Has Anyone Noticed?

Freedom Lover said:

I think it is important to identify socialist Democrats as such because that is who has controlled the party since the 1960's. This identification separates those who are Democrats that are not socialists. I have several friends who are Democrats, but do not support the socialist programs that their party has espoused over the past few decades. As result they usually now vote for Republicans without changing their party identification. Not only are these socialists a danger to their party, as demonstarted by their continual losses in elections, but also to the nation as a whole. As a result I will continue to identify them for what they are.

By the way, those who use profanity are demonstrating that their vocabulary is not sufficient to express themselves in a proper manner. I hope in the future you can improve on your vocabulary in order to carry on a proper conversation.

The instance of profanity that I used was intentional and was intended to add to the point, not because I couldn't find a more suitable word. My apologies if it offended you.
The ClayTaurus said:
You're one of those people who always has to prefix the words liberal and democrat with the word socialist, communist, or marxist, aren't you?

I dont understand your complaint. I went back and re read his post you quoted, and he prefixed Democrat with Socialist a few times, but that helps clarify things. THERE ARE some democrats who arent socialists.
Hagbard Celine said:
Remember "mission accomplished?"

YEP ! I do remember,,, it was spectacular !

It boosted morale.

The MISSION was accomplished. Yea baby! Saddam got his ass KICKED HARD! HOO RAW!
William Joyce said:
Well, now you're going to get it from the hard right. The Bush presidency is a disaster. The war in Iraq was based on Israeli, not American, purposes, and in any event is going terribly as the Sunni insurgency gains strength daily. it was never about "freedom" or "liberty," it was always about defanging Israel's biggest enemy in the middle east. I haven't noticed any tax cuts in my tax bill, and federal spending is out of control. I still pay some third to a half of what I earn to the federal government, and no Republican Congress or President has made much of a dent in that. The fact that the GOP hold majorities in both houses and the White House should be an embarrassment given how ineffectual they are. Immigration is killing us, and "Scooter" Libby is a Jewish neocon whose main goal is benefitting Israel, not the U.S., and I'm hoping he does time for his violation of federal law, not to mention betrayal of our nation. Meanwhile, we've got riots in New Orleans, riots in Ohio, murders, mayhem, pornography on TV, abortion on demand, Christians denied the right to pray in schools, affirmative action unopposed, 13-year-old girls looking like hookers, 14-year-old boys looking like black gangsters, and general cultural meltdown. Where are the conservatives?

Sigh, I guess you wont be happy with any presidency till the return of Adolf.

No, Hitler was a war-hungry, big-government, right-wing socialist. Joyce is against the war and against the record federal budgets.

Freedom Lover said:
Has anyone noticed:

1. All of the things that President Bush has said will take place in Iraq have actually happened as the people of Iraq move toward freedom, i.e. sovereignty, interim gov't, constitution, permanent gov't elections in December?

2. Tax cuts have spurred the economy just as the President said they would?

3. Since President Bush took office Republicans have increased their majorities in both chambers of Congress?

4. The President has appointed "Constitutionalists" to all levels of the federal system just as he promised he would?

5. President Bush continues to be underrated by the Democrats and the press, yet he continues beat them?

6. That polls showing the President's ratings being low are showing more Democrats being polled than Republicans thereby creating a false picture of what is really going on?

7. In speeches given by Democrats they never mention liberty or freedom? (This one was posted before but no one could give me an answer to this one.)

Okay, you libs out there go after these!

I'm not a "lib" unless you mean "libertarian", but:

1) The government of Iraq has moved towards a cozy relationship with Iran, and the people will probably elect a hardline theocracy as soon as we leave (IF we leave. The whole plan is to have Iraq be the next West Germany, and create a domino effect throughout the middle east. I hate to break it to the neocons though, not every foreign policy scenario is analogous to europe in 1939.) Their constitution puts few if any limits on government power.

2) Any tax cut is a good thing, but not when you simply get your lost revenue by borrowing and inflating the currency. (Yes, tax cuts can create revenue, but cap gains taxes would be better at that) The fed has been creating money like mad since 9/11, so don't be surprised if it seems like there is a (temporary) boom. Noticed the housing boom? It can't go on forever though, and the hangover is going to be ugly.

3) They have outspent the democrats during 1992-1994. Repeat: outspent the democrats. That's adjusted for inflation. That's cutting out the extra security/military spending since 9/11. The republicans were giving President Slick even bigger budgets than he requested, before Bush was elected. And there are virtually no laws they have passed that I can think of which would reduce the size of the Leviathan State. There's a recent speech by Rick Santorum, he basically just comes right out of the closet and says that we've matured past all the small government stuff, and now people expect a big, muscular conservative government at home and abroad:

Some final points; Yes, this will require a role for government that some conservatives find disquieting. But that is a discomfort worth confronting. For too long there has been an implied belief that government was the problem; if government just stepped out of the way everything would be fine. That is philosophical nonsense. Government is as important as the other vital societal structures that order our lives. It is time for conservatives to stop treating government as if its elimination were the highest good that could come to humankind.

(taken from another forum, the poster didn't provide a link)

4) I haven't paid much attention to this issue, but I doubt it very much. When they interpret the 10th amendment correctly, and nullify about 80% of federal spending, then I'll believe it.

5) The democrats are a joke, and are barely distinguishable from the republicans. They are a different wing of the same socialist party.

6) Which one are you referring to? Link? I believe all the recent polls show his ratings right down in the crapper.

7) The democrats don't speak of liberty or freedom because they don't care about it.

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