Healthy Males - Sudden Death Syndrome linked to Vaccines

You know this is true for flu vaccines, too, right?

That's why there are annual flu vaccines.

There will eventually be annual Covid vaccines.
Young people have been dropping over in higher numbers than previously noted.Many are athletes, whom schools played the must vax game. Something is amiss.
Comparing influenza vaccine is a dumb thing to do. Video #2 explains what happens with mRNA from the inventor himself:
We thought spike circulated for 28 days. Malone says spike in lymph nodes, 60 days.
Two more "Celebrity Names" dead today. We don't hear about JoeSixpack.

Nothing to see here say Libstain loons.

Jansen Panettiere’s family has confirmed that the 28-year-old actor died suddenly due to cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) and an aortic valve complication.​

“Former Mets minor league pitcher Matt Pobereyko passed away at the age of 31 due to a heart attack,” Gomez announced on Twitter.
This latest should go into the file. We haven't as yet developed the dead-box gene (dby) trajectory linking male infertility. Furin cleavage site is in the "vaccine" and we'll link it to dby. We can and will when time permits, link dby to Line1 gene, which is the clue to exceptional bat immunity to viruses.

For now, assume dby is only Y-linked:
India Male Infertility / Dead-Box Helicase-3, Y-Linked
The narrative is slowly unraveling.

We have already posted on the health effects of enclosure in a civet, a class of animal that is reservoir of SARS1. USMB search: Paradoxurus.

May 1990, Postscript on the Societies of Control
'....Felix Guattari has imagined a city where one would be able to leave one's apartment, one's street, one's neighborhood, thanks to one's (dividual's) electronic card that raises a given barrier; but the card could just as easily be rejected on a given day or between certain hours; what counts is not the barrier but the computer that tracks each person's position - licit or illicit - and effects a universal modulation.'
A month after the thread starts, and still not a single antivaxxer arch-liar here has met the challenge to show any actual evidence that more young people are dropping dead.

At this stage, all of the antivaxxers here are fully aware that they're lying. They don't care. Their depraved death cult has ordered them to lie, so that's what they're doing.
A month after the thread starts, and still not a single antivaxxer arch-liar here has met the challenge to show any actual evidence that more young people are dropping dead.

At this stage, all of the antivaxxers here are fully aware that they're lying. They don't care. Their depraved death cult has ordered them to lie, so that's what they're doing.
Do some research, you may be in for a surprise.
For fertility links, this should go here so that readers can see how we have coordinated with @Jikkyleaks. Two name thusfar have been verified from the names list. Click on it to enlarge:
So on the list, Zauche links to Oak Ridge, so this would automatically be a DOE link.
Zauche / CDC / Oak Ridge

Zauche / X-linked Rickets

Note author Aharon on Jikky's list. This is Davora Aharon, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, who did a report on craniofacial duplication in a cat in 1985:
Aharon, 1985

On Aharon's abstract page is "Similar Articles" below the abstract. Note "Double-Faced Monster in Bottlenose Dolphin"
2004 Double-Faced Monster

Next we make the Line-1 gene (the only autonomous active transposable element in the human genome) link to X-linked dby gene in Amazon River Dolphin for comparison:
Sep 2012 Inia geoffrensis

Bat Line-1 / Exceptional Immunity
A month after the thread starts, and still not a single antivaxxer arch-liar here has met the challenge to show any actual evidence that more young people are dropping dead.

At this stage, all of the antivaxxers here are fully aware that they're lying. They don't care. Their depraved death cult has ordered them to lie, so that's what they're doing.

Or maybe this stuff has been posted already so many times people are sick of posting it.

'Evidence' has already been pulled out of the hearts of dead people, ffs. In multiple countries.

The government has been lying to you for years regarding vaccines. Since at least 2004 to be exact, when they implemented a program, at the direct request of pharma no less, to gin up fear using the media to compel people to get flu shots. A program they followed to the letter with this covid shot. They are very used to lying to the public 'for their own good'

And you are choosing to believe them instead of taking the time to find out if they're telling you the truth, while chastising others for actually doing so.

It would be hilarious if there weren't as many sanctimonious dolts running around as there are.
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Or maybe this stuff has been posted already so many times people are sick of posting it.

'Evidence' has already been pulled out of the hearts of dead people, ffs. In multiple countries.

The government has been lying to you for years regarding vaccines. Since at least 2004 to be exact, when they implemented a program, at the direct request of pharma no less, to gin up fear using the media to compel people to get flu shots. A program they followed to the letter with this covid shot. They are very used to lying to the public 'for their own good'

And you are choosing to believe them instead of taking the time to find out if they're telling you the truth, while chastising others for actually doing so.

It would be hilarious if there weren't as many sanctimonious dolts running around as there are.
There are obviously poor readers on this thread, and even when given a report, they may not be able to understand the words they are reading in their mother tongue. That's problematic, because the same spike that kills in natural infection is also in the "vaccine."

1992 Baric, et al / Heart Failure and Myocarditis in Rabbits
I claimed nothing, just suggested you might want to do some research....

Yes you did. You made this claim in post 61 "Young people have been dropping over in higher numbers than previously noted."
A month after the thread starts, and still not a single antivaxxer arch-liar here has met the challenge to show any actual evidence that more young people are dropping dead.

At this stage, all of the antivaxxers here are fully aware that they're lying. They don't care. Their depraved death cult has ordered them to lie, so that's what they're doing.

That chart is proof that if you are under the age of 50 and getting vaccinated you aren't "following the science" as there is little to no threat to you from COVID. Given that all medications come with some amount of risk and that this particular medication was fast tracked and we don't really know (we cant) what if any long term effects it might have on people, it makes no logical sense to vaccinate people who are not at risk from COVID. Especially given that this vaccination doesn't actually stop you from getting or spreading COVID.

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