Has This White House Declared War on America?

Fox is VERY right wing, MSNBC is very left wing.
Since the onslaught of cable TV and hyper-partisan websites, many outlets have opted to cater to a particular ideology. Since it seems the era of the objective, dispassionate observer type of journalism is dying quickly, it can be argued that there is a legitimate role for Fox as the advocate of the far right to counter the advocacy of MSNBC of the far left.

But you can't be "fair and balanced" and an advocate at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. Just because an outlet mirrors your own personal bias - don't be fooled into thinking it is unbiased.

Fox is perfectly free to say what they want about Obama or liberals, or progressives, or anyone else they want to. But those folks are also free to say whatever they think about Fox news too.
Free speech is a two-way street.

The pew research center found fox to be the most balanced of all cable AND network news agencies.

So who do you think may have a biased view of Fox?

Do you not like to hear what they have to report?

They report the news .....sorry you dont like the crap you hear out of DC.

Dont blame the messanger.

And...BTW...dont goive me that crap about "how Fox always lied"

If they always lied, you would hear about the lies on Network Evening News....instead you hear about the lies on blogs and MSNBC...and NEVER reported by MSNBC news anchors....just the commentators.

Why is that?

I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A newer study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organization's RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that responsibility. They feed the right wing bias exclusively.

But if that is what they choose to be - that is certainly their right. As it is the right of others to comment on that decision.

Interesting....you do not watch fox news...you ignore the unbiased study of accuracy......yet you make a judgement call on them and debate it on here.

I find that hysterical.
The pew research center found fox to be the most balanced of all cable AND network news agencies.

So who do you think may have a biased view of Fox?

Do you not like to hear what they have to report?

They report the news .....sorry you dont like the crap you hear out of DC.

Dont blame the messanger.

And...BTW...dont goive me that crap about "how Fox always lied"

If they always lied, you would hear about the lies on Network Evening News....instead you hear about the lies on blogs and MSNBC...and NEVER reported by MSNBC news anchors....just the commentators.

Why is that?

I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A newer study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organization's RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that responsibility. They feed the right wing bias exclusively.

But if that is what they choose to be - that is certainly their right. As it is the right of others to comment on that decision.

Interesting....you do not watch fox news...you ignore the unbiased study of accuracy......yet you make a judgement call on them and debate it on here.

I find that hysterical.
I was thinking the EXACT same thing!
The pew research center found fox to be the most balanced of all cable AND network news agencies.

So who do you think may have a biased view of Fox?

Do you not like to hear what they have to report?

They report the news .....sorry you dont like the crap you hear out of DC.

Dont blame the messanger.

And...BTW...dont goive me that crap about "how Fox always lied"

If they always lied, you would hear about the lies on Network Evening News....instead you hear about the lies on blogs and MSNBC...and NEVER reported by MSNBC news anchors....just the commentators.

Why is that?

I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A new study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organizations RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that rersponsibility.

No sir...they ALSO found THEM to be the MOST BALANCED in reporting during the campaign.

40% favorable McCain reports
40% favorable Obama reports
40% unfavorable reports McCain
40% unfavorable reports Obama
20% indifferent reports McCXain
20% indifferent reports Obama

NBC, for example...had 76% favorable Obama.....30% favorable McCain

Yes I saw that Fox news story - it was linked to the same one that claimed rassmussen was the most accurate poll and that rassmussen "perfectly" predicted the outcome (even though about sevcen pollsters were better).

So I'd like to see that "study" please.
The pew research center found fox to be the most balanced of all cable AND network news agencies.

So who do you think may have a biased view of Fox?

Do you not like to hear what they have to report?

They report the news .....sorry you dont like the crap you hear out of DC.

Dont blame the messanger.

And...BTW...dont goive me that crap about "how Fox always lied"

If they always lied, you would hear about the lies on Network Evening News....instead you hear about the lies on blogs and MSNBC...and NEVER reported by MSNBC news anchors....just the commentators.

Why is that?

I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A newer study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organization's RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that responsibility. They feed the right wing bias exclusively.

But if that is what they choose to be - that is certainly their right. As it is the right of others to comment on that decision.

