Heading to the Tea Party!

One more observation.

Last year, we did not get any traditional media coverage (local tv, newspaper) for the SF Tea Party. While we were outside of Pelosi's office, someone found out that a local TV station was doing a report about immigration policy at City Hall. We returned to City Hall to see if we could get the TV station to pay attention to us. When we arrived, they left.

This year, there was coverage. I saw Channel 7 news on site - as well as newspaper reporters. The coverage in the Chronicle was actually factual - and not sneering.

Quite a change.
Do you need a sign??

I suggest Spell-Check


She will get right on it.

This is what happened at Crusader Franks Tea Party yesterday

Some would-be 60's radical in training thought it would be fun to blow his nose on the flag in front of my sister but as he made his move my sister round housed him right on the kisser.

Did any hippies try to blow their nose on the flag at your Tea Party?
No. I learned how to avoid dirty hippies when I lived in Berkeley.

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