Hawaii Burns and I Don't Care

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I will preface this by saying that I never like to hear about anyone dying, losing property, and subject to any sort of undue horror. I have heard and listened to many of the tales coming out of the fire through media sources and it sounds hellish. My heart goes out to them. However, there is a limit.

It is clear when listening to the stories from the white people who live there that they are spoiled, privileged, insufferable little shits. Sure, you went through a rough spot. But that happens to people across the world daily and you don't give a shit about them. These Hawaii honkies act like they are native islanders, all the while being whiter than a Grand Wizard's KKK robe. I heard one of these white people today say "Oh, the spirt of Aloha lives on". WTF does that even mean?!? I assume it is based on some sort of Samoan mystical bullshit. And here they are, from a culture founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, suddenly purveyors of a pagan ideology because ... ? Why? They like the sunshine and blue water.

These are shallow, self-centered people. They are also quite spoiled and, therefore, living in a little bubble, effectively inoculated from the world that 99.9999% of humans experience. Now, a hardship has befallen them and their multimillion dollar shacks (property values are through the roof there) and it is the end times, such that the entire world should stop and focus on them. I even heard one of them say that the Hawaii fires were "worse than 9/11". Now, if THAT does not tell you how shitty these degenerates are, then nothing will.

I note that most of the victims of the fires seem to be these white scumfucks. But I don't know for sure. The media may be focusing on them over the natives. Speaking of the natives, these are some of the most racist, foul, swarthy pieces of shit that you will run across the world over. It is well known that there is a strong racist sentiment running through these people. Many of them hate whitey despite the fact that white made them wealthy. They resent the "occupation" of their land by the white man, and they bitch about it ceaselessly. It is the same stupid bullshit that the American Indians pimp out to the world. The only difference is that most native Americans are dirt-road poor while the native Hawaiians are not. If there are any poor Hawaiian living on the islands, there station in life is on them. If you are one of them and you cannot figure out how to make money living on the islands, then you are a fucking stupid loser.

So, you have the non-native crackers living on the islands who are absolutely despicable human beings. Then you have the natives, who are just a deserving of despise. Then you have the transients who vacation there, along with the U.S. Military presence. It sits out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, isolated and subject to cyclones, non-cyclonic wind storms, and tsunamis. This fucking place sounds like Hell to me. And what do we associate Hell with? Fire!

On a human level I truly do feel for these people. It is kind of like when you say "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". But when you get below the surface of the fire story, we are reminded of what a truly despicable shit hole Hawaii and its culture is. Fuck, I'd rather visit Puerto Rico for a week than go to the Hawaii. Of course, I am not going to visit either one because they both suck in my opinion.

Hawaii Burns and I Don't Care​

Keep in mind that:
  1. 90 some people dead just equals 1-2 good school bus crashes or school shootings.
  2. The power company there should have cut power in the high winds.
  3. Hawaii failed to have the necessary infrastructure in place to cope with the situation before it got out of hand. I mean, all it takes is water to put out a fire and the place is an ISLAND SURROUNDED BY WATER.
  4. Hawaii really isn't ours. Hawaii was a sovereign independent nation of its own until the US government came along and essentially STOLE IT. Took it from the Hawaiian people. And I think they finally admitted as much in the 1990s. Maybe now is a good time to give it back to them. Maybe we can swap Hawaii out for Puerto Rico?
Now this cracked me the hell up-

You don't hold back when you explain you believe them to be "spoiled, privileged, insufferable and little shits."

You show there's equal opportunity when you describe whites as "Hawaii honkies, non-native crackers and white scumfucks."

While not particularly bad in itself, it's kind of implied when you mention "Samoan mystical beliefs."

Even their culture is blanket style attacked and "truly despicable." That's a lot.

Along with "shallow, self-centered, quite spoiled, living in a bubble, shitty degenerates and transients."

Adding to the mix are those "stupid fucking losers, American Indian pimps, those deserving of despise" and of course, the ever handy "absolutely despicable human beings."

Don't forget those racists are swarthy pieces of shit, too.

Ending with "they suck, along with Puerto Rico".

Did I get everything?

Yes, I think I did.

And you assure us all that your heart goes out to them after all.
To the OP......TLDR, especially when it's filled with racist name calling with such a self superior attitude.

What actually happened in Hawaii is that real people, regardless of any differences, ALL lost their homes, livelihoods and probably family members and/or friends with little to no warning of the devastation coming.

