Harvard now is pro-criminal/pro-thug/''American'' values


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
Harvard is PRO-criminal
they have violent criminal Mike Brown's mother and attorneys [ ahahah ] speaking there
She will be joined by attorneys for the Brown family and by Jason Pollock, a filmmaker whose documentary “Stranger Fruit” details Brown’s death.
His mother, Lezley McSpadden, will be at Harvard on Monday for a panel titled “The Movement for Black Lives: Justice for Michael Brown 4 Years Later.”
Michael Brown’s mother, attorneys to speak at Harvard panel
message to blacks:
no wonder your culture is self destructive--you praise criminals/criminality/violent behavior/etc

attacked the clerk,
walked down the middle of the street
told the cop to FOff when he told them to get out of the street
then attacked the cop

very nice American values to be speaking about--stealing--attacking people
next up at Harvard--OJ Simpson speaks to the Battered Women's Justice Project

typical news BULLSHIT
nothing about him stealing and attacking
oo-but they made sure to put WHITE cop in there!!!! hahahahahah
this is more proof MBrown = jackass thug
more proof the MSM is BULSHIT about anti-white crap
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You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
Them and the biased, racist video camera in the store that filmed Michael Brown. I bet the camera was white, too!
Harvard is PRO-criminal
they have violent criminal Mike Brown's mother and attorneys [ ahahah ] speaking there
She will be joined by attorneys for the Brown family and by Jason Pollock, a filmmaker whose documentary “Stranger Fruit” details Brown’s death.
His mother, Lezley McSpadden, will be at Harvard on Monday for a panel titled “The Movement for Black Lives: Justice for Michael Brown 4 Years Later.”
Michael Brown’s mother, attorneys to speak at Harvard panel
message to blacks:
no wonder your culture is self destructive--you praise criminals/criminality/violent behavior/etc

attacked the clerk,
walked down the middle of the street
told the cop to FOff when he told them to get out of the street
then attacked the cop

very nice American values to be speaking about--stealing--attacking people
next up at Harvard--OJ Simpson

typical news BULLSHIT
nothing about him stealing and attacking
oo-but they made sure to put WHITE cop in there!!!! hahahahahah
this is more proof MBrown = jackass thug
more proof the MSM is BULSHIT about anti-white crap
I thought this Thread would contain something about Harvard not already known.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
The obama justice department? Yeah, you run with that one.
He didn't roll over and die like a good, negro-loving white liberal so obviously he's a racist who doesn't want to "pay" for the wrongdoings of unrelated dead white people.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?

Is there any Police Dept Eric Holder's "justice" Dept wouldn't have found racist?

This is the Dept that is about to be torn apart because of the political corruption that's infested it from the top down.

Secondly, I don't give a shit if the cop was a racist asshole, Mike Brown was a piece of shit, and attacked the cop.

So now he's fertilizer and it was the only accomplishment he could have ever made anyway.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?

Is there any Police Dept Eric Holder's "justice" Dept wouldn't have found racist?

This is the Dept that is about to be torn apart because of the political corruption that's infested it from the top down.

Secondly, I don't give a shit if the cop was a racist asshole, Mike Brown was a piece of shit, and attacked the cop.

So now he's fertilizer and it was the only accomplishment he could have ever made anyway.
Precisely. Racism is just acceptance of reality.
Harvard is another institution lost to them. It was founded, like America, to advance Christianity. Now look at it.

After God had carried us safe to New-England, and wee had builded our houses, provided necessaries for our livelihood, rear’d convenient places for Gods worship, and setled the Civill Government: One of the next things we longed for, and looked after was to advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate Ministery to the Churches, when our present Ministers shall lie in the Dust. And as we were thinking and consulting how to effect this great work, it pleased God to stir up the heart of one Mr. Harvard (a godly gentleman and a lover of learning; then living amongst us) to give one-half of his estate (it being in all about £1,700) towards the erecting of a Colledge, and all his library. After him, another gave £300; others after them cast in more; and the public hand of the State added the rest. The Colledge was by common consent appointed to be at Cambridge (a place very pleasant and accommodate), and is called (according to the name of the first founder) Harvard Colledge.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?

Is there any Police Dept Eric Holder's "justice" Dept wouldn't have found racist?

This is the Dept that is about to be torn apart because of the political corruption that's infested it from the top down.

Secondly, I don't give a shit if the cop was a racist asshole, Mike Brown was a piece of shit, and attacked the cop.

