Harry Potter Camp

Here OldLady asked for a scary story,.. well this one would have gotten me expelled from my last (Christian) forum faster than you could say Qudditch.

Btw disclaimer: I do not condone witchcraft and I never have and never will be associated with the occult. I just like hearing scary stories about them. Okay, go back about your business now. I just had to throw that out there. :D
I think I'm going to take a break from the musical because I'm too curious about the story lol
There is a very dark isolated stretch of road cutting through Blacks Woods in Downeat Maine that is haunted by a ghost named Catherine. She and her newly wedded husband were killed in a carriage accident there in 1811 and she still haunts the road in her white dress, standing alone on the side of the road in the night....


Dale Whitney, a musician who had finished playing in Bar Harbor one evening, was traveling alone to Machias.
“It was very foggy and I came up on the top of Catherine’s Hill and I was kind of straddling the line a little bit because I couldn’t see the road. And I got up to the top of the hill and all of a sudden I looked and there was a woman standing on the left side of the line.”
Whitney says he pulled over and rolled down his window, only a few feet away from the figure.
“I looked at her and I could see her complete image, everything she had on, but I could look through her which was really kind of weird.”
Whitney says his body was covered in goosebumps.
“She stepped up to the car and in a flirtatious way said, I want to go to Bar Harbor and I said I just came from there.”
In fear, Whitney sped away.
But by the time he reached the bottom of the hill, he reconsidered his actions and doubted his senses.
“She may be real. She’s probably had an accident. I turned around and drove back up on the hill and she was gone.”
Even though she was nowhere to be found, he still remembers what the figure was wearing.
“She had on a light blue what we use to call an evening gown in the old days. It hung all the way to her ankles and you could actually almost see through it.”
For skeptics, Whitney has this to say.
“If anyone told me the story, I’d say the guy’s crazy, something is wrong with him. No nothing. But it happened to me and I’m absolutely sure of what I saw.”

There are so many similar stories about the ghost of Catherine, who sometimes gets in the car and later disappears, that UMaine professors have even studied the place. She is real (well, as real as a ghost can be).
There is a very dark isolated stretch of road cutting through Blacks Woods in Downeat Maine that is haunted by a ghost named Catherine. She and her newly wedded husband were killed in a carriage accident there in 1811 and she still haunts the road in her white dress, standing alone on the side of the road in the night....

View attachment 503010

Dale Whitney, a musician who had finished playing in Bar Harbor one evening, was traveling alone to Machias.
“It was very foggy and I came up on the top of Catherine’s Hill and I was kind of straddling the line a little bit because I couldn’t see the road. And I got up to the top of the hill and all of a sudden I looked and there was a woman standing on the left side of the line.”
Whitney says he pulled over and rolled down his window, only a few feet away from the figure.
“I looked at her and I could see her complete image, everything she had on, but I could look through her which was really kind of weird.”
Whitney says his body was covered in goosebumps.
“She stepped up to the car and in a flirtatious way said, I want to go to Bar Harbor and I said I just came from there.”
In fear, Whitney sped away.
But by the time he reached the bottom of the hill, he reconsidered his actions and doubted his senses.
“She may be real. She’s probably had an accident. I turned around and drove back up on the hill and she was gone.”
Even though she was nowhere to be found, he still remembers what the figure was wearing.
“She had on a light blue what we use to call an evening gown in the old days. It hung all the way to her ankles and you could actually almost see through it.”
For skeptics, Whitney has this to say.
“If anyone told me the story, I’d say the guy’s crazy, something is wrong with him. No nothing. But it happened to me and I’m absolutely sure of what I saw.”

There are so many similar stories about the ghost of Catherine, who sometimes gets in the car and later disappears, that UMaine professors have even studied the place. She is real (well, as real as a ghost can be).
Looks like I'm not going to Maine.....ever.

I used to live close to here:

The Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan, The Beautiful Stranger​

Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan

Wikimedia CommonsKate Morgan, otherwise known as the “beautiful stranger.”

It was 1892 and Kate Morgan was a grown and capable 24-year-old woman. According to California’s notorious Hotel del Coronado, she checked in to the resort on Thanksgiving Day.

Some say she never checked out.

Employees recalled that Morgan said she was waiting for a gentleman to join her. After five days as a guest, the ghost story goes, nobody showed and Morgan shot herself in the head. With nothing was found at the scene to identify her, police telegraphed her description to authorities around the country.

The media dubbed her the “beautiful stranger” for her description and it was soon discovered she had an estranged husband. Her gentleman caller, it was presumed, was a lover. Morgan was also reportedly pregnant when she killed herself.