If anyone can't see that ^^^ for what it is, is a real piece of shit

I will preface this by saying that I never like to hear about anyone dying, losing property, and subject to any sort of undue horror. I have heard and listened to many of the tales coming out of the fire through media sources and it sounds hellish. My heart goes out to them. However, there is a limit.

It is clear when listening to the stories from the white people who live there that they are spoiled, privileged, insufferable little shits. Sure, you went through a rough spot. But that happens to people across the world daily and you don't give a shit about them. These Hawaii honkies act like they are native islanders, all the while being whiter than a Grand Wizard's KKK robe. I heard one of these white people today say "Oh, the spirt of Aloha lives on". WTF does that even mean?!? I assume it is based on some sort of Samoan mystical bullshit. And here they are, from a culture founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, suddenly purveyors of a pagan ideology because ... ? Why? They like the sunshine and blue water.

These are shallow, self-centered people. They are also quite spoiled and, therefore, living in a little bubble, effectively inoculated from the world that 99.9999% of humans experience. Now, a hardship has befallen them and their multimillion dollar shacks (property values are through the roof there) and it is the end times, such that the entire world should stop and focus on them. I even heard one of them say that the Hawaii fires were "worse than 9/11". Now, if THAT does not tell you how shitty these degenerates are, then nothing will.

I note that most of the victims of the fires seem to be these white scumfucks. But I don't know for sure. The media may be focusing on them over the natives. Speaking of the natives, these are some of the most racist, foul, swarthy pieces of shit that you will run across the world over. It is well known that there is a strong racist sentiment running through these people. Many of them hate whitey despite the fact that white made them wealthy. They resent the "occupation" of their land by the white man, and they bitch about it ceaselessly. It is the same stupid bullshit that the American Indians pimp out to the world. The only difference is that most native Americans are dirt-road poor while the native Hawaiians are not. If there are any poor Hawaiian living on the islands, there station in life is on them. If you are one of them and you cannot figure out how to make money living on the islands, then you are a fucking stupid loser.

So, you have the non-native crackers living on the islands who are absolutely despicable human beings. Then you have the natives, who are just a deserving of despise. Then you have the transients who vacation there, along with the U.S. Military presence. It sits out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, isolated and subject to cyclones, non-cyclonic wind storms, and tsunamis. This fucking place sounds like Hell to me. And what do we associate Hell with? Fire!

On a human level I truly do feel for these people. It is kind of like when you say "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". But when you get below the surface of the fire story, we are reminded of what a truly despicable shit hole Hawaii and its culture is. Fuck, I'd rather visit Puerto Rico for a week than go to the Hawaii. Of course, I am not going to visit either one because they both suck in my opinion.

Joe Biden doesn't care, either.
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To the OP......TLDR, especially when it's filled with racist name calling with such a self superior attitude.

What actually happened in Hawaii is that real people, regardless of any differences, ALL lost their homes, livelihoods and probably family members and/or friends with little to no warning of the devastation coming.

If anyone can't see that ^^^ for what it is, is a real piece of shit
You probably should have read the post rather than just going off in your reply ignorant and half cocked, don't you think?
Plugs probably had a case of the turkey trots and needed to stay close to the beach. Who's gonna know if you shit in the ocean.... right? Well, maybe the laundry woman, but she's from Guatemala and Pedo Pete considers her more of an insect than a human being.

Or maybe there was a Cuties marathon on Netflix? Underaged sexual exploitation by the truck load. Does it get any better than that? Fuck those Samoans.... or whatever the hell they are.

Jesus Christ... Your ignorance is that you replied to a post that you did not even read. You are more dense than a turd.

HA, fooled you.......I did read it and you're still a piece of shit.

Why?? Cause you don't care one wit about any of those people and only said anything resembling 'sympathy' for anyone in such a situation is to convince anyone reading your crap that you're a nice guy

News for you dude, it didn't work,

I will preface this by saying that I never like to hear about anyone dying, losing property, and subject to any sort of undue horror. I have heard and listened to many of the tales coming out of the fire through media sources and it sounds hellish. My heart goes out to them. However, there is a limit.

