Harry Reid says PRIVATE SECTOR jobs doing fine--it's GOV jobs that are suffering


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is unbelievable. Harry Reid--Democrat senate majority leader trying to push Obama's new job's bill through the senate makes this comment.

Private sector jobs are doing just fine--it's government jobs aka (public jobs) that are suffering.

You voted for it--You got it!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kk6D1-ECnQ]Sen. Reid Says "Private Sector Jobs Are Doing Just Fine" - YouTube[/ame]
This is unbelievable. Harry Reid--Democrat senate majority leader trying to push Obama's new job's bill through the senate makes this comment.

Private sector jobs are doing just fine--it's government jobs aka (public jobs) that are suffering.

You voted for it--You got it!

Sen. Reid Says "Private Sector Jobs Are Doing Just Fine" - YouTube

The pride of the Democrat party...with Pelosi right behind... :clap2:

How could anyone be that S....T....U....P....I....D?
You must remember...when criticising Harry Reid....be gentle....he is mentally retarded and cannot help it. Nancy Pelosi is also to be treated as a dumb animal. They cannot help themselves. Just as I would not treat my dog unkindly, I would not say anything too harsh about Reid and Pelosi. That having been said, both of them are imbeciles, totally devoid of worth...wastes of oxygen and flesh.
This is unbelievable. Harry Reid--Democrat senate majority leader trying to push Obama's new job's bill through the senate makes this comment.

actually, last month and the month before, the number of private sector jobs created were canceled out by the number of government jobs terminated.

reality, it's quite a concept.
This is unbelievable. Harry Reid--Democrat senate majority leader trying to push Obama's new job's bill through the senate makes this comment.

actually, last month and the month before, the number of private sector jobs created were canceled out by the number of government jobs terminated.

reality, it's quite a concept.

and yet somehow, the govt stays open for *business* without a full complement of associate deputy assistants to the assistant deputy undersecretary of redundancy.

i'm amazed.
Have we lost private sector jobs this year?

How about the last three years?

Oh! How clever! Answering a question with a question! Whatever will I do?

Not at all clever. I don't know the answer to your question so it intrigued me but I want to know more, so I asked. I just don't think Harry Read is speaking to the last two months, so I'd like to know about the last three years rather than one.

Since the administration began would be good.
The GOP leadership and the nutter talking heads have low info voters convinced that we are bleeding private sector jobs (we're not ) due to Obama raising taxes ( he didn't ) and greater regulations ( there aren't ).
CHART: Private Sector Job Growth Under Obama | Oliver Willis

An updated chart is needed....but the trend has continued. Adding PRIVATE SECTOR jobs every month.

For those who hate clicking on those annoying links.

This is unbelievable. Harry Reid--Democrat senate majority leader trying to push Obama's new job's bill through the senate makes this comment.

Private sector jobs are doing just fine--it's government jobs aka (public jobs) that are suffering.

You voted for it--You got it!

Sen. Reid Says "Private Sector Jobs Are Doing Just Fine" - YouTube

ROFLMAO if he thinks the Amount of Jobs the Private sector has been producing the last couple years is "doing okay" He is dumber than I thought.

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