Hello From Texas


The Devils Advocate
May 14, 2011
I was told about this place from a friend as we were debating something on a local newspaper website. Not a lot of folks like to debate in their daily life, so the internet is a great place for some invigorating debate.

I am pretty much a moderate/independent guy politically. I lean a bit more right than I do left, but not much. I rarely view a topic as black and white so there is almost always some room for debate. Some topics are more interesting to me than others (naturally) but you folks sure do have a fast moving board here. Its difficult to keep up most of the time.

I am an active volunteer with my local volunteer fire department, homeowners association and VFW when I'm not working.

I can be summed up as a gun loving, extremely moderate, atheist. =)
I was told about this place from a friend as we were debating something on a local newspaper website. Not a lot of folks like to debate in their daily life, so the internet is a great place for some invigorating debate.

I am pretty much a moderate/independent guy politically. I lean a bit more right than I do left, but not much. I rarely view a topic as black and white so there is almost always some room for debate. Some topics are more interesting to me than others (naturally) but you folks sure do have a fast moving board here. Its difficult to keep up most of the time.

I am an active volunteer with my local volunteer fire department, homeowners association and VFW when I'm not working.

I can be summed up as a gun loving, extremely moderate, atheist. =)

Love your sense of honesty and effort to join this fast-moving board...lol

***WELCOME*** :) :) :)


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Hi T-mike. Real debate is sometimes as hard to come by at USMB as on any other board but it does happen now and then. If you have your bullet proof vest on and fresh batteries in your BS detector, you should be able to find a niche here. So welcome and settle in.
Hi T-mike. Real debate is sometimes as hard to come by at USMB as on any other board but it does happen now and then. If you have your bullet proof vest on and fresh batteries in your BS detector, you should be able to find a niche here. So welcome and settle in.

And don't forget to go into your User Control Panel and turn your 'Sarcasm' setting to "ON".

You're going to need it.
Welcome, although I don't believe in atheists. I hope that's not a problem.

Its understandable. We all have to struggle with our faith at some point in our lives. You'll come around eventually =)

Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Welcome, Tallmike, from rural Walker County.

We're praying for rain.

Your aim was off a bit, the rain landed here the past few days. Not great amounts, but it sure has been nice. =)

Glad you got some rain, tallmike. I live in a farmhouse overlooking a small lake. It's down three feet, so we need more than a few sprinkles to water the tomatoes. And it's only May. We're seeing a lot of ducks probably from local farm ponds that went completely dry or to mud. It's nice of the herons and great egret to share the fish with others.

So it's not just the rain, we need a gully-washer. Seems it all blew over to Louisiana and Tennessee instead of our little section of the Piney woods.

Save the nation. Vote conservative.

/shameless vote shilling :lol:
Howdy Mike
Houston here. Welcome and enjoy. As boards go this one is pretty good. Lots of smart articulate people and yes some pretty good debates from both sides. My first intro to message boards was AOL. Rich wih trolls and disorganized to the point of hysteria. This is a much better place to be. My views are similar to yours though I will say I'm GDI (goddamned independent) and in my case it's not just a political stance, it's a way of life!:lol:

Again, Welcome
My prayer went to God's ear. The lake out back is up half a foot after last night's wash. Seems like forever since we got so much water in one night. Y'all should give the good Lord a chance. Sometime. :)
I was told about this place from a friend as we were debating something on a local newspaper website. Not a lot of folks like to debate in their daily life, so the internet is a great place for some invigorating debate.

I am pretty much a moderate/independent guy politically. I lean a bit more right than I do left, but not much. I rarely view a topic as black and white so there is almost always some room for debate. Some topics are more interesting to me than others (naturally) but you folks sure do have a fast moving board here. Its difficult to keep up most of the time.

I am an active volunteer with my local volunteer fire department, homeowners association and VFW when I'm not working.

I can be summed up as a gun loving, extremely moderate, atheist. =)

Invigorating is a good choice of words. :lol:

As for being an Atheist, congratulations on getting your own National holiday....... :eusa_whistle:
Wish you had not mentioned the bullying "homeowners association"! (Laughs) Anyway, welcome, from Space City!

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