It is clear when listening to the stories from the white people who live there that they are spoiled, privileged, insufferable little shits. Sure, you went through a rough spot. But that happens to people across the world daily and you don't give a shit about them. These Hawaii honkies act like they are native islanders, all the while being whiter than a Grand Wizard's KKK robe. I heard one of these white people today say "Oh, the spirt of Aloha lives on". WTF does that even mean?!? I assume it is based on some sort of Samoan mystical bullshit. And here they are, from a culture founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, suddenly purveyors of a pagan ideology because ... ? Why? They like the sunshine and blue water.

These are shallow, self-centered people. They are also quite spoiled and, therefore, living in a little bubble, effectively inoculated from the world that 99.9999% of humans experience. Now, a hardship has befallen them and their multimillion dollar shacks (property values are through the roof there) and it is the end times, such that the entire world should stop and focus on them. I even heard one of them say that the Hawaii fires were "worse than 9/11". Now, if THAT does not tell you how shitty these degenerates are, then nothing will.

I note that most of the victims of the fires seem to be these white scumfucks. But I don't know for sure. The media may be focusing on them over the natives. Speaking of the natives, these are some of the most racist, foul, swarthy pieces of shit that you will run across the world over. It is well known that there is a strong racist sentiment running through these people. Many of them hate whitey despite the fact that white made them wealthy. They resent the "occupation" of their land by the white man, and they bitch about it ceaselessly. It is the same stupid bullshit that the American Indians pimp out to the world. The only difference is that most native Americans are dirt-road poor while the native Hawaiians are not. If there are any poor Hawaiian living on the islands, there station in life is on them. If you are one of them and you cannot figure out how to make money living on the islands, then you are a fucking stupid loser.

So, you have the non-native crackers living on the islands who are absolutely despicable human beings. Then you have the natives, who are just a deserving of despise. Then you have the transients who vacation there, along with the U.S. Military presence. It sits out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, isolated and subject to cyclones, non-cyclonic wind storms, and tsunamis. This fucking place sounds like Hell to me. And what do we associate Hell with? Fire!

On a human level I truly do feel for these people. It is kind of like when you say "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". But when you get below the surface of the fire story, we are reminded of what a truly despicable shit hole Hawaii and its culture is. Fuck, I'd rather visit Puerto Rico for a week than go to the Hawaii. Of course, I am not going to visit either one because they both suck in my opinion.
What a load of racist bullshit.
Keep in mind that:
  1. 90 some people dead just equals 1-2 good school bus crashes or school shootings.
  2. The power company there should have cut power in the high winds.
  3. Hawaii failed to have the necessary infrastructure in place to cope with the situation before it got out of hand. I mean, all it takes is water to put out a fire and the place is an ISLAND SURROUNDED BY WATER.
  4. Hawaii really isn't ours. Hawaii was a sovereign independent nation of its own until the US government came along and essentially STOLE IT. Took it from the Hawaiian people. And I think they finally admitted as much in the 1990s. Maybe now is a good time to give it back to them. Maybe we can swap Hawaii out for Puerto Rico?
That number 3 there......I was wondering the same thing! Couldn't they pump a bunch of sea water on that fire? They got plenty.

I will preface this by saying that I never like to hear about anyone dying, losing property, and subject to any sort of undue horror. I have heard and listened to many of the tales coming out of the fire through media sources and it sounds hellish. My heart goes out to them. However, there is a limit.

It is clear when listening to the stories from the white people who live there that they are spoiled, privileged, insufferable little shits. Sure, you went through a rough spot. But that happens to people across the world daily and you don't give a shit about them. These Hawaii honkies act like they are native islanders, all the while being whiter than a Grand Wizard's KKK robe. I heard one of these white people today say "Oh, the spirt of Aloha lives on". WTF does that even mean?!? I assume it is based on some sort of Samoan mystical bullshit. And here they are, from a culture founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, suddenly purveyors of a pagan ideology because ... ? Why? They like the sunshine and blue water.

These are shallow, self-centered people. They are also quite spoiled and, therefore, living in a little bubble, effectively inoculated from the world that 99.9999% of humans experience. Now, a hardship has befallen them and their multimillion dollar shacks (property values are through the roof there) and it is the end times, such that the entire world should stop and focus on them. I even heard one of them say that the Hawaii fires were "worse than 9/11". Now, if THAT does not tell you how shitty these degenerates are, then nothing will.

