Has Obama been as good/bad as you thought he'd be?

Better than expected but not good.

I don't like Health Care Reform at all and the economy sucks.

He hasn't been as good as I thought he would be, but I think many people are overreacting, and are playing chicken little. I think if he wasn't such a historical president (being the first non 100% white man in office)-he'd probably be a Fillmore, or Taft in the future...forgotten.
I would say he has been as bad as I Feared he would be. I knew the Mr Cool, Moderate sounding, Rational Democrat I was watching Campaign Was actually a committed leftist. I hoped to god I was wrong, But I just new it.
My thoughts on Obama:

I always thought since the very beginning that he would probably make a very good President some day, but that such a day was not yet upon us. I thought he would be too inexperienced to be good enough at the politics game. I have always given merit to his desire to be the kind of elected official he speaks of being, but have always had strong doubts about his ability to actually come through without more experience.

Upon taking office, I felt that my concerns were instantly affirmed. I do believe that Obama is generally honest with the American people when he speaks and explains his goals and intentions. I don't see him as saying things just to try winning enough brownie points to make non matching action not matter. I think that his intentions match what he says to us. But his ability to play the politics game in Washington is so dismal that he cannot come through. Alot of what many of his detractors criticize him for, I see as being more pushed by Pelosi and friends. I hate Nancy Pelosi. I detest her so much that it almost makes me want to live in CA just so that I could vote against her. She's certainly the worst thing that ever happened to the Democratic party, and the Democrats are flaming idiots for not realizing it. In any event, I think that it's only been recently that Obama has started to finally get the hang of the Washington game. I'm not sure it's going to be enough, but I feel like the rancid influence of Pelosi and friends is going to start lessening and that we'll start to see more Obama in the Obama administration.

My appraisal of his Presidency is that he's somewhat below average. On the other hand, lately I feel like I'm learning more and more about his Presidency and with each little bit of information I gain it makes me feel like maybe he's not an entire disappointment after all. Like maybe his greatest problem isn't necessarily in his job performance itself, but in his public relations. So as a President, he's slightly below average, maybe average, but as a politician he is at the bottom of the barrel. I know that part of his mindset is to try and separate political concern from public service concern. But he needs to start understanding more that if he wants to be an effective President he needs to secure the confidence of the people by playing the politics game. He needs to stop thinking of it as one or the other. He needs to understand that any positive contribution he makes as President will only be realized by the American people if executes at least an average political game, through which the public can begin to recognize him and his efforts/accomplishments.
I think he has been a horrendous disappointment for the Left. We thought we were getting someone who was going to change Big Government Conservatism and push back against the corporate ownership of government.

His Health Care Plan enriches private sector insurance monopolies at the expense of poor people, who are forced to buy into this anti-competitive monster. He gave up on the public option without a fight. He didn't challenge the Bush drug plan, which allows Big Pharma to set above market costs for their drugs.

His foreign policy has been one of capitulation with the neocon vision of a bankrupting military presence in the middle east.

He should have cracked down on the Wall Street crooks whose ponzi scheme derivative market destroyed generational wealth. He didn't. He was intimidated by the "socialist" chants -- so he let the crimes stand.

He didn't challenge Bush's Big Government Homeland Security Bureaucracy.

He also let the Bush Patriot Act stand, which centralizes power in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats. [He was elected on the promise that he would repeal the crimes of Big Government Conservatism, which used the old Soviet formula of strategically emphasizing a foreign threat in order to create a surveillance state to monitor political enemies. Eliot Spitzer, who blamed the Bush administration very publicly for the housing meltdown, was taken down by the Patriot Act**]

Rather than surrounding himself with a left leaning economic team, he got in bed with the Rubin/Greenspan/Paulson cabal of Wall Street bankers, whose soul purpose is to shore-up the new casino capitalism where corrupt speculators have replaced real investors.

He could have used the BP disaster to shine some light on our 30 year misallocation of energy resources, but he let that one go too.

Rather than fight over tax cuts so the country could repair the structural deficits that started with Reagan, he gave in without fighting. Now the right can use the deficits to justify getting rid of the last remaining shreds of the middle class ("starve the beast").

Obama leads on nothing. He doesn't have the balls of an FDR or LBJ. He wants to be liked by his enemies. He is letting the Right gut institutional liberalism, as they erase collective bargaining, planned parenthood, environmental protections, & representative government for all but big corporations. He is not fighting for the middle class.