Interesting....you do not watch fox news...you ignore the unbiased study of accuracy......yet you make a judgement call on them and debate it on here.

I find that hysterical.

I don't watch them much ANYMORE because of what I found. I made that perfectly clear didn't I? I find your fanatical defense - almost religious - of this highly biased organization interesting - not hysterical - just kinda sad. You really have to hang onto this notion that they are the only ones telling the truth and everyone is lying don't you.

Why not just accept your bias - accept the fact that they reflect your bias and be happy and proud of that? If you are ashamed of your bias, why don't you get rid of it?
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I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A newer study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organization's RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that responsibility. They feed the right wing bias exclusively.

But if that is what they choose to be - that is certainly their right. As it is the right of others to comment on that decision.

Interesting....you do not watch fox news...you ignore the unbiased study of accuracy......yet you make a judgement call on them and debate it on here.

I find that hysterical.

I don't watch them much ANYMORE because of what I found. I made that perfectly clear didn't I? I find your fanatical defense - almost religious - of this highly biased organization interesting - not hysterical - just kinda sad. You really have to hang onto this notion that they are the only ones telling the truth and everyone is lying don't you.

Why not just accept your bias - accept the fact that they reflect your bias and be happy and proud of that?

So pelase...answer my question.....why did you not want to know WHY Obama gave 3 very conflicting answewrs to the Ayers relationship?

YOUR media was OK with it and did not press him for an answer.
Fox news DID press him for an answer and people like you say it is because of an agenda...or a perspective...
Well...here we are...a year later....any idea why he gave 3 conflicting answers?

As for Wright.....You and your media was OK with the "I did not know he was like that"...

And here we are a year later...and...

"I di not know" is one of his biuggest excuses so far...

I did not know about Jones...
I did not know I signed the AIG bonuses into law...
I did not know that Gates had that report back in August....
I did not know the fracts about the Mass Police issue when I said they acted stupiudly....

Maybe if YOUR media did not let him get away with "I did not know about Wrtight", he would not have that one to fall back on.

There was a day where "I did not know" was NOT an acceptable excuse for any adult....much less a politician
Obama has the whip and he is beating Fox with it. The amount of screaming here by the far rightoids simply demonstrates the truth of the statement. The wingnuts in the wildnerness can scream all the insults they want, and it means nothing.
Obama has the whip and he is beating Fox with it. The amount of screaming here by the far rightoids simply demonstrates the truth of the statement. The wingnuts in the wildnerness can scream all the insults they want, and it means nothing.

It's not like obama has anything else to do while president.
If you look real close, it seems that Obama is the one with the welts.
The troll, jake can scream ALL he wants.
Obama has the whip and he is beating Fox with it. The amount of screaming here by the far rightoids simply demonstrates the truth of the statement. The wingnuts in the wildnerness can scream all the insults they want, and it means nothing.

you stupid fuck Osama's ass is glued to the chair while he murder's kid's in afghan. you are turly a nautural born fuckin moron !!!!!!!!!!!
Obama has the whip and he is beating Fox with it. The amount of screaming here by the far rightoids simply demonstrates the truth of the statement. The wingnuts in the wildnerness can scream all the insults they want, and it means nothing.

you stupid fuck Osama's ass is glued to the chair while he murder's kid's in afghan. you are turly a nautural born fuckin moron !!!!!!!!!!!

and he is YOUR president. Damn, it must suck to be YOU!:razz:
Obama has the whip and he is beating Fox with it. The amount of screaming here by the far rightoids simply demonstrates the truth of the statement. The wingnuts in the wildnerness can scream all the insults they want, and it means nothing.

you stupid fuck Osama's ass is glued to the chair while he murder's kid's in afghan. you are turly a nautural born fuckin moron !!!!!!!!!!!

and he is YOUR president. Damn, it must suck to be YOU!:razz:

he's an illegal alien you voted for. so go piss up up a burning rope idiot
Even the democrat talking heads on FXN admit that they were always treated respectfully by the Bush administration. Juan Williams, Geraldo, and the many other dems who present their viewpoints daily on FXN are bashing the Obama admin for their attempt at stifling criticism by the MSM. When FXN criticizes Obama for something, the lapdog channels like MSNBC and CNN rush to defend Obama.

