'Hate Speech': The Left's Favorite Argument For Silencing Dissent


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violent leftists shutting down Ann Coulter was justified on the grounds her views are intolerable
- http://dailycaller.com#ixzz4fSXkRXKW

Hate Speech, according to snowflakes / Liberal 'Jihadists', is any view other than THEIRS. Any expression of views NOT authorized by Liberals and/or the Democratic party are not permitted.

“Hate speech” has risen to the fore of public debate recently thanks to the turmoil surrounding Ann Coulter’s just cancelled appearance at UC Berkeley. The famous conservative commentator had to pull out of her speaking engagement following dithering from the university and threats from leftist agitators."

"Considering the lack of a good legal argument for suppressing so-called hate speech, it’s a wonder how anyone can justify censoring views they deem offensive."
-- 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are hyper-sensitive, easily offended, intolerant, and who reject reality. THAT pretty much sums up how 'snowflakes' can justify censoring / violently shutting down Freedom of Speech!

"If hate speech eventually becomes a crime in America, its justification won’t be based on Constitutional grounds or really any historical precedent in this country. It will be all about how a diverse society like ours needs it in order to defend protected classes from opinions they don’t like. The scary thought is that argument might be enough for lawmakers to enact legislation to outlaw 'hate speech'."

Violent leftists shutting down Ann Coulter was justified on the grounds her views are intolerable
- http://dailycaller.com#ixzz4fSXkRXKW

Hate Speech, according to snowflakes / Liberal 'Jihadists', is any view other than THEIRS. Any expression of views NOT authorized by Liberals and/or the Democratic party are not permitted.

“Hate speech” has risen to the fore of public debate recently thanks to the turmoil surrounding Ann Coulter’s just cancelled appearance at UC Berkeley. The famous conservative commentator had to pull out of her speaking engagement following dithering from the university and threats from leftist agitators."

"Considering the lack of a good legal argument for suppressing so-called hate speech, it’s a wonder how anyone can justify censoring views they deem offensive."
-- 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are hyper-sensitive, easily offended, intolerant, and who reject reality. THAT pretty much sums up how 'snowflakes' can justify censoring / violently shutting down Freedom of Speech!

"If hate speech eventually becomes a crime in America, its justification won’t be based on Constitutional grounds or really any historical precedent in this country. It will be all about how a diverse society like ours needs it in order to defend protected classes from opinions they don’t like. The scary thought is that argument might be enough for lawmakers to enact legislation to outlaw 'hate speech'."


Their two go-to excuses for shutting down opposing speech are claiming that it is "hate speech" (and of course, they and they alone are the judge of what hate speech is), and "security" (because they can't control the violent zealots they have enabled, who would assault those who dare to have different views).

Thank goodness this is coming to the fore. It's about time.
I wouldn't listen to her because she's an ugly woman...
Which naturally has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic...
Sure it does..More than your retort..
Wow, your disinterest in listening to the lovely and gracious Ann relates to the leftists' desire to squelch free speech. Who knew?
Yeah. I really oppressed her ability to speak...
Exactly, which is why it wasn't related.
I wouldn't listen to her because she's an ugly woman...
Which naturally has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic...
Sure it does..More than your retort..
Wow, your disinterest in listening to the lovely and gracious Ann relates to the leftists' desire to squelch free speech. Who knew?
Yeah. I really oppressed her ability to speak...
Exactly, which is why it wasn't related.
Yes, sitting in this chair, 2000 miles away from Berkley allows me to stealthy take away Ann's propaganda machine..
Which naturally has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic...
Sure it does..More than your retort..
Wow, your disinterest in listening to the lovely and gracious Ann relates to the leftists' desire to squelch free speech. Who knew?
Yeah. I really oppressed her ability to speak...
Exactly, which is why it wasn't related.
Yes, sitting in this chair, 2000 miles away from Berkley allows me to stealthy take away Ann's propaganda machine..
Hey, you said it was related, not me.
Today's Headlines Tell The Tale:


Striking reversal in culture wars...

(Berkley:) Graveyard of First Amendment...

Portland rose parade canceled after 'antifascists' threaten Republican marchers...

"For 10 years, the 82nd Avenue of Roses Business Association has kicked off the city of Portland’s annual Rose Festival with a family-friendly parade meant to attract crowds to its diverse neighborhood.

Set to march in the parade’s 67th spot this year was the Multnomah County Republican Party, a fact that so outraged two self-described antifascist groups in the deep blue Oregon city that they pledged to protest and disrupt the April 29 event.

Then came an anonymous and ominous email, according to parade organizers, that instructed them to cancel the GOP group’s registration — or else.

You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the anonymous email said, referring to the violent riots that hit Portland after the 2016 presidential election, reported the Oregonian. “This is nonnegotiable.”

Snowflakes have become anti-Constitutional / anti-Free Speech Terrorists, liberal 'Jihadists'. Instead of cancelling the parade, they should still hold it and strike down any violent attempt to shutting down the roads or interfering. Rubber bullets, shotgun Beanbags, tear gas, water cannons, tasers, dogs - do whatever it takes to show these terrorists they will NOT win this war on Freedom of Speech with their violent behavior and threats!
Gotta be ugly somewhere...Ann can be ugly in many places though, it's her job, like a male dog that marks every tire..
Peeing on tires might be YOUR job, but for a dog it is just habit, an action, one that not all dogs do. Nice attack on women in your post, though.

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