Herein Lies Obama's Problem


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
today. Next 4 years. Seems most Americans do not want, FORWARD of the agenda of past 4 years.

Obama lacks an agenda to compensate for his record - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Posted at 12:42 PM ET, 10/18/2012 TheWashingtonPost
Obama lacks an agenda to compensate for his record
By Jennifer Rubin

For some time now Jim Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute has been comparing President Obama’s “recovery” with that of other presidents. Liberal economists have pushed back, trying to claim this specific type of recession (financial meltdown) is especially prolonged. But putting the word play aside, Pethokoukis has noted with some handy charts that the “recovery” under Obama has been the worst going back to the mid-19th century.

Pethokoukis has an odd ally, the former Obama car czar Steve Rattner. It is not every day that the Romney camp sends out clips from MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” or quotes Obama advisers, but this segment is deadly:..
Herein Lies Obama's Problem

uninterrupted, positive GDP (growth) since June of 09 to the present date - is all the record any economist needs to analyses to demonstrate an irrefutable and successful Recovery.
uninterrupted, positive GDP (growth) since June of 09 to the present date - is all the record any economist needs to analyses to demonstrate an irrefutable and successful Recovery.

Thanks for demonstrating you haven't the slightest clue concerning that of which you speak.

Well, we shall see. The Governor is running on the same agenda that created the crash of '08. Should he be elected, how long will it be until the same policies create another debacle.
uninterrupted, positive GDP (growth) since June of 09 to the present date - is all the record any economist needs to analyses to demonstrate an irrefutable and successful Recovery.

You might want to let Clinton know.
So, where's Obama's plan? Where is it, what website is it on so I can print it off and read it. Romney and Ryan both had the guts to put forward something, like it or not. But neither Obama or the democrats have had the courage to do the same, and that ain't leadership, it's cowardice.

What is Obama's agenda should he be re-elected? Has anyone seen or heard him say what his priorities are? Got any details, Obama bitches all the time about a lack of details in Romney's plan, where's his own plan and where are the details in it? All I see is a man running from his record and demonizing Romney and calling him a liar. Yeah, that's real presidential. Tell me, is there anyone on his side in Washington that he hasn't thrown under the bus?
uninterrupted, positive GDP (growth) since June of 09 to the present date - is all the record any economist needs to analyses to demonstrate an irrefutable and successful Recovery.

you keep thinking like this....inflation is growing faster tha the economy....maybe we can have a few more QEs so our money is worth the same as monolpoly money....I have 2 different version......I'm rich, bitch!

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