The ratings tell the tale. People like the debates on FXN, rather than the partisan rants on the lapdog channels.
If OP was truly making a legitimate point, why would he/she have to mischaracterize the speech so? A specific reference to a Mao quote becomes, "gushing with admiration" and "Throughout her gushing speech she kept referencing Mao's ...."
A legitimate point could stand on its own with out all the hyperbole and distortion.

And if stating an opinion of slanted coverage is "waging war on America" then I guess everyone who has ever claimed the "mainstream media has liberal bias" has been waging that war as well.

People are free to say what they think. Fox can call Obama socialist if they want and Obama can say Fox is full of crap if he wants - THAT is what free speech means.
Yeah, and notice how Obama has not once stated that FOX news was full of crap when they exposed your beloved fellow commie Van Jones. Nope, he just silently tossed his anti-american ass under the bus.

FOX news is reporting the truth based on facts. Facts that this sham president and his sham anti-american administration absolutely cannot refute. There are several anti-american, perverted, Marxist, Socialist pieces of garbage staring directly at the under carriage of Obama's bus, and it won't be long before they too are entwined in said under carriage of Obama's bus after FOX news is done reporting the truth based on irrefutable FACTS!

:clap2::clap2::clap2: to FOX NEWS!

FoxNews made a mountain out of a molehill (surprise surprise) over the incident that has precipitated this entire thread.

"The network pool crew noticed Fox wasn't on the list, was told that they hadn't asked and the crew said they needed to be included. Treasury called the White House and asked top Obama adviser Anita Dunn. Dunn said yes and Fox's Major Garrett was among the correspondents to interview Feinberg last night.

"TPMDC spoke with a network bureau chief this afternoon familiar with the situation who was surprised that Fox was portraying the news as networks coming to its rescue.

"If any member had been excluded it would have been the same thing, it has nothing to do with Fox or the White House or the substance of the issues," the bureau chief said. "It's all for one and one for all.

"A Treasury spokesperson added: "There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing."

WH: We're Happy To Exclude Fox, But Didn't Yesterday With Feinberg Interview | TPMDC

Fox, however, decided to into frothing attack mode with day-long "Nixonian" commentary and an alleged "enemies list" which, of course is such a stretch that I wonder if Glenn Beck doesn't have some hold over Roger Ailes and Beck is actually running FoxNews these days.
It depends on your definition of 'America'.....

How true.
America should defend a right wing news outlet from criticism while throwing bombs at "the liberal maintream media" ?????????

I guess America must mean hypocrisy???????

LMAO....Pew Research Center found Fox to be the most balanced.....
You call it right wing.
You want to say right leaning, I can understand....as most on the lefty see balanced as right leaning............but right wing?
Jeez....then what the hell do we call MSNBC.......??????????????????

The blanket comment is a tad disingenuous, since the Pew study you cite referred to REPUBLICANS who believe Fox is fair and balanced. Check it out. The charts in this link show public reaction to ALL the news channels:

Partisan differences in views of Fox News have increased substantially since 2007. Today, a large majority of Republicans view Fox News positively (72%), compared with just 43% of Democrats. In 2007, 73% of Republicans and 61% of Democrats viewed Fox News favorably.
Press Accuracy Rating Hits Two-Decade Low - Pew Research Center
Fox is very unbalanced, emotionally as well as professionally. The White House declared war of America, and the Bushies were thrown out of office because of it. And think about it, folks: the wierdos are down to being represented by whackos like CalypsoLouiseLibocalypseNow and LickedJoker. They are certainly good for giggles.
So, was your stupid ass giggling when FOX fully exposed the LEFT WING entity known as ACORN for showing an abject willingness to engage in, and help in the disgusting CRIMES of exploiting and abusing innocent children?

Was your stupid ass giggling when Obama had no choice but to silently throw his good buddy Van Jones under the bus after FOX fully exposed, WITH IRREFUTABLE FACTS, that Jones was an anti-american communist piece of shit?

