Have you ever felt so down

I am OK, thankyou to all who expressed concern.
I was asking out of curiosity prompted by the suicide of a 15 year old girl found hanged in the new forest recently.It brings a lump to my throat thinking about it.
I can't even begin to contemplate how bad things have to seem to an individual before one would do such a thing.I do think hanging is the ultimate in suicide, one, because there is no coming back from it and two, because of the message it sends.What do I know?

I'm glad you're ok. Very sad story. I feel horrible for her parents and for what she must have been going through. FWIW, suicide rates for teens have gone up dramatically and, for girls, hanging/suffocation is the method of choice.

Suicide rates among all American young people, aged 10 to 24, fell 28 per cent from 1990 to 2003. But in 2004 they shot back up, driven largely by increases among females aged 10 to 19 and males aged 15 to 19.

"In surveillance speak, this is a dramatic and huge increase," said Dr. Ileana Arias, director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, in a release.

Americans in 2004, accounting for 4,599 deaths, only surpassed by car crashes and homicide, Arias said.

Hanging, suffocation lead way

The study also documented a change in suicide method. In 1990, guns accounted for more than half of all suicides among young females. By 2004, though, death by hanging and suffocation became the most common suicide method. It accounted for about 71 per cent of all suicides in girls aged 10 to 14, 49 per cent among those aged 15 to 19 and 34 per cent between 20 to 24.

Abject severe depression that has as a component a desire for suicide is not as easily dismissed as " damn they were selfish".

If your in that hole far enough rational thought doesn't work. You can not see anyway out , you can not rationally think your way out of it. What is needed then is either an extreme stubberness not to act coupled with the ability to get help or find a safe haven, or an external overwhelming consideration that can dent your deep depression and help you not do what you see as the only option. That still needs you to seek help.

Most people that commit suicide do ask for help, just not always in a forthright manner and unfortunately a lot of people can not contemplate killing ones self so do not take the threat serious, not cause they are bad people, but because they simply can not fathom that thought.

Telling someone that is suicidal all the good things in life or even their life isn't generally going to work, they can not see it at that point. The hole they are in is so dark and deep they can not possibly reason the facts out you are telling them. They can and will twist everything to a negative.

Owen Wilson IS a good example. I mean what could ( from our external view) possibly be so bad in his life he would want to kill himself? Obviously something TO HIM, was.

There are people that have suicidal thoughts all the time. Overpowering thoughts that no amount of rationalizing can just fix. No amount of external love and caring can stop. Those people almost always need medication because there is a chemical problem in their brain.

What am I saying to you? If you EVER think someone is suicidal act on that. It is so much better for a person to be angry with you and alive, then having them kill themself. Get professional help if you hear someone talk about suicide, tell someone that will ask the tough questions. I do not mean general conversation like we are having, I mean when someone makes a threat or vieled threat. ALWAYS take a suicidal threat serious.

Sorry, BUT it really is important to understand that people that have such thoughts are a lot of times simply unable to shake them off.

I understand what you're saying. And I don't disagree to the extent that I'm sure that it must feel like a black hole they can't get out of. We've already started talking to our son whenever there's a story about a teen suicide in the news. We've told him he can always talk to us and that nothing he could ever do or feel would ever be so bad that it can't get better. I can only hope that's enough.
I suppose it's trite to make the point that depression has physiological causes. If someone is feeling depressed - and I do mean depressed and not just having a bad day - then it's a brain problem. Go to the doctor and get proper medical advice. It's not a failure of will or personality, it's all about neurotransmitters and other hormones being out of whack.
I suppose it's trite to make the point that depression has physiological causes. If someone is feeling depressed - and I do mean depressed and not just having a bad day - then it's a brain problem. Go to the doctor and get proper medical advice. It's not a failure of will or personality, it's all about neurotransmitters and other hormones being out of whack.

Clinical depression can be. There are conditions in our lives that can lead to temporary depression that is not a permanent condition.

People like Tom Cruise and his ignorant opinion on the medical profession and medication do so much damage to those that do not understand that it can be a medical condition requiring medication to fix an imbalance in your brain.

Having said that, here in the States and I suspect else where Psychiatry has become an excuse or a crutch for a lot of people.Children that are normal are treated as if they have medical conditions and sent to hospitals and shrinks and therapists a lot of times when it simply is nothing more than being a kid. During those years so many changes are occurring that there is no "normal" state like with a fully developed Adult.

Don't get me wrong, some children obviously need medical attention. But the current trend is to treat anything and everything. And with medication.

The local Mental Health Facility ( private) has gone from treating a majority of adults with a small children's wing to almost no beds for adults at all and no geriatric support at all. The whole place is based on housing and treating children. Young children and teens. In my opinion it is an over reaction.

Johnny misbehaves and off to the hospital he goes.

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