He won't be working for fox too much longer


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Shep Smith Rails Against Anti-Gay ‘Haters’ During Kim Davis Presser

During Fox News’ live coverage of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis‘ release from prison, anchor Shepard Smith suddenly spoke over the press conference to chastise Davis and those who supported her decision to refuse to issue gay marriage licenses.

“They set this up as a religious play again,” he said. “This is the same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out of our lives and out of our government.’ Well, here we go again.”

Shep Smith Rails Against Anti-Gay ‘Haters’ During Kim Davis Presser

I bet the cross grovelers have him in their cross hairs now

Uuummm....nope. Fox has always had a diverse set of opinions. Shocking concept huh?
well figures you'd be for the person who goes around dumping all over people. so you should try and get him on PmsNbc. I hear they have a vacancy since they dumped the: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevernd and Obama ass kisser, Al the loser Sharpton.
Everyone knows Shep is a homo.
Where the hell have you been?
I couldn't stand to watch him. all I saw was this huge head spewing over gawd knows what. I think he would scare the little children. lol

I really dont care for him either.
He has a way of speaking that makes me just tune out.
Of course it could be his content...
The "right wing" has a very diverse crowd of individuals that make up their own mind. I can understand why bed wetting C-FAGs have a hard time understanding that.

Some among us are adamantly anti-abortion for any reason, some moderate for certain circumstances and different stages of fetal development, and then there are guys like me who encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage knowing the sort of people I want to reproduce won't get abortions.

Some of us vehemently oppose marijuana legalization for any use at all, and want more strict enforcement and stiffer penalties, some think medical use should be legal, some think small amounts should be decriminalized, and then there are people like me who think there should be no more restrictions on it than there is on alcohol. There are some who want no restrictions on it, period.

Some of us think there should be more stringent gun laws, but still favor private ownership. Some think law abiding citizens are already over regulated, and people like me think there should be no gun laws period. Yes, that means convicted violent felons who are released from prison could buy a machine gun. If they can't be trusted with a machine gun, keep them in prison or cut off their fingers.

Bed wetters want abortion on demand paid for by the government up until the baby leaves the hospital. There is no dissent in that opinion.

Libtards want free marijuana provided at tax payer expense and the freedom to smoke it anytime, anywhere while cigarettes made of tobacco should only be smoked inside an individuals bathroom, under a blanket as long as there are no children within a mile radius.,

Moonbats hate gun owners and believe only black cops should be issued weapons.

Doubt he's going anywhere. One group FOX has been actively reaching out too is Homosexuals. Same with Republicans.
Doubt he's going anywhere. One group FOX has been actively reaching out too is Homosexuals. Same with Republicans.
as if there are so many of them. they make up the smallest group in the population in our country. but DEMAND the most from the rest of the people. they wail stay out of their bedrooms. but we have to hear about them "coming out" like it's some Major big deal. and then we are FORCED to hear about them and: cakes, pizza, a freaking piece of paper where they went had someone Jailed because they want people to stay out of their lives. reaching out to them get us nowhere
Shep Smith Rails Against Anti-Gay ‘Haters’ During Kim Davis Presser

During Fox News’ live coverage of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis‘ release from prison, anchor Shepard Smith suddenly spoke over the press conference to chastise Davis and those who supported her decision to refuse to issue gay marriage licenses.

“They set this up as a religious play again,” he said. “This is the same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out of our lives and out of our government.’ Well, here we go again.”

Shep Smith Rails Against Anti-Gay ‘Haters’ During Kim Davis Presser

I bet the cross grovelers have him in their cross hairs now

I watched a little of it on the Megyn Kelly show....it was so embarassing....seriously painful. Can these people not see how foolish they look?

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