Hotel del Coronado

FlickrThe Hotel del Coronado where Kate Morgan committed suicide.

Before her suicide, Morgan worked as a household caretaker in an affluent suburb of Los Angeles. During her travel to the hotel, onlookers saw her verbally spar with an unidentified male. He got off mid-route and abandoned her, leaving Morgan melancholy upon her arrival.

Though unclear whether this figure was her husband or not, Morgan sorrowfully wandered into town and procured a pistol.

According to Beautiful Stranger: The Ghost of Kate Morgan and the Hotel del Coronado, there’s no shortage of people who’ve reported paranormal activity in the hotel.

Guests have experienced flickering lights, a rogue television, and a change in temperature that appears out of nowhere and vanishes just as inexplicably. Doors have opened and shut on their own, footsteps and voices have been heard but no people have been seen.

A paranormal investigation team stays in room 3327 of Hotel del Coronado, where the famous ghost of Kate Morgan is said to haunt.

Because human curiosity knows no bounds, Morgan’s room has been the most requested room of them all at the hotel. Even a group of independent paranormal researchers stayed there to document the so-called hauntings.

The team employed infrared cameras, night vision goggles, radiation sensors, indicators for toxic chemicals, microwave imaging systems, and high-frequency sound detectors.

Though Morgan stayed in Room 3327 (formerly 302), her apparition has appeared elsewhere. There have been several sightings in room 3519 (formerly 3502 and intended for maids), for instance. Guests have reported objects moving independently. Stranger still, the hotel owner’s mistress also killed herself at the resort after discovering she was pregnant.

Of course, countless guests had already reported seeing her, both in the hallways and by the beach.

The hotel gift shop, too, has seen unexplained phenomena, with items flying off shelves and often landing right-side up. Ultimately, it’s unclear what exactly is going on at the hotel. An elaborate ruse by management? Buyer’s remorse on behalf of guests? Or, possibly, real paranormal activity in plain sight.
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There is a very dark isolated stretch of road cutting through Blacks Woods in Downeat Maine that is haunted by a ghost named Catherine. She and her newly wedded husband were killed in a carriage accident there in 1811 and she still haunts the road in her white dress, standing alone on the side of the road in the night....

View attachment 503010

Dale Whitney, a musician who had finished playing in Bar Harbor one evening, was traveling alone to Machias.
“It was very foggy and I came up on the top of Catherine’s Hill and I was kind of straddling the line a little bit because I couldn’t see the road. And I got up to the top of the hill and all of a sudden I looked and there was a woman standing on the left side of the line.”
Whitney says he pulled over and rolled down his window, only a few feet away from the figure.
“I looked at her and I could see her complete image, everything she had on, but I could look through her which was really kind of weird.”
Whitney says his body was covered in goosebumps.
“She stepped up to the car and in a flirtatious way said, I want to go to Bar Harbor and I said I just came from there.”
In fear, Whitney sped away.
But by the time he reached the bottom of the hill, he reconsidered his actions and doubted his senses.
“She may be real. She’s probably had an accident. I turned around and drove back up on the hill and she was gone.”
Even though she was nowhere to be found, he still remembers what the figure was wearing.
“She had on a light blue what we use to call an evening gown in the old days. It hung all the way to her ankles and you could actually almost see through it.”
For skeptics, Whitney has this to say.
“If anyone told me the story, I’d say the guy’s crazy, something is wrong with him. No nothing. But it happened to me and I’m absolutely sure of what I saw.”

There are so many similar stories about the ghost of Catherine, who sometimes gets in the car and later disappears, that UMaine professors have even studied the place. She is real (well, as real as a ghost can be).
Looks like I'm not going to Maine.....ever.
It's pretty easy to avoid Route 182...although there are others....I have passed this stone many times.

Colonel Jonathan Buck, a Revolutionary War hero, founder of Bucksport, and judge, died in 1795. In the 1860's, his grandchildren erected a monument on his grave. The leg and foot appeared on the stone and family have tried to erase it several times, but it keeps coming back, always the same.

It is said Colonel Buck, acting as judge, condemned a witch to death and her last words were to curse him, that he would always be remembered for his deed.

Historians say this never happened, but he apparently did something that a woman's foot will not let him forget.
I wasn't sure where to put this since my last Potter topic that I stuck in the general forums got moved so I decided to put this here. The flying Ford Anglia is about to leave and we'll be exploring the castle around five thirty. :)

Belongs in Movies or Television

EDIT - TV Forum folder

I think she has a problem with reality and fiction

I used to live close to here:

The Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan, The Beautiful Stranger​

Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan

Wikimedia CommonsKate Morgan, otherwise known as the “beautiful stranger.”

