Has America become the greatest exporter of bad ideas?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Dennis Prager wrote this column to show how far Left the US has become. Culturally, there is no other country as Left wing, except maybe Trudy country in Canada.

At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.

And, for the first time in history, America is the world’s major exporter of destructive ideas.

This is hard for me to write. One of my books is titled “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.” It contrasts American values with leftist values and makes the case that the American value system is the finest ever devised. I define American values — what I call the “American Trinity” — as “Liberty,” “In God We Trust” and “E Pluribus Unum,” (Latin for “From many, one”), the three American mottoes found on American coins and banknotes.

No other country has those three national mottoes. The book maintains that any country can adopt those values and any country that does adopt those values will be a good society. Its citizens will be the freest in the world and that country will prosper.

Indeed, those values are the reason Americans have been the freest people in the world and America has been, far and away, the greatest land of opportunity in human history.

But America has been gradually abandoning its unique value system and is consequently becoming a less free, less humane, less prosperous and more corrupt country. In fact, at this moment, America is no longer the best country, the exceptional country, it has been since 1776. There may not yet be a better country. But that is cold comfort............................................

Europe is now freer and more right wing than the US, at least culturally.

At least in Europe you can stop giving Covid vaccines to young men when they are doing more harm than good because science says this is best, instead of ignoring science due to the jab cult created by the cultural Leftists who use it to further divide society politically. Many countries have banned giving certain vaccines to young men because more are harmed than saved with such things as inflammation of the heart.

At least 13 countries in Europe have rejected the notion that children changing genders as children is a good idea that needs more government funding. At least the countries in Europe don't fund their view on abortion and gender to every country on the planet.

And lastly, at least in Europe you may have the chance for your children to escape the notion that they are either a victim or a victimizer, all based upon the color of their skin. Children in other countries have a fighting chance to know that race means nothing really, nothing at all. It neither makes you better or worse than anyone else.

Dennis Prager wrote this column to show how far Left the US has become. Culturally, there is no other country as Left wing, except maybe Trudy country in Canada.

At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.

And, for the first time in history, America is the world’s major exporter of destructive ideas.

This is hard for me to write. One of my books is titled “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.” It contrasts American values with leftist values and makes the case that the American value system is the finest ever devised. I define American values — what I call the “American Trinity” — as “Liberty,” “In God We Trust” and “E Pluribus Unum,” (Latin for “From many, one”), the three American mottoes found on American coins and banknotes.

No other country has those three national mottoes. The book maintains that any country can adopt those values and any country that does adopt those values will be a good society. Its citizens will be the freest in the world and that country will prosper.

Indeed, those values are the reason Americans have been the freest people in the world and America has been, far and away, the greatest land of opportunity in human history.

But America has been gradually abandoning its unique value system and is consequently becoming a less free, less humane, less prosperous and more corrupt country. In fact, at this moment, America is no longer the best country, the exceptional country, it has been since 1776. There may not yet be a better country. But that is cold comfort............................................

Europe is now freer and more right wing than the US, at least culturally.

At least in Europe you can stop giving Covid vaccines to young men when they are doing more harm than good because science says this is best, instead of ignoring science due to the jab cult created by the cultural Leftists who use it to further divide society politically. At least 13 countries in Europe have rejected the notion that children changing genders as children is a good idea that needs more government funding. At least the countries in Europe don't fund their view on abortion and gender to every country on the planet. And lastly, at least in Europe you may have the chance for your children to escape the notion that they are either a victim or a victimizer, all based upon the color of their skin.
Brilliant! One of the most prolific exporters of bad ideas in America complaining about the exporting of bad ideas :rofl:
At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.
Not a good start .
You could have a discussion about the first assertion -- China .
But the other two are ludicrous
The CIA created Al-Qaeda and Isis and the list of countries that America has interfered with is enormous .

Inclined me to ignore the rest after those schoolboy errors .
In the good ol' days, the USA exported white supremacy. Some people pine for those days.
You mean when the US of A stopped the National Socialists of Germany?
You know, socialists like yourself.
Not a good start .
You could have a discussion about the first assertion -- China .
But the other two are ludicrous
The CIA created Al-Qaeda and Isis and the list of countries that America has interfered with is enormous .

Inclined me to ignore the rest after those schoolboy errors .
China has bought off both parties in the US and has people like Lebron James defending them to the death.

They also unleashed biological weapons on the world with Covid while trying to hide it.

And as we watch China weld their citizens in their homes so they can't leave with open genocide the world seemingly ignores because the world loves the money they give them, China is by far the biggest threat to any measure of human freedom we have left.
China has bought off both parties in the US and has people like Lebron James defending them to the death.

They also unleashed biological weapons on the world with Covid while trying to hide it.

And as we watch China weld their citizens in their homes so they can't leave with open genocide the world seemingly ignores because the world loves the money they give them, China is by far the biggest threat to any measure of human freedom we have left.
Pleased that you agree that the US is the centre of global terrorism and a nation devoted to conflict to fund its indebtedness.

And of course it is hardly surprising that China is using the same tactics that the US used to make it the global bully and chief threat to others .

Naughty China for copying America's horrible habits .
Pleased that you agree that the US is the centre of global terrorism and a nation devoted to conflict to fund its indebtedness.

And of course it is hardly surprising that China is using the same tactics that the US used to make it the global bully and chief threat to others .

Naughty China for copying America's horrible habits .
China adopted a form of capitalism to create wealth, as they held their nose being neo-Marxists, then they used the wealth to buy off the obviously corrupt American Swamp run by the DNC.

Easy Peasy.

