*Health Insurance Is A Scam*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Insurance companies want to insure the healthy, while shunning those not.
2. So if you have clean bill of health, wham, you win.
3. If you have certain signs of illness, you lose.
4. Health good, sickness bad.
5. The moral of the story is, don't get sick.
6. Sooner or later we all will, few just fall over dead.
7. Insurance companies like to refuse to pay claims, you'll find out one day perhaps, if you have insurance.
8. I had insurance before, they refused to pay a claim, its clear to me, insurance companies are indeed a scam.
9. It should be criminal, but its just business, don't take it personal.

They depend on those who don't make claims. Not really a scam but doesn't mean we hafta like them. OTOH, its hard to get along without health and other kinds of insurance.

Ya wanna get rich? Be a church or an insurance company.
Most churches aren't rich. But, insurance companies are very rich, not because they're immoral, but because government prevents sufficient competition, both between insurance companies and between doctors.
It's a Ponzi Scheme headed by evil corporations that operate with the sole intent of making a profit. And the liberals want to make it mandatory for you to join the party.
And just think, our health care system could work just fine, better even, if they were forced out of business.
Just get Government out of HC and things would get better, sure they might get worse first but its really simple.

If you're healthy an insurance company wants to insure you because you are less of a risk...

If you're a fat dumb ass POS who thinks because you work like everyone does that you can eat like crap sit around all day, eat everything you want, drink and smoke and should be insured, don't shocked when your health slips and you can't find a company to insure you.

The number one cause of death I believe at this point is being fat and sedentary.

Subsidize what you want more of. If you want more fat unhealthy dying fat fucks sucking the life out of the country then help pay for their Health care... They will never ever ever ever get enough.

Random bad things do in fact happen to people, but poisoning yourself is an easily predictable case that would cost the insurance company more than they would make off you. If most people were simply healthy and ate better a HUGE margin of “sick” people would all of a sudden become un sick and insurable. Why eat right and fucking walk once a day when you can demand others pay for your HC?
Just get Government out of HC and things would get better, sure they might get worse first but its really simple.

If you're healthy an insurance company wants to insure you because you are less of a risk...

If you're a fat dumb ass POS who thinks because you work like everyone does that you can eat like crap sit around all day, eat everything you want, drink and smoke and should be insured, don't shocked when your health slips and you can't find a company to insure you.

The number one cause of death I believe at this point is being fat and sedentary.

Subsidize what you want more of. If you want more fat unhealthy dying fat fucks sucking the life out of the country then help pay for their Health care... They will never ever ever ever get enough.

Random bad things do in fact happen to people, but poisoning yourself is an easily predictable case that would cost the insurance company more than they would make off you. If most people were simply healthy and ate better a HUGE margin of “sick” people would all of a sudden become un sick and insurable. Why eat right and fucking walk once a day when you can demand others pay for your HC?

I bet you never have to look too hard to find a reason not to give a shit about someone, there is no way to avoid paying for other people's healthcare, might as well find some way to get the most for your money.
Sorry bout that,

1. Insurance companies want to insure the healthy, while shunning those not.
2. So if you have clean bill of health, wham, you win.
3. If you have certain signs of illness, you lose.
4. Health good, sickness bad.
5. The moral of the story is, don't get sick.
6. Sooner or later we all will, few just fall over dead.
7. Insurance companies like to refuse to pay claims, you'll find out one day perhaps, if you have insurance.
8. I had insurance before, they refused to pay a claim, its clear to me, insurance companies are indeed a scam.
9. It should be criminal, but its just business, don't take it personal.


With all do respect, Health Insurance is NOT a scam. Without it, millions and millions of Americans would not be able to afford life saving surgeries, medicine, and hospital stays.

It works by pooling risk. Everybody pays into the pool on a monthly basis, and if one person within that pool suddenly needs a surgery, he/she can draw from money within that pool to cover the costs.

However, if a person is continually sick and drawing $30,000/week from that pool, you have to realize that this is simply an unsustainable situation, and sometimes the insurance companies have no choice but to drop that person. There exists not an unlimited supply of money, unfortunately.