I would rather see him fight and lose than give in.

When he gave in on taxes, it was clear that he was another center right Democrat, to the right of even Clinton.

He is far to the right of Nixon and Eisenhower, two men I would take back in an instant.

**Spitzer blames Bush
Eliot Spitzer - Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime - washingtonpost.com
Bush uses Patriot Act to destroy Spitzer (see the old Soviet Union)
The Spitzer Sex Sting: A Few More Questions?By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
SayUncle » Patriot Act nabs Spitzer
# 25 Bush
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He's done a remarkable job considering.

Quite true. It is amazing that anyone as inexperienced and incapable as he is has managed not to completely screw up the country. It shows just how resilient the country actually is, and how little power the president actually has to make a real difference.

I never thought Republicans would turn against their own country to bring down the "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. But it really shouldn't surprise me. After all, they lied America into a foreign war to "make money". They saw Iraq as a "business venture" and made money hand over fist.

Damn, just when I thought you were starting to make sense. Out of the 535 members of Congress only 156 people voted against the Iraq war. Your continued insistence on blaming one party for what was clearly a bi-partisan vote is idiotic.

Since then, they held millions of unemployed Americans whose jobs they shipped overseas, hostage, threatening to keep them from getting unemployment benefits to extend tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires. It worked. Obama couldn't let those millions of Americans suffer. Republican could. Smiling and gleeful the entire time.

Yada, yada, yada. One day you will realize that the last thing any politician really cares about is your job.
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He is exactly what i thought he would be

He still a union organizer
He is transparent as shit
He plays the race game
He is still a green politician

What's race to do with anything?

the history will reveal it later, they're already displeasure with him in the black man, almost shameful for having him be the first black man elected pres.

He isn't black, he's bi-racial.

I like the racial aspect that the left uses....

When it's historical President Obama is the first Black President....
When the right opposes his policies they are racists because he's the first Black President....
When it's something positive,(to the left that's everything he's done) he is black.
When it's not (for the right that's everything,heh heh heh)...We are racists.

People look over the fact that he is part white....
Well black people do anyway.Why is that?
Are black people ashamed that he is part white?
It is NEVER mentioned when the liberal media are showering this "black" President with adoration.Everyone whistles past the graveyard and don't want to go anywhere near that third rail about the part that this "black" President really isn't so black after all.

How's does that grab you rdean and Bass2.0:eusa_whistle:
Has Obama been as good/bad as you thought he'd be?

Worse..undoubtably worse.

I mean I didn't expect him to change much, but I thought he'd at least TRY to act like a Democrat of old.

He's not really even trying.

The Good: Heathcare passed; Economy saved and recovering; Tough on Terrorism; Well liked by other nations; Competent when dealing with disasters; Intelligent; Wonderful Speaker; Friendly to Labor.

The Bad: To soft on the GOP; Failed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq; Failed to close GITMO.

The Ugly: Extended Bush tax cuts; Trying his best to come off as a Conservative and alienates to the base.

Overall: He's done a remarkable job.
the history will reveal it later, they're already displeasure with him in the black man, almost shameful for having him be the first black man elected pres.

He isn't black, he's bi-racial.

I like the racial aspect that the left uses....

When it's historical President Obama is the first Black President....
When the right opposes his policies they are racists because he's the first Black President....
When it's something positive,(to the left that's everything he's done) he is black.
When it's not (for the right that's everything,heh heh heh)...We are racists.

People look over the fact that he is part white....
Well black people do anyway.Why is that?
Are black people ashamed that he is part white?
It is NEVER mentioned when the liberal media are showering this "black" President with adoration.Everyone whistles past the graveyard and don't want to go anywhere near that third rail about the part that this "black" President really isn't so black after all.

How's does that grab you rdean and Bass2.0:eusa_whistle:

Prior to our PC days, he would have been considered black. There would not have been any of this, "he's half white", stuff and if he had lived during the years of slavery (thank the good Lord that we do not) he probably would have been a slave, but if not a slave, he would have been considered less than human.

I for one consider him the first black President. I am not ashamed to admit that I hope he does well and would like to see him end up one of the great Presidents partly because he is black. I think that would go a long way towards repairing race relations in this country.

I consider him more likable than our last President. I just wish he wasn't so caught up in the nanny state having to do everything for us, but then we seem to be offered two choices these days, either the nanny state government or the authoritarian government that views human rights as something to be diminished rather than protected.