It was 1892 and Kate Morgan was a grown and capable 24-year-old woman. According to California’s notorious Hotel del Coronado, she checked in to the resort on Thanksgiving Day.

Some say she never checked out.

Employees recalled that Morgan said she was waiting for a gentleman to join her. After five days as a guest, the ghost story goes, nobody showed and Morgan shot herself in the head. With nothing was found at the scene to identify her, police telegraphed her description to authorities around the country.

The media dubbed her the “beautiful stranger” for her description and it was soon discovered she had an estranged husband. Her gentleman caller, it was presumed, was a lover. Morgan was also reportedly pregnant when she killed herself.

Hotel del Coronado

FlickrThe Hotel del Coronado where Kate Morgan committed suicide.

Before her suicide, Morgan worked as a household caretaker in an affluent suburb of Los Angeles. During her travel to the hotel, onlookers saw her verbally spar with an unidentified male. He got off mid-route and abandoned her, leaving Morgan melancholy upon her arrival.

Though unclear whether this figure was her husband or not, Morgan sorrowfully wandered into town and procured a pistol.

According to Beautiful Stranger: The Ghost of Kate Morgan and the Hotel del Coronado, there’s no shortage of people who’ve reported paranormal activity in the hotel.

Guests have experienced flickering lights, a rogue television, and a change in temperature that appears out of nowhere and vanishes just as inexplicably. Doors have opened and shut on their own, footsteps and voices have been heard but no people have been seen.

A paranormal investigation team stays in room 3327 of Hotel del Coronado, where the famous ghost of Kate Morgan is said to haunt.

Because human curiosity knows no bounds, Morgan’s room has been the most requested room of them all at the hotel. Even a group of independent paranormal researchers stayed there to document the so-called hauntings.

The team employed infrared cameras, night vision goggles, radiation sensors, indicators for toxic chemicals, microwave imaging systems, and high-frequency sound detectors.

Though Morgan stayed in Room 3327 (formerly 302), her apparition has appeared elsewhere. There have been several sightings in room 3519 (formerly 3502 and intended for maids), for instance. Guests have reported objects moving independently. Stranger still, the hotel owner’s mistress also killed herself at the resort after discovering she was pregnant.

Of course, countless guests had already reported seeing her, both in the hallways and by the beach.

The hotel gift shop, too, has seen unexplained phenomena, with items flying off shelves and often landing right-side up. Ultimately, it’s unclear what exactly is going on at the hotel. An elaborate ruse by management? Buyer’s remorse on behalf of guests? Or, possibly, real paranormal activity in plain sight.

I wonder if this inspired Hotel California ??

I used to live close to here:

The Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan, The Beautiful Stranger​

Real Ghost Story Of Kate Morgan

Wikimedia CommonsKate Morgan, otherwise known as the “beautiful stranger.”

It was 1892 and Kate Morgan was a grown and capable 24-year-old woman. According to California’s notorious Hotel del Coronado, she checked in to the resort on Thanksgiving Day.

Some say she never checked out.

Employees recalled that Morgan said she was waiting for a gentleman to join her. After five days as a guest, the ghost story goes, nobody showed and Morgan shot herself in the head. With nothing was found at the scene to identify her, police telegraphed her description to authorities around the country.

The media dubbed her the “beautiful stranger” for her description and it was soon discovered she had an estranged husband. Her gentleman caller, it was presumed, was a lover. Morgan was also reportedly pregnant when she killed herself.

Hotel del Coronado

FlickrThe Hotel del Coronado where Kate Morgan committed suicide.

Before her suicide, Morgan worked as a household caretaker in an affluent suburb of Los Angeles. During her travel to the hotel, onlookers saw her verbally spar with an unidentified male. He got off mid-route and abandoned her, leaving Morgan melancholy upon her arrival.

Though unclear whether this figure was her husband or not, Morgan sorrowfully wandered into town and procured a pistol.

According to Beautiful Stranger: The Ghost of Kate Morgan and the Hotel del Coronado, there’s no shortage of people who’ve reported paranormal activity in the hotel.

Guests have experienced flickering lights, a rogue television, and a change in temperature that appears out of nowhere and vanishes just as inexplicably. Doors have opened and shut on their own, footsteps and voices have been heard but no people have been seen.

A paranormal investigation team stays in room 3327 of Hotel del Coronado, where the famous ghost of Kate Morgan is said to haunt.

