“He made a fortune letting it happen.” - Romney Outsourcing

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Great Political AD: "Mitt Romney's not the solution, he's the problem."

agreed. Why does Romney have a secret Bermuda corporation? Why does Mitt have a bank account in Switzerland? :eusa_eh:

It shows Romney, a former corporate takeover executive at Bain Capital, saying at a campaign event: “The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank, taking our jobs, and taking a lot of our future. I’m not willing to let that happen.”

With strains of ominous music in the background, an announcer interjects, “He made a fortune letting it happen.” - Obama calls on Romney to disclose more tax returns - latimes.com

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So, Bush is the problem and now Romney is also the problem.

I see a trend here...

Mitt Romney's dad, George Romney, a former Michigan governor and American Motors chief executive, released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

Mitt's Not the Man His Father Was - Paul Krugman: Elder Romney released 12 years of tax returns

George paid 37% of his income in taxes over those 12 years. As for Mitt, "we’re still very much in the dark about his investments, some of which seem very mysterious" after a recent Vanity Fair piece, Krugman notes. "Has there ever before been a major presidential candidate who had a multimillion-dollar Swiss bank account, plus tens of millions invested in the Cayman Islands, famed as a tax haven?"
4 Pinocchios for Obama’s newest anti-Romney ad - The Washington Post

you are channeling wasserman schultz and DICK Durbin...:lol:

good job ace;)
nope. lying and deceit are not good karma

different ad. nice try hackster. :tongue: you didn't even pay attention to what you were commenting on. wrong ad.

its all the same ole sit, the outsourcing is BS to start with ace...... I never figured you for a brainless marching orders talking point hack.......true story.
If Mitt is "mysterious" that makes Obama downright "mystic".

What is Mitt Romney hiding? What is Romney afraid of? Why isn't Mitt as honest and open as his crazy old dad was?

Unlike his father, however, Mr. Romney didn’t get rich by producing things people wanted to buy; he made his fortune through financial engineering that seems in many cases to have left workers worse off, and in some cases driven companies into bankruptcy.

And there’s another contrast: George Romney was open and forthcoming about what he did with his wealth, but Mitt Romney has largely kept his finances secret. He did, grudgingly, release one year’s tax return plus an estimate for the next year, showing that he paid a startlingly low tax rate. But as the Vanity Fair report points out, we’re still very much in the dark about his investments, some of which seem very mysterious. - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/09/opinion/krugman-mitts-gray-areas.html?_r=1&ref=opinion
4 Pinocchios for Obama’s newest anti-Romney ad - The Washington Post

you are channeling wasserman schultz and DICK Durbin...:lol:

good job ace;)
nope. lying and deceit are not good karma

different ad. nice try hackster. :tongue: you didn't even pay attention to what you were commenting on. wrong ad.

its all the same ole sit, the outsourcing is BS to start with ace...... I never figured you for a brainless marching orders talking point hack.......true story.

technicality over the definitions of outsourcing? this defense is like a criminal getting off because a judge ruled out evidence of guilt. :eusa_eh:

What is Romney hiding and why? Why won't Mitt be as honest and forthcoming as his crazy old dad?
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to bad the NY Times doesn't dig into like F&F someone only died and shit.....*yawn*

LATimes not NYTimes:

“What's important, if you are running for president, is that the American people know who you are and what you've done, and that you're an open book,” Obama said in an interview at the White House with WMUR, a New Hampshire television station. “And that's been true of every presidential candidate dating all the way back to Mitt Romney's father.”

George Romney, a former Michigan governor and American Motors chief executive, released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968. Obama calls on Romney to disclose more tax returns - latimes.com
want lies? Team Romney: Obama Tax Cut Extension ‘A Massive Tax Increase’

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign dismissed President Obama’s plan to call for an extension of middle-class tax cuts in a statement Monday. Echoing the language of congressional Republcans the last time there was a fight over extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the middle class while letting them expire for people making over $250,000 a year... Team Romney: Obama Tax Cut Extension 'A Massive Tax Increase' | TPM Livewire

If Mitt is "mysterious" that makes Obama downright "mystic".

What is Mitt Romney hiding? What is Romney afraid of? Why isn't Mitt as honest and open as his crazy old dad was?

Unlike his father, however, Mr. Romney didn’t get rich by producing things people wanted to buy; he made his fortune through financial engineering that seems in many cases to have left workers worse off, and in some cases driven companies into bankruptcy.

And there’s another contrast: George Romney was open and forthcoming about what he did with his wealth, but Mitt Romney has largely kept his finances secret. He did, grudgingly, release one year’s tax return plus an estimate for the next year, showing that he paid a startlingly low tax rate. But as the Vanity Fair report points out, we’re still very much in the dark about his investments, some of which seem very mysterious. - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/09/opinion/krugman-mitts-gray-areas.html?_r=1&ref=opinion

You do make a good point. At least Obama is out in the open about his investments.
Like Solyndra for example.
please, Obama's taxes are no secret. We know where his wealth is and how he earned it.

he's hiding nothing as far as we know.

What is Mitt Romney hiding? What is he hiding and why?
What does it mean to LET it happen...?

WHO reeeally let IT "happen"? :eusa_whistle:
Thirteen Trillion dollars in DEBT. I blame Mitt. :doubt:

TRILLION. Starts with T and that rhymes with........... D

and THAT stands for Dollars! and Debt! :thup:

WHO? LET that happen, exactly.........???

Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight. - from Libertarian-Right Mises Inst.

Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt
George W. Bush Doubled the National Debt
What does it mean to LET it happen...?

WHO reeeally let IT "happen"? :eusa_whistle:

The outsourcing? That is what the thread is about.

Great Political AD: "Mitt Romney's not the solution, he's the problem."

agreed. Why does Romney have a secret Bermuda corporation? Why does Mitt have a bank account in Switzerland? :eusa_eh:

It shows Romney, a former corporate takeover executive at Bain Capital, saying at a campaign event: “The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank, taking our jobs, and taking a lot of our future. I’m not willing to let that happen.”

With strains of ominous music in the background, an announcer interjects, “He made a fortune letting it happen.” - Obama calls on Romney to disclose more tax returns - latimes.com


Thirteen Trillion dollars in DEBT. I blame Mitt. :doubt:

TRILLION. Starts with T and that rhymes with........... D

and THAT stands for Dollars! and Debt! :thup:

WHO? LET that happen, exactly.........???

you do know Dick Cheney said "Reagan Taught us Deficits Don't Matter"


“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was...I’ll go back and take a look at what was said there.”
- Mitt Romney

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