Heads Up, Middle Class: Obama sends Congress record $4.1 trillion 2017 spending plan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama sends Congress record $4.1 trillion 2017 spending plan | Fox News

Obama sends Congress record $4.1 trillion 2017 spending plan

"President Obama sent Congress on Tuesday his eighth and final budget, proposing to spend a record $4.1 trillion on a number of initiatives. They include launching a new war on cancer, combating global warming and fighting growing threats from ISIS terrorists.

The new spending plan, for the budget year that begins Oct. 1 -- just 3 1/2 months before he leaves office -- is facing heavy fire from Republicans who hope to capture the White House. The proposal had dim prospects of winning approval in a Republican-controlled Congress.

In all, Obama's budget would increase taxes by $2.6 trillion over the coming decade, nearly double the $1.4 trillion in new taxes Obama sought and failed to achieve in last year's budget.

GOP lawmakers said Obama's proposal to impose a $10 per barrel tax on crude oil to bring in an additional $319 billion over the next decade had no chance of winning approval in Congress. Obama's budget would use that extra money to fund billions of dollars in alternative transportation programs as part of the president's efforts to deal with global warming.

"President Obama will leave office having never proposed a budget that balances - ever."
How could he, they won't raise taxes to being in enough to cover the bills.
The problem isn't that we aren't paying / collecting enough in taxes - it's his 7 the Liberals' wild-ass spending!

Remember the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill? It was packed with over 7,000 pieces of personal/party-benefitting DNC-Only pork!

Despite a drastic need to address our decaying infrastructure, Obama and the libs doled out millions to alcoholic Chinese prostitutes, for the study of a Homosexual Argentinian's sex life compared to that of a heterosexual American male, gave millionaire Senator Feinstein's husband a 'loan' to bail out his bankrupt business, paid for expensive windows for an abandoned Ranger Station, etc... In the end the Stimulus failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it went to 10.1%) and cost Tax Payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved.

The Bill was a celebratory DNC Pork-filled wet dream after taking the Presidency to go along with the House and Senate.

Politicians, while perpetrating fiscally irresponsible spending like this, claim we do not have enough money to give seniors a SS cost of living increase yet we have billions to bring in, settle, clothe, feed, and take care of millions of illegals and thousands of 'refugees'...and while Obama and his family go on multi-million dollar tax-payer funder vacations. Obama has yet to keep his promise to go after billions in annual social program fraud.

We pay billions out every year to nations in foreign aid, nations / groups we should not be paying, like Mexico, Hamas, etc... Americans and Vets before Illegals and Refugees...and if we don't have the money for Illegals and Refugees, we shouldn't go into debt just so we can take in millions of them...who we can't afford.

It's like trying to save someone who is drowning. You don't want to drown trying to save someone who is going under and who will only drag you under with them. It's like my daughter asking me for $20 and I don't have it...I'm not going to write a bad check, have it bounce, and be down $20 plus the $35 overdraft charge.

Why does the idea of 'if you don't have it you don't spend it' NOT apply to our government/politicians? We have more than enough money coming in to run this country and take care of the American people with some left over.

8 years, not one balanced budget proposed...imagine how badly off we would be, how high our debt would be, if Congress simply pencil-whipped / approved his budgets every year?!
When was the last balanced budget ever proposed ?

Yall act as if there were no deficiet, debt , or earmarked spending prior to obama taking office .
When was the last balanced budget ever proposed ?

Yall act as if there were no deficiet, debt , or earmarked spending prior to obama taking office .

Yeah our budget is crazy . Not like this is anything new .

Shit, Iraq war is estimated to cost 2 trill.

Any stats on prior budgets ?
When was the last balanced budget ever proposed ?

Yall act as if there were no deficiet, debt , or earmarked spending prior to obama taking office .

Yeah our budget is crazy . Not like this is anything new .

Shit, Iraq war is estimated to cost 2 trill.

Any stats on prior budgets ?
Former presidents have proposed 4 trillion dollar budgets?
That 10 year war is still HALF of this YEARLY budget
When was the last balanced budget ever proposed ?

Yall act as if there were no deficiet, debt , or earmarked spending prior to obama taking office .

Yeah our budget is crazy . Not like this is anything new .

Shit, Iraq war is estimated to cost 2 trill.

Any stats on prior budgets ?
Former presidents have proposed 4 trillion dollar budgets?
That 10 year war is still HALF of this YEARLY budget

Unless you adjust for inflation , comparing numbers is meaningless .

Bread used to cost 5 cents. It's never going to go back to that .
When was the last balanced budget ever proposed ?

Yall act as if there were no deficiet, debt , or earmarked spending prior to obama taking office .

Yeah our budget is crazy . Not like this is anything new .

Shit, Iraq war is estimated to cost 2 trill.

Any stats on prior budgets ?
Former presidents have proposed 4 trillion dollar budgets?
That 10 year war is still HALF of this YEARLY budget

Unless you adjust for inflation , comparing numbers is meaningless .

Bread used to cost 5 cents. It's never going to go back to that .
Hell, lets do it!
So, name the biggest budget request and we will go from there. ill wait
Either way his budget is DOA just like the budgets most presidents send to Congress.
In Obama's 1st 4 years he actually set US Records for MOST 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending. NOW he is presenting a NEW Spending Record: $4.1 Trillion UN-Balanced Budget - “a progressive manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hardworking Americans," according to Paul Ryan.

Obama Wall Street Bailout?
- "The administration is again seeking to bolster funds for the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Wall Street regulators struggling to meet their heightened responsibilities following the 2008 financial crisis."

Obama sends Congress record $4.1T budget plan | Fox News
Either way his budget is DOA just like the budgets most presidents send to Congress.
Some of Obama's budgets proposals have been so bad that REID would not allow them to come to the floor for a vote. In his 1st 4 years I believe only 1 came up for a vote and was soundly defeated by a bi-partisan Congress.
Obama, with his love for Saul Alynski, continued to prove throughout his entire administration how much Socialists love spending OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY!

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