I note that most of the victims of the fires seem to be these white scumfucks. But I don't know for sure. The media may be focusing on them over the natives. Speaking of the natives, these are some of the most racist, foul, swarthy pieces of shit that you will run across the world over. It is well known that there is a strong racist sentiment running through these people. Many of them hate whitey despite the fact that white made them wealthy. They resent the "occupation" of their land by the white man, and they bitch about it ceaselessly. It is the same stupid bullshit that the American Indians pimp out to the world. The only difference is that most native Americans are dirt-road poor while the native Hawaiians are not. If there are any poor Hawaiian living on the islands, there station in life is on them. If you are one of them and you cannot figure out how to make money living on the islands, then you are a fucking stupid loser.

So, you have the non-native crackers living on the islands who are absolutely despicable human beings. Then you have the natives, who are just a deserving of despise. Then you have the transients who vacation there, along with the U.S. Military presence. It sits out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, isolated and subject to cyclones, non-cyclonic wind storms, and tsunamis. This fucking place sounds like Hell to me. And what do we associate Hell with? Fire!

On a human level I truly do feel for these people. It is kind of like when you say "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". But when you get below the surface of the fire story, we are reminded of what a truly despicable shit hole Hawaii and its culture is. Fuck, I'd rather visit Puerto Rico for a week than go to the Hawaii. Of course, I am not going to visit either one because they both suck in my opinion.
Wow!! what a depressive and Seppuku like interpretation and generalization of Hawaii.

All I can state right now: Good Bye America
What a load of racist bullshit.
Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.
HA, fooled you.......I did read it and you're still a piece of shit.

Why?? Cause you don't care one wit about any of those people and only said anything resembling 'sympathy' for anyone in such a situation is to convince anyone reading your crap that you're a nice guy

News for you dude, it didn't work,
Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.

I will preface this by saying that I never like to hear about anyone dying, losing property, and subject to any sort of undue horror. I have heard and listened to many of the tales coming out of the fire through media sources and it sounds hellish. My heart goes out to them. However, there is a limit.

It is clear when listening to the stories from the white people who live there that they are spoiled, privileged, insufferable little shits. Sure, you went through a rough spot. But that happens to people across the world daily and you don't give a shit about them. These Hawaii honkies act like they are native islanders, all the while being whiter than a Grand Wizard's KKK robe. I heard one of these white people today say "Oh, the spirt of Aloha lives on". WTF does that even mean?!? I assume it is based on some sort of Samoan mystical bullshit. And here they are, from a culture founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, suddenly purveyors of a pagan ideology because ... ? Why? They like the sunshine and blue water.

These are shallow, self-centered people. They are also quite spoiled and, therefore, living in a little bubble, effectively inoculated from the world that 99.9999% of humans experience. Now, a hardship has befallen them and their multimillion dollar shacks (property values are through the roof there) and it is the end times, such that the entire world should stop and focus on them. I even heard one of them say that the Hawaii fires were "worse than 9/11". Now, if THAT does not tell you how shitty these degenerates are, then nothing will.

I note that most of the victims of the fires seem to be these white scumfucks. But I don't know for sure. The media may be focusing on them over the natives. Speaking of the natives, these are some of the most racist, foul, swarthy pieces of shit that you will run across the world over. It is well known that there is a strong racist sentiment running through these people. Many of them hate whitey despite the fact that white made them wealthy. They resent the "occupation" of their land by the white man, and they bitch about it ceaselessly. It is the same stupid bullshit that the American Indians pimp out to the world. The only difference is that most native Americans are dirt-road poor while the native Hawaiians are not. If there are any poor Hawaiian living on the islands, there station in life is on them. If you are one of them and you cannot figure out how to make money living on the islands, then you are a fucking stupid loser.

So, you have the non-native crackers living on the islands who are absolutely despicable human beings. Then you have the natives, who are just a deserving of despise. Then you have the transients who vacation there, along with the U.S. Military presence. It sits out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, isolated and subject to cyclones, non-cyclonic wind storms, and tsunamis. This fucking place sounds like Hell to me. And what do we associate Hell with? Fire!

On a human level I truly do feel for these people. It is kind of like when you say "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". But when you get below the surface of the fire story, we are reminded of what a truly despicable shit hole Hawaii and its culture is. Fuck, I'd rather visit Puerto Rico for a week than go to the Hawaii. Of course, I am not going to visit either one because they both suck in my opinion.
What a load of racist bullshit. ^^^

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