Here I Am, Like It Or Not

Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:

Yah... but do you have a sense of humor..

You must spend a lot of time violating null and void so-called laws that Congress passes..

Well.. we do need some more whoop ass around here.. So.. welcome..
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


So basically you are a narrow minded myopic shit flicker whos entire psychopathic belief system of what ""should be" has not a snowballs chance in hell of ever being reality...welcome
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On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender.

Is there some sort of racial hierarchy, then? Who's at the bottom?


Well that's a given. Who's second from the bottom? :lol:

Now, play nice in the intros and say 'welcome'.... it won't kill ya, Kal.
I usually do, but I'm in a trollish mood tonight.
Bottom ?


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Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:



This will go over a lot of heads.

Welcome aboard!
i really think we should consider a more apporiate group to be the damned welcome wagon....i swear...yall are like a bunch of ...*thinking* well yall just know what you are....this guy could be teh one who turns it all around...he really could have the solutions to all our problems...(my main problem being that manie posted a granny clampett pic and said it was me, long story) now where was i....o yea he could be the answer....we all know his narrow minded ass is a conservative ring winger...what more can be said
i really think we should consider a more apporiate group to be the damned welcome wagon....i swear...yall are like a bunch of ...*thinking* well yall just know what you are....this guy could be teh one who turns it all around...he really could have the solutions to all our problems...(my main problem being that manie posted a granny clampett pic and said it was me, long story) now where was i....o yea he could be the answer....we all know his narrow minded ass is a conservative ring winger...what more can be said

Read it again...all the way through.

God only knows what he really thinks, but it should be interesting to find out. :razz:

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