So now he's fertilizer and it was the only accomplishment he could have ever made anyway.
Precisely. Racism is just acceptance of reality.
In the minority worl, yes.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
not even close to evidence/proof
alleging r
gerund or present participle: alleging
  1. claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case
For example, in July 2013 police encountered an African-American man in a parking lot while on their way to arrest someone else at an apartment building. Police knew that the encountered man was not the person they had come to arrest. Nonetheless, without even reasonable suspicion, they handcuffed the man, placed him in the back of a patrol car, and ran his record. It turned out he was the intended arrestee’s landlord. The landlord went on to help the police enter the person’s unit to effect the arrest, but he later filed a complaint alleging racial discrimination and unlawful detention. Ignoring the central fact that they had handcuffed a man and put him in a police car despite having no reason to believe he had done anything wrong, a sergeant vigorously defended FPD’s actions, characterizing the detention as “minimal” and pointing out that the car was air conditioned. Even temporary detention, however, constitutes a

I am WHITE--I was stopped by cops for just WALKING to work!!
I was stopped 2 other times for just BIKING--that's all-- BICYCLING to and from work
WHITE people get stopped by police also

so they arrested someone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????? OMG!!
they ARRESTED someone and this PROVES it was racially motivated???!!!

please--please o great lawyer/MatlockPerry Mason/Columbo--how this is considered racially motivated--
please prove they arrested this guy or any of the others because of his skin color
--I'm waiting excitedly for this response
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
I can file a complaint on anything also ALLEGING racial discrimination --that doesn;t mean it's true
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
page 18--arrest for playing loud music:
The arrest ticket appears unlawful as the officer did not assert, and there is no other indication, that a third party was disturbed by the music—an element of the offense
that's against the law--and there is NOTHING about a '''third party'' in the code
Noises Prohibited
Municode Library

--you go read this code and find the ''third party'' quote--if you can't--you link is worthless crap
I'm waiting for this one-
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
this is a REPORT--------not PROOF---not a COURT case where the defendant can defend himself
they can write anything they want in that report:
the Eiffel Tower can fly/move
rabbits seem to like windows
--all kind of CRAP

they don't have any of the police statements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just the people arrested---and they don't even have their quotes !!!
that's why I asked for SPECIFIC details
this is report is just like a headline:
like --white cop shoots unarmed black man--that's all the details in the report--you don't have the cops's story of how the black man ATTACKED the cop
NO proof
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Harvard is PRO-criminal
they have violent criminal Mike Brown's mother and attorneys [ ahahah ] speaking there
She will be joined by attorneys for the Brown family and by Jason Pollock, a filmmaker whose documentary “Stranger Fruit” details Brown’s death.
His mother, Lezley McSpadden, will be at Harvard on Monday for a panel titled “The Movement for Black Lives: Justice for Michael Brown 4 Years Later.”
Michael Brown’s mother, attorneys to speak at Harvard panel
message to blacks:
no wonder your culture is self destructive--you praise criminals/criminality/violent behavior/etc

attacked the clerk,
walked down the middle of the street
told the cop to FOff when he told them to get out of the street
then attacked the cop

very nice American values to be speaking about--stealing--attacking people
next up at Harvard--OJ Simpson speaks to the Battered Women's Justice Project

typical news BULLSHIT
nothing about him stealing and attacking
oo-but they made sure to put WHITE cop in there!!!! hahahahahah
this is more proof MBrown = jackass thug
more proof the MSM is BULSHIT about anti-white crap
Dead black criminal thug Mikey was so loved by momma Bingo McSpadden that she farmed out much of his upbringing to others. Nothing says lovin' like, "Hey, would you raise my son for me? Thanks!"
You mean the same police department that was found by a Department of Justice investigation to be blatantly racist?
...please provide evidence they were/are racist...please provide the specific details of the cases
..you can't though--

I can do better than that. 105 pages of the report from the Department of Justice.


Try to find someone to sound out the big words. You know the ones you have trouble with, those with more than two syllables.
this is a REPORT--------not PROOF---not a COURT case where the defendant can defend himself
they can write anything they want in that report:
the Eiffel Tower can fly/move
rabbits seem to like windows
--all kind of CRAP

they don't have any of the police statements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just the people arrested---and they don't even have their quotes !!!
that's why I asked for SPECIFIC details
this is report is just like a headline:
like --white cop shoots unarmed black man--that's all the details in the report--you don't have the cops's story of how the black man ATTACKED the cop
NO proof

Yeah. A trial was not held. True. Because the Government of Ferguson agreed with everything in the investigation.

Justice Department and City of Ferguson, Missouri, Resolve Lawsuit with Agreement to Reform Ferguson Police Department and Municipal Court to Ensure Constitutional Policing

Let’s see if we can explain this simply enough for you. Let’s say you were driving while drunk. You smash into a car. The people in that car sue. You settle and agree to pay because you were drunk, and there is no doubt you did it.

The same is true in Ferguson. That is why there was no trial. Like you in the scenario above, there was no doubt they were doing it. There was no doubt they were wrong. In fact. They invited the DOJ to investigate.


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