The Good: Heathcare passed; Economy saved and recovering; Tough on Terrorism; Well liked by other nations; Competent when dealing with disasters; Intelligent; Wonderful Speaker; Friendly to Labor.

The Bad: To soft on the GOP; Failed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq; Failed to close GITMO.

The Ugly: Extended Bush tax cuts; Trying his best to come off as a Conservative and alienates to the base.

Overall: He's done a remarkable job.

Must disagree with you on Health care, he made it worse, and the economy, he sure as hell has not made it any better. Terrorism? How has he been tough on terrorism?

He runs off his black half.................but he is what he is today only because of his upbringing and education by white family.

He wants his white half to be disregarded.
He disregarded his white half back when he got into politics. He joined Jerimiah Write's church as part of his "blackification", became a community organizer in a community he didn't live in and wrote a book about his black father he barely knew, all to appear black. What's the word I'm looking for here? Oh yes: hypocrite.
The Good: Heathcare passed; Economy saved and recovering; Tough on Terrorism; Well liked by other nations; Competent when dealing with disasters; Intelligent; Wonderful Speaker; Friendly to Labor.

The Bad: To soft on the GOP; Failed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq; Failed to close GITMO.

The Ugly: Extended Bush tax cuts; Trying his best to come off as a Conservative and alienates to the base.

Overall: He's done a remarkable job.

Remarkable, yes! I'm amazed at his near total incompetence. I thought he was at least a good orator. It seems he can't even utter a coherent sentance without a teleprompter.
He isn't black, he's bi-racial.

I like the racial aspect that the left uses....

When it's historical President Obama is the first Black President....
When the right opposes his policies they are racists because he's the first Black President....
When it's something positive,(to the left that's everything he's done) he is black.
When it's not (for the right that's everything,heh heh heh)...We are racists.

People look over the fact that he is part white....
Well black people do anyway.Why is that?
Are black people ashamed that he is part white?
It is NEVER mentioned when the liberal media are showering this "black" President with adoration.Everyone whistles past the graveyard and don't want to go anywhere near that third rail about the part that this "black" President really isn't so black after all.

How's does that grab you rdean and Bass2.0:eusa_whistle:

Prior to our PC days, he would have been considered black. There would not have been any of this, "he's half white", stuff and if he had lived during the years of slavery (thank the good Lord that we do not) he probably would have been a slave, but if not a slave, he would have been considered less than human.

I for one consider him the first black President. I am not ashamed to admit that I hope he does well and would like to see him end up one of the great Presidents partly because he is black. I think that would go a long way towards repairing race relations in this country.

I consider him more likable than our last President. I just wish he wasn't so caught up in the nanny state having to do everything for us, but then we seem to be offered two choices these days, either the nanny state government or the authoritarian government that views human rights as something to be diminished rather than protected.


But this isn't xx years ago and the fact is that Obama is bi-racial. That he ignores his white half and only refers/projects/thinks of himself as black speaks volumes.

I don't buy into any 'one drop theory'. That's just bunk. A person is their whole lineage not just part of it, no matter how much they wish it were true.
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He's done a remarkable job considering.

I never thought Republicans would turn against their own country to bring down the "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. But it really shouldn't surprise me. After all, they lied America into a foreign war to "make money". They saw Iraq as a "business venture" and made money hand over fist.

Since then, they held millions of unemployed Americans whose jobs they shipped overseas, hostage, threatening to keep them from getting unemployment benefits to extend tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires. It worked. Obama couldn't let those millions of Americans suffer. Republican could. Smiling and gleeful the entire time.

Are you really trying to say that Republicans would LIKE Obama's policies if his skin were white? Did we only have one political party until Obama showed up?

In the redean 'verse, 94% would.
I don't care what Obama's ethnic background is. His ideological outlook and narrow experience have made him a far worse president than I feared.

He has overseen the Worst Economic Recovery in modern history, with millions of people enduring long term unemployment who should instead have real jobs. He has bloated up the permanent government so that it is crushing the economy. His Stimulus Binge is now being used as a baseline by the Left for current and future spending (just as many of us predicted).

The resulting debt burden for no purpose other than to increase government CONSUMPTION is one of the most immoral things we could possible impose on future generations - who will spend a much greater portion of their lives working to pay taxes than we do now.

It's disgusting.
OBAMA has been the most divisive, ugly hearted President I have lived Under.

His policies are killing us and if we survive him I think we will be lucky.

Carter was a idiot, but nothing like this man.

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