Harry Reid delivers for Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Can't say I'm surprised.

Harry Reid delivers for Hillary Clinton: Jon Ralston

Ultimately, what turned this race was Reid, who clearly came home to find that Clinton’s insurmountable lead was being surmounted. Despite being furious with Team Clinton for its panic-stricken spin that Nevada was as white as Iowa and New Hampshire, undermining Reid’s argument about why the state was given early-state status (and, you know, being false, too), the senator decided he would single-handedly save the state for Clinton.

In the middle of last week, Reid made a phone call, first reported by The New York Times’ Amy Chozick, to D. Taylor, the head of the parent of the Culinary Workers Union local in Las Vegas. Before that call, the union, facing difficult contract negotiations and seeing no advantage in enmeshing itself in a bloody internecine fight, had declared it was more Swiss than Hispanic. With the culinary union not endorsing and unwilling to even engage in the caucuses, employee turnout at six casino sites on the Las Vegas Strip was forecast at a combined 100 or so. That is, insignificant.

Taylor has “been extremely cooperative,” Reid told Chozick. “Probably 100 organizers will be at the caucus sites and in hotels to make sure people know what they’re doing.” But Reid did not stop there. He also called casino executives, Democratic insiders confirm, with a simple message: “Let your people go.” That is, he wanted to ensure the workers would be allowed time off from work to caucus. No one said no to Prince Harry. Despite their common public neutrality, Taylor and Reid surely believe, as do most Democratic power brokers, that a Sanders nomination would be a disaster. Reid knew that Taylor would get his swarms of organizers to turn out mostly Latino workers, who would likely vote for Clinton. A gamble? Yes. But like going all in with a straight flush. And it paid off.
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"Taylor and Reid surely believe, as do most Democratic power brokers, that a Sanders nomination would be a disaster."


"Golly Wilbur, wouldn't it suck if we didn't get to just run the same tired old play the same way, over and over and over?"
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"Taylor and Reid surely believe, as do most Democratic power brokers, that a Sanders nomination would be a disaster."


"Golly Wilbur, wouldn't it suck if we didn't get to just run the same tired old play the same way, over and over and over?"

When the same establishment that has been screwing over the middle class for decades tells me that Sanders would be a disaster I can't help but question the credibility of that statement.
"Taylor and Reid surely believe, as do most Democratic power brokers, that a Sanders nomination would be a disaster."


"Golly Wilbur, wouldn't it suck if we didn't get to just run the same tired old play the same way, over and over and over?"

When the same establishment that has been screwing over the middle class for decades tells me that Sanders would be a disaster I can't help but question the credibility of that statement.

Of course "disaster" depends on who's viewing it. If your goal is to keep doing the same old thing and ensure that the People continue to get set further and further back at the expense of the oligarchy, then yes, for that mentality it would indeed be a disaster.

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