Here Is Another Question About The Hype Surrounding The Ray Rice Punch And Goodell.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
My first question was, what did we learn that was new about the situation between Ray Rice and his fiance? The answer is....NOTHING NEW. We already knew what happened, based on what Ray Rice said happened.

My second question is, why was it even necessary for Goodell to have seen the video. He had the testimony from Rice, it fit what the video showed. I mean since hardly none of these things are shown on video, then it really is not necessary to see it.

You see the testimony of Rice? It fits with what was seen.

That leads me to this. Rice was punished. Was it a light punishment? Yeah. However, that is what was determined. Probably had something to do with this was Rice's first offense off the field, and it was probably determined by the fact that his fiance forgave him. Pretty emphatically too.

Even if they decided they wanted to perform a kind of double jeopardy type of action, then why not give him what Goodell just decided last week. They said FIRST OFFENSE the player gets 6 games. SECOND OFFENSE the player gets lifetime ban.

Well, this was Ray Rice's first offense, and the NFL gives him an indefinite suspension.

Oh, BTW anyone see what Greg Hardy of the Panthers did and was convicted of? Go ahead and Google that. He, has not been suspended at all. Nothing close to the hype surrounding that situation.
He certainly got a much heavier sentence then the courts handed out.

Now we watch as the head of the NFL getting his butt kicked for not being harsher, but not a single word about these same people calling for the Judge that gave such a light sentence to resign?

Considering the guidelines the NFL put out, Rice may actually have grounds for a law suit. This is no way implies that I approve of what he did in any way and as a Ravens fan feel that his coming back would just be a distraction. A proper punishment would be to be forced to play for the Browns, IMO.
Considering the guidelines the NFL put out, Rice may actually have grounds for a law suit. This is no way implies that I approve of what he did in any way and as a Ravens fan feel that his coming back would just be a distraction. A proper punishment would be to be forced to play for the Browns, IMO.

OR.... The practice squad's DE masseuse for the Cowboys.. He could end up being Michael Sam's bitch. "Spread Those Cheeks Strawberry!!"

Just glad the piece of crap is gone. I don't understand where some stupid beast gets the idea he can lay his hands upon a women. It is wrong on so many levels. He needs help to control his anger and she needs help because she is trying to defend his actions. Raven fans that support Rice also need to have their heads examined.
Can you imagine a court of public opinion where we just take a wife beater at his word, and ignore available video evidence?

Except in this case, the wife beater admitted what he did based on what everyone knew, and it fit with what everyone already knew happened. He was punished and the light sentence probably had to do with the fact it was his first offense of any kind, and his wife was emphatic about forgiving him.
Can you imagine a court of public opinion where we just take a wife beater at his word, and ignore available video evidence?

Except in this case, the wife beater admitted what he did based on what everyone knew, and it fit with what everyone already knew happened. He was punished and the light sentence probably had to do with the fact it was his first offense of any kind, and his wife was emphatic about forgiving him.

Do you REALLY think the wife's forgiveness matters at this level of public scrutiny?

That might work in a small courtroom where the judge has all the discresion and there might be children and custody issues at play.

I can't believe any policing jurisdiction and criminal court would be so naive that they wouldn't be aware of the possibility of investigating and trying an NFL player wouldn't attract more attention than just some guy off the street. Letting somebody off the hook in this day and age of P C seems like just asking for trouble.
Except in this case, the wife beater admitted what he did based on what everyone knew, and it fit with what everyone already knew happened. He was punished and the light sentence probably had to do with the fact it was his first offense of any kind, and his wife was emphatic about forgiving him.

The guy is slime, he should not have put his hands on a woman, whatever happens now is his fault. Had he controlled himself then, he would not have to worry about others controlling his fate now.

His wife needs help.

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