Head kicking cop gets job back!

Have you seen the video?
Yes it could be seen two different ways...it looked to me as if he was forcing the guys head down which is what cops are told to do while handcuffing suspects...he missed and fell to his knees...you don't want a suspect to be able to look around at the cop...you don't want a suspect to get a look at where your sidearm is...we are taught that in the Marine Corps as well...put your foot on their neck and hold them down.....
ISo what where do we draw the line should they be able to rape our wives and daughters before they have to follow the law like the rest of us. We fought a war with Great Britain over htis kind of shit.

We draw the line wherever the Legal System fails to also be a Justice System. Right now it's cops. Very soon it will be civilians (like me) who won't call the cops. We'll deal with the problem ourselves because we know the Government won't or can't do it for us.
ya, I never call the cops! That is the brightest thing I have heard all day.
Have you seen the video?
Yes it could be seen two different ways...it looked to me as if he was forcing the guys head down which is what cops are told to do while handcuffing suspects...he missed and fell to his knees...you don't want a suspect to be able to look around at the cop...you don't want a suspect to get a look at where your sidearm is...we are taught that in the Marine Corps as well...put your foot on their neck and hold them down.....
You must deal with a lot of Harry Hudinis in the marine corps the guy was handcuffed he ain't grabbin nothing unless he gets out those hand cuffs. Again another cop tells him in video he was wrong. Which cop you siding with?
You must deal with a lot of Harry Hudinis in the marine corps the guy was handcuffed he ain't grabbin nothing unless he gets out those hand cuffs. Again another cop tells him in video he was wrong. Which cop you siding with?
He wasn't cuffed he was being cuffed...do you know how many cops have been killed by suspects that were being cuffed? You must plant their head so they can't get a bead on your side arm........ SOP Standard Operating Procedure...
come on --let's be reasonable--it is clearly more of a ''step'' than a kick
The guy comes running and puts full wieght on head. You want to lay down and let me do it to you?
it was not so much a kick as a step--that's obvious
no--not full weight
it took less than a second--not full weight--not a kick
wrong ---yes--malicious hate-brutality--no
clearly a step--not a kick/etc
...here this is brutality --this is a kick to the head/etc--out of control--jackass cops
man is COMPLETELY prone--see the difference:
Getting arrested is not fun...so don't break the law....and stop the bellyaching over some punk getting his head shoved down....jeeeze! what a bunch of snowflake pussys
I knew it wouldn't take long for the "small" government, "Don't Tread on Me" flag waving conservatives to come here and start lecturing everybody on respecting the authoritarian state.
There is nothing wrong with being lawful and respecting officers of the law...it has nothing to do with politics or the size and power of government it's about respecting our civilized society...if a cop does you wrong there are avenues of regress....this case was adjudicated and the cop was reinstated...found not guilty...that's the way we do things...
If you want to argue and fight with police officers go ahead but don't be surprised if you piss one off enough to get him to kick you in the head....but if one does without cause nor reason I will symbolically stand by you in court...
If you live long enough to get to court...if the prosecutor does not tank the case.
Getting arrested is not fun...so don't break the law....and stop the bellyaching over some punk getting his head shoved down....jeeeze! what a bunch of snowflake pussys
Ya, pussies only we would stand up to tyrany unlike the likes of you. I did not know the corps were training cowards today. You are the one who bends over for the badge not me!
Ya, pussies only we would stand up to tyrany unlike the likes of you. I did not know the corps were training cowards today. You are the one who bends over for the badge not me!

You don't have to bend for the badge. Just don't be surprised if you get kicked in the head (or worse) if you don't.

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