Because human curiosity knows no bounds, Morgan’s room has been the most requested room of them all at the hotel. Even a group of independent paranormal researchers stayed there to document the so-called hauntings.

The team employed infrared cameras, night vision goggles, radiation sensors, indicators for toxic chemicals, microwave imaging systems, and high-frequency sound detectors.

Though Morgan stayed in Room 3327 (formerly 302), her apparition has appeared elsewhere. There have been several sightings in room 3519 (formerly 3502 and intended for maids), for instance. Guests have reported objects moving independently. Stranger still, the hotel owner’s mistress also killed herself at the resort after discovering she was pregnant.

Of course, countless guests had already reported seeing her, both in the hallways and by the beach.

The hotel gift shop, too, has seen unexplained phenomena, with items flying off shelves and often landing right-side up. Ultimately, it’s unclear what exactly is going on at the hotel. An elaborate ruse by management? Buyer’s remorse on behalf of guests? Or, possibly, real paranormal activity in plain sight.

I wonder if this inspired Hotel California ??

Possibly. I used to be stationed on the Kitty Hawk on Coronado.
I drove by that place every day.

Nope....it was a mental hospital.

Hotel California​

How a haunted mental hospital inspired a hit Rock n’ Roll song and eventually became a state university with a colorful past​

Shane J. Ralston
Shane J. Ralston

May 21, 2020 · 3 min read


Top: Album cover for The Eagles’ Hotel California (1976). Bottom: California State University Channel Islands main building, previously Camarillo State Mental Hospital. The resemblance is striking, though the band members deny that the song “Hotel California” was inspired by the mental hospital.
If you ever take a trip to Southern California, drive up the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and head inland to Lynn Road. After the beautiful coastal views, you’ll encounter farmland and soon an encampment of Spanish Mission-style buildings appears on your left.

That’s California State University Channel Islands, formerly Camarillo Mental hospital, and —though it might be an apocryphal story — the inspiration for The Eagles’s song “Hotel California.”

A haunted mental hospital​

Camarillo State Mental Hospital was built in 1936. It housed thousands of mentally ill patients. The rumor is that shock treatment and other inhumane practices were employed by the psychiatric doctors and staff.



Electro-shock therapy was once widely administered as treatment in mental hospitals, including Camarillo State mental hospital.
As the years went by, compassionate care and scientific advances eradicated these inhumane types of treatments. The hospital ceased operations in 1997.

The building is said to be haunted. Witnesses describe all kinds of eerie stories and weird happenings. Some reports involve apparitions, moving objects, voices, headaches, nausea, dizziness and fatigue.

Filmmakers who used the site for sets noticed cold spots, missing objects, windows slamming and strange knocking. Now the building is used by the California State University-Channel Islands, and students swear that it’s still haunted.

A Hotel California inspiration​

The hospital is rumored to be the Eagles’ inspiration for the classic rock song “Hotel California.” However, Glen Frey and Don Henley denied that story in the documentary History of the Eagles.

It’s possible that the site did inspire the Eagles, but concerns over retaining the “Hotel California” trademark led their lawyers to recommend to band members that the deny it. Indeed they sued a Mexican hotel for using the name, settling for an undisclosed amount.



The Mexican Hotel California, sued by the Eagles for violation of trademark.
If you look at the cover of the 1976 Hotel California album and the skyline of the Cal State Channel Islands campus (see banner picture above), the similarity is undeniable.

And of course, the song lyrics could be about the story of someone becoming a a patient in the Camarillo mental hospital, where ghosts and demons roam:

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, “We are all just prisoners here of our own device”
And in the master’s chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can’t kill the beast
Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax”, said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave”
I wasn't sure where to put this since my last Potter topic that I stuck in the general forums got moved so I decided to put this here. The flying Ford Anglia is about to leave and we'll be exploring the castle around five thirty. :)

Belongs in Movies or Television

EDIT - TV Forum folder

I think she has a problem with reality and fiction

Best scene from the movie that bested the book. One line in the book. One of the best in the movie.
I wasn't sure where to put this since my last Potter topic that I stuck in the general forums got moved so I decided to put this here. The flying Ford Anglia is about to leave and we'll be exploring the castle around five thirty. :)

Belongs in Movies or Television

EDIT - TV Forum folder

I think she has a problem with reality and fiction

Best scene from the movie that bested the book. One line in the book. One of the best in the movie.

What are you talking about? I have read the books more than once, but only caught some of the movies on rerun night on tv, not a big fan of them. I like filling out books with my own imagination.

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