But if America did not exist, the world would either be speaking German, Russian, or Chinese

Which would you prefer? I think the US preferable to all of them, but maybe that preference is now ending.
China adopted a form of capitalism to create wealth, as they held their nose being neo-Marxists, then they used the wealth to buy off the obviously corrupt American Swamp run by the DNC.

Easy Peasy.

But if America did not exist, the world would either be speaking German, Russian, or Chinese

Which would you prefer? I think the US preferable to all of them, but maybe that preference is now ending.
At the present , Russian .
A far nicer place to live in with excellent and much healthier food and drink plus a much higher level of middle class culture and IQ .

Greater discipline and much more considered values .

As Russia has moved upward , so has America dumbed down .
Now their old positions have been reversed .

Visit a few times and make up your own mid . In fact, DYOR
At the present , Russian .
A far nicer place to live in with excellent and much healthier food and drink plus a much higher level of middle class culture and IQ .

Greater discipline and much more considered values .

As Russia has moved upward , so has America dumbed down .
Now their old positions have been reversed .

Visit a few times and make up your own mid . In fact, DYOR
Yes, the Russians are loving life right about now and especially Putin.

Well done.

And their Marxist past, just wonderful, despite Stalin murdering millions more than Hitler.

Dennis Prager wrote this column to show how far Left the US has become. Culturally, there is no other country as Left wing, except maybe Trudy country in Canada.

At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.

And, for the first time in history, America is the world’s major exporter of destructive ideas.

This is hard for me to write. One of my books is titled “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.” It contrasts American values with leftist values and makes the case that the American value system is the finest ever devised. I define American values — what I call the “American Trinity” — as “Liberty,” “In God We Trust” and “E Pluribus Unum,” (Latin for “From many, one”), the three American mottoes found on American coins and banknotes.

No other country has those three national mottoes. The book maintains that any country can adopt those values and any country that does adopt those values will be a good society. Its citizens will be the freest in the world and that country will prosper.

Indeed, those values are the reason Americans have been the freest people in the world and America has been, far and away, the greatest land of opportunity in human history.

But America has been gradually abandoning its unique value system and is consequently becoming a less free, less humane, less prosperous and more corrupt country. In fact, at this moment, America is no longer the best country, the exceptional country, it has been since 1776. There may not yet be a better country. But that is cold comfort............................................

Europe is now freer and more right wing than the US, at least culturally.

At least in Europe you can stop giving Covid vaccines to young men when they are doing more harm than good because science says this is best, instead of ignoring science due to the jab cult created by the cultural Leftists who use it to further divide society politically. Many countries have banned giving certain vaccines to young men because more are harmed than saved with such things as inflammation of the heart.

At least 13 countries in Europe have rejected the notion that children changing genders as children is a good idea that needs more government funding. At least the countries in Europe don't fund their view on abortion and gender to every country on the planet.

And lastly, at least in Europe you may have the chance for your children to escape the notion that they are either a victim or a victimizer, all based upon the color of their skin. Children in other countries have a fighting chance to know that race means nothing really, nothing at all. It neither makes you better or worse than anyone else.

American pride, American values, and American morals are what we need. This country proved how powerful they are already.

There is a reason America is the youngest country among all the super power countries and why were at the top of the food chain. Because America was founded by determined, conservative, strong willed, proud, ambitious people. We skyrocketed to the top very quickly because of those reasons. Now we're falling behind because we aren't those things anymore. We're getting weaker by diversifying our nation and by letting weak willed people be in charge that are only interested in their own personal financial and political gain and we are falling behind because we are leaving our values, morals and ideas behind.

We tolerate crime in our government and communities, we let foriegn bodies dictate to us what we're going to do like the world economic forum, we bow down to nations like china, we let Muslims and island do whatever they want, we tell white they are racist because a black person goes to jail for committing a crime, we say a man can become a woman, we send billions and billions to other countries when we're hurting. This isn't not the America that was founded, it's not the America I joined the army for and this is not an America that can last.

We need the American dream back, we need American pride back.
American pride, American values, and American morals are what we need. This country proved how powerful they are already.

There is a reason America is the youngest country among all the super power countries and why were at the top of the food chain. Because America was founded by determined, conservative, strong willed, proud, ambitious people. We skyrocketed to the top very quickly because of those reasons. Now we're falling behind because we aren't those things anymore. We're getting weaker by diversifying our nation and by letting weak willed people be in charge that are only interested in their own personal financial and political gain and we are falling behind because we are leaving our values, morals and ideas behind.

We tolerate crime in our government and communities, we let foriegn bodies dictate to us what we're going to do like the world economic forum, we bow down to nations like china, we let Muslims and island do whatever they want, we tell white they are racist because a black person goes to jail for committing a crime, we say a man can become a woman, we send billions and billions to other countries when we're hurting. This isn't not the America that was founded, it's not the America I joined the army for and this is not an America that can last.

We need the American dream back, we need American pride back.

It's the economy stupid!!!! Republicans keep crashing the US economy, and trying to take the rest of the world down with them.

The Republican Party killed the American Dream by turning the American Middle Class into a cash cow for the wealthy Republican donors, and the American working class into their latest wage slaves - people paid so little by their corporate employers, that they need government assistance to supplement their wages.

In order for capitalism to prosper, there must be a thriving and healthy middle class, but Republicans are killing the goose that laid the golden egg. By cutting taxes for the wealthy and their corporations, the nation is increasing financing its lifestyle on borrowed money, and on the backs of the declining and shrinking middle class.

Resnic puts his hands over his ears and fairly screams "We are not racist", but that's a lie. The USA is the most overtly racist nation on earth, and the Republican Party is now a white supremacist party. Just ask Ron DeSantos who has banned an advanced study course on African American history, and called it "illegal".

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