Yeah, i'm sure you were just giggling away at the exposure that FOX news gave to them!

Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!

So the question is can Fox rest on its laurels forever by breaking the Acorn story? Then Van Jones (not even a blip on the radar screen)? Who "broke" the Enron story? Does anyone even remember? Who first "broke" the stories that there were no WMD in Iraq? (I'm guessing not FoxNews.) See how this goes? It's impossible to break the backs of an entire political party (or its leadership) by the actions of some, yet Fox attempts to do this and only makes itself look like third rate trash television, not a legitimate news organization.
LMAO....Pew Research Center found Fox to be the most balanced.....
You call it right wing.
You want to say right leaning, I can understand....as most on the lefty see balanced as right leaning............but right wing?
Jeez....then what the hell do we call MSNBC.......??????????????????

Fox is VERY right wing, MSNBC is very left wing.
Since the onslaught of cable TV and hyper-partisan websites, many outlets have opted to cater to a particular ideology. Since it seems the era of the objective, dispassionate observer type of journalism is dying quickly, it can be argued that there is a legitimate role for Fox as the advocate of the far right to counter the advocacy of MSNBC of the far left.

But you can't be "fair and balanced" and an advocate at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. Just because an outlet mirrors your own personal bias - don't be fooled into thinking it is unbiased.

Fox is perfectly free to say what they want about Obama or liberals, or progressives, or anyone else they want to. But those folks are also free to say whatever they think about Fox news too.
Free speech is a two-way street.

The pew research center found fox to be the most balanced of all cable AND network news agencies.

So who do you think may have a biased view of Fox?

Do you not like to hear what they have to report?

They report the news .....sorry you dont like the crap you hear out of DC.

Dont blame the messanger.

And...BTW...dont goive me that crap about "how Fox always lied"

If they always lied, you would hear about the lies on Network Evening News....instead you hear about the lies on blogs and MSNBC...and NEVER reported by MSNBC news anchors....just the commentators.

Why is that?

Shoulda checked your source (Pew) before making your claims, old fella. That's another major mistake Foxaholics always make.
I consider Fox highly biased from my own experience mostly. I used to watch and even charted story slants for several days. I come from the old-school, of the unbiased, neutral, observer school of journalism and Fox scores very low on that criteria.

BTW - the Pew study to which I assume you are refering did not say Fox News was more balanced, it said the VIEWERSHIP was more balanced than previously thought. A newer study has pretty much overturned those findings. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you can prove otherwise.

I think it is a news organization's RESPONSIBILITY to report news that their viewership might not be very receptive too in order to provide their viewers with balance. Fox clearly fails miserably in that responsibility. They feed the right wing bias exclusively.

But if that is what they choose to be - that is certainly their right. As it is the right of others to comment on that decision.

Interesting....you do not watch fox news...you ignore the unbiased study of accuracy......yet you make a judgement call on them and debate it on here.

I find that hysterical.

I don't watch them much ANYMORE because of what I found. I made that perfectly clear didn't I? I find your fanatical defense - almost religious - of this highly biased organization interesting - not hysterical - just kinda sad. You really have to hang onto this notion that they are the only ones telling the truth and everyone is lying don't you.

Why not just accept your bias - accept the fact that they reflect your bias and be happy and proud of that? If you are ashamed of your bias, why don't you get rid of it?

My one and only experience with being a constant Fox watcher was about five years ago when my Dish Network satellite got all screwed up and I "lost" a whole bank of channels for over a week, which included CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and even local network feed. BUT, I had good ol' FoxNews, which was the only place I could go to find the actual news du jour on television. Starting early in the morning with Fox & Friends, it was nothing but bash Kerry, bash liberals/praise conservatives, pro Bush/pro war non-stop BIASED "reporting" that had smoke coming out of my ears by the time the damned satellite dish got fixed. And I've never been back for my daily dose of news covererage. That experience confirmed how anyone who didn't actually READ anything for alternative viewpoints, nor EVER go to other channels for news could be brainwashed into thinking Fox was telling the truth all the time. Clearly, it does not.

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