Have some stupid for dinner!

d, or you are being intentionally dishonest. I'll let you choose which one you are.

Lets try this honest approach again.
I read where you support Bernie Sanders?
Bernie believes man made global warming is real and a problem.

Doesnt that give you concern about how smart Bernie IS? Or does Bernies belief give you pause about what you believe about GW?

Either way, wouldnt a global warming denier be a better fit for your beliefs?

I am not a one issue voter so no. The simple fact is there are no candidates who are sceptics. Sanders has little to no scientific knowledge. He is smart and based on his prior acts if given the proper information he would change his mind. He just needs to be shown how the corporations and the elitists are pushing the GW agenda to further their own political agendas and hopefully he will change his mind and his policies.

IMO a hard anti multinational corporate stance is the most important needed stance for a politician in the US today. All other agendas derive from that poisoned well.
Sanders has little to no scientific knowledge. He is smart and based on his prior acts if given the proper information he would change his mind.

LMAO. Dude, Google Bernie Sanders and Global Warming.

Sanders has done plenty of discovering of the issues of GW. So much that he has indicated that GW is the single biggest threat we face today.

try your Google. tons of articles out there. If Bernie gets elected, he will make a large effort to educate the people about the effects and try and mitigate our relying on fossil fuels.

OR, you could volunteer for his campaign as the only true source of information about global warming and convince Bernie its a hoax.

Good luck. You couldnt even convince me.
Bernie lives in a fantasy world and he thinks he can bring back the flower power revolution.
Sorry Bernie, that shipped sailed a long time ago.
Doesn't have a plan to cut spending? Doesn't have a plan to cut unemployment?
He had a plan to reduce the debt. Boehner wouldn't even bring it up for a vote.

Unemployment is now at 4.9% - his plan has been a stunning success.

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Heck, Synth...if he REALLY had a plan to cut spending then why didn't he pass that when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?

Do you REALLY believe the bullshit you spout here? I don't think anyone else does...just saying...
Because legislation takes time and he was passing Obamacare and a ton of other things. Despite a wingnut opposition that filibustered everything they could.

So he had time to pass Obamacare and a "ton of other things" but couldn't find time IN TWO YEARS to pass legislation to cut spending? You're full of shit, Synth...and I think deep down...you know it!
And if Obama WASN'T cutting the debt...then he was obviously part of raising it! Your "chew toy" is still waiting to hear from you an Obama policy that was designed to cut spending. The truth is...he WANTED to spend a heck of a lot more than he has.

Still pissed Bush screwed the pooch and the black guy fixes it eh?

Do you know what a continuing resolution is? I suggest you look it up. thats is the method COngress had chosen to use to fund government for the past several years.

Continuing resolution. Where you keep spending whatever was aproved to be spent prior to a request for a new budget. that never happened.

And where was the Republicans budget for years.

And when the Repub finally did propose a budget, guess what it does. It blows up the deficit spending.

And that lazer focus on jobs that was promised by republicans? Where is it? HOw many jobs have Republicans created? Just curious on that.

Obama, acording to Republicans the most powerful President EVER. Able to stop all those good ideas Republicans are always bringing forth with just a single withering look. Oh the power of Obama.


What's pathetic is you've chosen to play the "race card" inferring that the only reason I think Barack Obama has been an awful President is because of skin color. The truth is...the color of Barack Obama's skin has been the thing that's gotten him a pass from people like yourself because his performance in the Oval Office has been abysmal! Barry hasn't "fixed" anything! He's given us ObamaCare which is such a badly written piece of legislation that even it's supporters admit that it needs to be completely overhauled to have a chance at working! He gave us the Obama Stimulus which was so bad at creating jobs that the White House had to come up with a new economic statistic...jobs created or saved...to hide how few jobs they actually created! He promised transparency and then gave us scandal and stonewalling that would have made Richard Nixon blush! He promised bi-partisanship and then told the GOP that "elections have consequences...I won!" in the first month of his Administration and told them to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did whatever they felt like...then turned around after the American people told him in 2010 that elections DO have consequences and told us that he knew better than the American people...had a phone and a pen...and would rule through Executive Order!

Barack Obama hasn't HAD a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship five years ago! I challenge you to tell me what plan of his the GOP has supposedly blocked! The truth is the only time he even tried to suggest something it was a watered down version of his first stimulus...so bad that he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for it! I challenge you to tell me Obama's plan to create jobs. He hasn't even attempted to address that issue since the middle of his first term.
economic hitler?

debt on purpose b/c he hates America?
dead on
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
Ima gunna tell ya for the gajillianth time, I Am Not A Republican.
But the Republicans who ran up the debt and refuse to pay it down are Republicans.

And you defend them at every turn. So what does that make you? Besides ignorant, I mean.

So what unfunded big Government programs did the Republicans pass?
Huge tax cuts for the rich
Bush Stimulus (that Ryan praised in the early 2000s)
War in Iraq
War in Afghanistan

ALL put on the credit card. ALL unfunded. You walked right into that one.

So how did the national debt double AFTER we spent all of that money?

