He blows it again


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Desperate for a win and desperate to shift responsibility for his lusted for "border wall," Trump yesterday offered a "common sense" solution to the Trump Government Shutdown.

But, in his eagerness to slither out of his self made mess, and with the advice of Jared, he had Trumpanzees going nuts and demanding that Nancy and Chuck reject his "common sense" deal.

And why you ask? Because of the one word Repubtards hate worse than Obama or Hillary; wait for it, get ready...AMNESTY!

Wake up Trumpanzees. Your leader will throw anybody under the bus, INCLUDING YOU, for a WIN! A win at any cost is all he cares about. MAGA? Yeah, right. Bigly!
Desperate for a win and desperate to shift responsibility for his lusted for "border wall," Trump yesterday offered a "common sense" solution to the Trump Government Shutdown.

But, in his eagerness to slither out of his self made mess, and with the advice of Jared, he had Trumpanzees going nuts and demanding that Nancy and Chuck reject his "common sense" deal.

And why you ask? Because of the one word Repubtards hate worse than Obama or Hillary; wait for it, get ready...AMNESTY!

Wake up Trumpanzees. Your leader will throw anybody under the bus, INCLUDING YOU, for a WIN! A win at any cost is all he cares about. MAGA? Yeah, right. Bigly!
Put on your pussyhat and watch a little CNN. They say it works.
Wake up Trumpanzees. Your leader will throw anybody under the bus, INCLUDING YOU, for a WIN! A win at any cost is all he cares about. MAGA? Yeah, right. Bigly!

There is no win if he gives up anything. Especially not Amnesty. Most on the Right understand that.

Now please finish your butter sandwich so we can put your straitjacket back on.
Democrats have vowed that they will never vote for the wall so Trump dangled this little poison pill at them. It's commonly used in business. Of course Nancy and Chuckie will turn it down. They have to. They are the resistance. That will secure all those wayward Hispanic votes.

It's a massive gamble but I think Trump is going to win.
Desperate for a win and desperate to shift responsibility for his lusted for "border wall," Trump yesterday offered a "common sense" solution to the Trump Government Shutdown.

But, in his eagerness to slither out of his self made mess, and with the advice of Jared, he had Trumpanzees going nuts and demanding that Nancy and Chuck reject his "common sense" deal.

And why you ask? Because of the one word Repubtards hate worse than Obama or Hillary; wait for it, get ready...AMNESTY!

Wake up Trumpanzees. Your leader will throw anybody under the bus, INCLUDING YOU, for a WIN! A win at any cost is all he cares about. MAGA? Yeah, right. Bigly!
Put on your pussyhat and watch a little CNN. They say it works.
One dose of Don Lemon should do the job. :clap2:
Not seeing anything wrong with this guy is TDS. Most Trumpanzees are hoping to someday meet their hero in person and he`ll grab their pussies without asking. Good lick with that boys and girls.

I don’t think anyone sees Trump as perfect. For example, I have no use for his lack of backbone and unwillingness to tell Dems and the Establishment Republicans to kiss his ass.

I have no interest in meeting him, either. Hell, I didn’t even vote for him.

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