Without insurance, how do you expect to pay for your health care costs? Where do you expect the money - which covers the $8,000 surgery or $3,000 worth of meds - to come from? Someone's got to get paid, which means someone needs to do the payin'.
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Just get Government out of HC and things would get better, sure they might get worse first but its really simple.

If you're healthy an insurance company wants to insure you because you are less of a risk...

If you're a fat dumb ass POS who thinks because you work like everyone does that you can eat like crap sit around all day, eat everything you want, drink and smoke and should be insured, don't shocked when your health slips and you can't find a company to insure you.

The number one cause of death I believe at this point is being fat and sedentary.

Subsidize what you want more of. If you want more fat unhealthy dying fat fucks sucking the life out of the country then help pay for their Health care... They will never ever ever ever get enough.

Random bad things do in fact happen to people, but poisoning yourself is an easily predictable case that would cost the insurance company more than they would make off you. If most people were simply healthy and ate better a HUGE margin of “sick” people would all of a sudden become un sick and insurable. Why eat right and fucking walk once a day when you can demand others pay for your HC?
Do you really want to give up Medicare?
Just get Government out of HC and things would get better, sure they might get worse first but its really simple.

If you're healthy an insurance company wants to insure you because you are less of a risk...

If you're a fat dumb ass POS who thinks because you work like everyone does that you can eat like crap sit around all day, eat everything you want, drink and smoke and should be insured, don't shocked when your health slips and you can't find a company to insure you.

The number one cause of death I believe at this point is being fat and sedentary.

Subsidize what you want more of. If you want more fat unhealthy dying fat fucks sucking the life out of the country then help pay for their Health care... They will never ever ever ever get enough.

Random bad things do in fact happen to people, but poisoning yourself is an easily predictable case that would cost the insurance company more than they would make off you. If most people were simply healthy and ate better a HUGE margin of “sick” people would all of a sudden become un sick and insurable. Why eat right and fucking walk once a day when you can demand others pay for your HC?
Do you really want to give up Medicare?

Of course... But it will only happen when the country is in a full collapse because we can't pay for anything.
Just get Government out of HC and things would get better, sure they might get worse first but its really simple.

If you're healthy an insurance company wants to insure you because you are less of a risk...

If you're a fat dumb ass POS who thinks because you work like everyone does that you can eat like crap sit around all day, eat everything you want, drink and smoke and should be insured, don't shocked when your health slips and you can't find a company to insure you.

The number one cause of death I believe at this point is being fat and sedentary.

Subsidize what you want more of. If you want more fat unhealthy dying fat fucks sucking the life out of the country then help pay for their Health care... They will never ever ever ever get enough.

Random bad things do in fact happen to people, but poisoning yourself is an easily predictable case that would cost the insurance company more than they would make off you. If most people were simply healthy and ate better a HUGE margin of “sick” people would all of a sudden become un sick and insurable. Why eat right and fucking walk once a day when you can demand others pay for your HC?

I bet you never have to look too hard to find a reason not to give a shit about someone, there is no way to avoid paying for other people's healthcare, might as well find some way to get the most for your money.

You got it, I don't care.... Man "you people" are fucking retarded to talk to.

When it all falls apart and millions have to die will you take credit for it? Didn't think so. So keep on spending on shit you can't afford because it proves you care soooooo much.
Sorry bout that,

1. People get sick, thats a given, people get canceled thats a given.
2. Its really that easy to see whats wrong with this picture.
3. You healthy you good, you sick, you bad.
4. Claims get unpaid, happens all the time, everyday, 24 hours a day.
5. We are victims of insurance companies, just waiting to step into the trap, or shown the revolving door.

Sorry bout that,

1. Insurance companies want to insure the healthy, while shunning those not.
2. So if you have clean bill of health, wham, you win.
3. If you have certain signs of illness, you lose.
4. Health good, sickness bad.
5. The moral of the story is, don't get sick.
6. Sooner or later we all will, few just fall over dead.
7. Insurance companies like to refuse to pay claims, you'll find out one day perhaps, if you have insurance.
8. I had insurance before, they refused to pay a claim, its clear to me, insurance companies are indeed a scam.
9. It should be criminal, but its just business, don't take it personal.


Truth hurts that's why GOP worked so hard to defeat Alan Grayson.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

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