Stop being a clown.
These last two Presidents have stunk big time on the big spending.
*sigh* Presidents do not allocate funding. They can only persuade the House to allocate spending.

The libs in the Senate would never allow a budget with any meaningful cuts to be passed for the vast majority of the Obama administration, that is until Ryan and the Republicans recently and completely caved in and gave them everything they wanted.

Can you say "continuing budget resolution"? I knew you could!
According to you leftists, everything wrong with this country is Republicans fault. You brain dead bafoons are STILL blaming Bush 7 years later...Dumasses.
Shrub wasted trillion$ on the Iraq war. Shrub wasted trillion$ more on welfare for millionaires. Shrub destroyed the U.S. economy. Shrub destroyed the global economy.
The cons try to blame Obama for the debt, but he's just been digging the country out of the hole Shrub put us in. But the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists, and still managed run up more debt. CONGRESS CONTROLS THE SPENDING!
It hasn't been just Shrub, Raygun tripled the debt, and Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.
The last three con POTUS's are responsible for most of the national debt.

And what has Barry done over the past seven years? Play golf and take joy rides on Air Force One? What is HIS responsibility for the massive amounts of spending that have taken place during his two terms?
In spite of the obstructionist cons, Obama ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan....gave healthcare to those that didn't have any...cut the annual deficit in half, on top of digging this country out of the economic collapse Shrub put us in....cut unemployment from 10% down to 5%...and restored integrity and credibility to America that Shrub destroyed.
Obama has done more for this country than any POTUS since FDR. All the debt Obama has accrued, has been fixing the mess that Shrub and the con congress and senate made. You know it's true, and cons will never live it down...all they can do is try to lie their way out of it, by blaming Obama. Won't work....cons lose again in 2016.

Obama ended the war in Afghanistan? Who knew? You better get on the horn to CNN and have them report the breaking news!
Obama has almost doubled the debt.
Yet you can't enumerate any of his supposed trillions in spending.

And you don't even know that the House controls all spending. And that Republicans have controlled the House since 2011.

You suck at this.

Yes, the House does control spending! So show me what Barry did to cut spending when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office! Show me his cuts during 2009 and 2010! Then show me the cuts he proposed the rest of the time that the GOP blocked.
You've already obviously lost this argument because you first argued that Obama has spent trillions, doubling our debt. When you couldn't show ANY evidence of that bullshit you change your argument to how Obama hasn't cut the debt.

The House controls all spending. Period.

You're really not worth my time any longer. You've been reduced to a chew toy for my amusement.

I put your lie in large red text. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how a bill becomes law. Schoolhouse Rock has a great cartoon video about it.

Sanders has little to no scientific knowledge. He is smart and based on his prior acts if given the proper information he would change his mind.

LMAO. Dude, Google Bernie Sanders and Global Warming.

Sanders has done plenty of discovering of the issues of GW. So much that he has indicated that GW is the single biggest threat we face today.

try your Google. tons of articles out there. If Bernie gets elected, he will make a large effort to educate the people about the effects and try and mitigate our relying on fossil fuels.

OR, you could volunteer for his campaign as the only true source of information about global warming and convince Bernie its a hoax.

Good luck. You couldnt even convince me.

So will everybody else if you haven't figured it out. You don't care to learn. With you it is an element of faith that man is responsible. Hard core progressives have adopted AGW as their religion. That is plain. The corporate interests that are now driving the legislation are the real threat.
Doesn't have a plan to cut spending? Doesn't have a plan to cut unemployment?
He had a plan to reduce the debt. Boehner wouldn't even bring it up for a vote.

Unemployment is now at 4.9% - his plan has been a stunning success.

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Heck, Synth...if he REALLY had a plan to cut spending then why didn't he pass that when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?

Do you REALLY believe the bullshit you spout here? I don't think anyone else does...just saying...
Because legislation takes time and he was passing Obamacare and a ton of other things. Despite a wingnut opposition that filibustered everything they could.
Dumbshit. The Democrats had a filibuster proof majority. Republicans couldnt block a single thing.
Doesn't have a plan to cut spending? Doesn't have a plan to cut unemployment?
He had a plan to reduce the debt. Boehner wouldn't even bring it up for a vote.

Unemployment is now at 4.9% - his plan has been a stunning success.

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Heck, Synth...if he REALLY had a plan to cut spending then why didn't he pass that when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?

Do you REALLY believe the bullshit you spout here? I don't think anyone else does...just saying...
Because legislation takes time and he was passing Obamacare and a ton of other things. Despite a wingnut opposition that filibustered everything they could.

So he had time to pass Obamacare and a "ton of other things" but couldn't find time IN TWO YEARS to pass legislation to cut spending? You're full of shit, Synth...and I think deep down...you know it!
In his first two years cutting spending wasn't a priority. It still isn't, except for the fringe extreme Right-Wing.

The priority was saving the country from another Great Depression due to Republican incompetence and corruption.
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
Ima gunna tell ya for the gajillianth time, I Am Not A Republican.
But the Republicans who ran up the debt and refuse to pay it down are Republicans.

