted whoremongers like the Catholics, Lutherans, etc, etc...oh and the regular folks that don't go to church.....And yet no matter in which groups it happens the perp gets arrested and does time.
And it AINT schools.

It's Trumper evangelicals
Difference is, we WANT perverts arrested. You protect them
I don't think they are being investigated for the perverts the church wants arrested. It sounds like they are being investigated for the perverts the church covered for and wanted neither arrest, nor warning to the congregation church involve, and the continuance of the perpetrators in the positions where they committed the offenses, as well as possible church efforts to silence the accusers.
And it AINT schools.

It's Trumper evangelicals
Maybe y'all lefties don't understand the popular definition of "groomers". The investigation isn't about "groomers", it's about allegations of sexual abuse like we saw in the Clinton administration. Groomers are homosexual predators who prey on kids. It's a good thing to investigate sexual abuse in society including religious organizations but hypocrite lefties resist every effort to uncover homosexual predators in schools.
And it AINT schools.

It's Trumper evangelicals

You're full of shit. The SBC is not immune to the same thing that's happening to other churches. My wife is very involved in the United Methodist Church and does the secretarial and accounting for one of them, so she knows a little about what's happening in the church. They are going through a time of division. The biblical traditionalists who adhere to the UMC Book of Disciple are trying to break away from the more liberal hierarchy, AKA the bishops. The liberal hierarchy wants to incorporate same-sex marriage into the church, and to allow gay, lesbian, and transsexual pastors, as well as cherry-picking the scripture.

If the SBC is having a problem with sexual abusers and pedophiles, it's not conservative, Trump-supporting members who are involved in that. It's liberals.
You're full of shit. The SBC is not immune to the same thing that's happening to other churches. My wife is very involved in the United Methodist Church and does the secretarial and accounting for one of them, so she knows a little about what's happening in the church. They are going through a time of division. The biblical traditionalists who adhere to the UMC Book of Disciple are trying to break away from the more liberal hierarchy, AKA the bishops. The liberal hierarchy wants to incorporate same-sex marriage into the church, and to allow gay, lesbian, and transsexual pastors, as well as cherry-picking the scripture.

If the SBC is having a problem with sexual abusers and pedophiles, it's not conservative, Trump-supporting members who are involved in that. It's liberals.

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