And you defend them at every turn. So what does that make you? Besides ignorant, I mean.

So what unfunded big Government programs did the Republicans pass?
Huge tax cuts for the rich
Bush Stimulus (that Ryan praised in the early 2000s)
War in Iraq
War in Afghanistan

ALL put on the credit card. ALL unfunded. You walked right into that one.

So how did the national debt double AFTER we spent all of that money?

Stop being a clown.
The debt from all of Bush's actions did not stop accruing on the day Obama took office, dope.
These last two Presidents have stunk big time on the big spending.
*sigh* Presidents do not allocate funding. They can only persuade the House to allocate spending.

The libs in the Senate would never allow a budget with any meaningful cuts to be passed for the vast majority of the Obama administration, that is until Ryan and the Republicans recently and completely caved in and gave them everything they wanted.

Can you say "continuing budget resolution"? I knew you could!
That's the Republican sleight of hand, not the Democrats.

You wingnuts all think that because you are obsessed with cutting spending everyone should be. I would rather restore the revenue than constantly trying to diminish this country in the endless chase of less spending. We need MORE spending, and the proper revenue to sustain it while reducing the debt.
Obama has almost doubled the debt.
Yet you can't enumerate any of his supposed trillions in spending.

And you don't even know that the House controls all spending. And that Republicans have controlled the House since 2011.

You suck at this.

Yes, the House does control spending! So show me what Barry did to cut spending when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office! Show me his cuts during 2009 and 2010! Then show me the cuts he proposed the rest of the time that the GOP blocked.
You've already obviously lost this argument because you first argued that Obama has spent trillions, doubling our debt. When you couldn't show ANY evidence of that bullshit you change your argument to how Obama hasn't cut the debt.

The House controls all spending. Period.

You're really not worth my time any longer. You've been reduced to a chew toy for my amusement.

I put your lie in large red text. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how a bill becomes law. Schoolhouse Rock has a great cartoon video about it.

And you retards claim to love the Constitution.

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 7, clause 1
You don't care to learn. With you it is an element of faith that man is responsible. Hard core progressives have adopted AGW as their religion.

Huh? I asked you, a suppossed scientist, what the ultimate outcome of burning all that carbon in the form of oil and coal WILL BE.

It is you that has taken on some sort of weird faith that man can not cause the world to warm.

All I asked was when these actions have been done before (never) and what the ultimate outcome will be.

As a scientist I would think you would be asking the same thing. But for some reason you have suspended scientific curiosity to become an anti global warming zealot.

Weird for a guy claiming to be about science.
Doesn't have a plan to cut spending? Doesn't have a plan to cut unemployment?
He had a plan to reduce the debt. Boehner wouldn't even bring it up for a vote.

Unemployment is now at 4.9% - his plan has been a stunning success.

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Heck, Synth...if he REALLY had a plan to cut spending then why didn't he pass that when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?

Do you REALLY believe the bullshit you spout here? I don't think anyone else does...just saying...
Because legislation takes time and he was passing Obamacare and a ton of other things. Despite a wingnut opposition that filibustered everything they could.

So he had time to pass Obamacare and a "ton of other things" but couldn't find time IN TWO YEARS to pass legislation to cut spending? You're full of shit, Synth...and I think deep down...you know it!
In his first two years cutting spending wasn't a priority. It still isn't, except for the fringe extreme Right-Wing.

The priority was saving the country from another Great Depression due to Republican incompetence and corruption.

Cutting spending wasn't a priority in his first two years? LOL That's an understatement, Synth! George W. Bush had already saved the country from another Great Depression with TARP. Barry essentially ignored the economy and went after ObamaCare while protecting Public Sector workers with the pork-fest stimulus that Pelosi and Reid cooked up. The truth is that Barack Obama kept spending at the high level of W's last year in office...a year that Bush was forced to spend billions to keep American financial institutions afloat. Only Obama spent that money on things like pushing a "green" agenda, giving billions to alternative energy companies that took taxpayer money and then went belly up within two years. You talk about GOP "incompetence and corruption"? Obama gave us Solyndra...not Bush!
These last two Presidents have stunk big time on the big spending.
*sigh* Presidents do not allocate funding. They can only persuade the House to allocate spending.

The libs in the Senate would never allow a budget with any meaningful cuts to be passed for the vast majority of the Obama administration, that is until Ryan and the Republicans recently and completely caved in and gave them everything they wanted.

Can you say "continuing budget resolution"? I knew you could!
That's the Republican sleight of hand, not the Democrats.

You wingnuts all think that because you are obsessed with cutting spending everyone should be. I would rather restore the revenue than constantly trying to diminish this country in the endless chase of less spending. We need MORE spending, and the proper revenue to sustain it while reducing the debt.

Oh, we need MORE spending? Really, Synth! And your solution is to increase revenues? How so? By increasing taxes I assume? Yeah, that's gonna work! Let's respond to a sluggish economy by raising taxes! That will cure things! Did any of you progressives take economics in college? Or could you not squeeze in a few of those classes because you loaded up on Political Science and Philosophy?

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