Harris distancing herself from Biden's border disaster

Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

OMG. The Bidens are the whitest people in America.

Do you have a problem with White people?
I believe that when the disasters keep piling up we will continue
to see Biden delegating the responsibilities to others.
A President delegating responsibility, how unusual they are supposed to do everything themselves.

Looks like Red Joe will have to handle this one himself. He told Kamala to do it and she told him to get fucked.

Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

OMG. The Bidens are the whitest people in America.

Do you have a problem with White people?

No. I think it's great that the Democrats decided their best option for a president is an old, rich, white Christian man. Don't you?
Here's an example of ignorance by a Republican Governor:

"South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) was ridiculed on Twitter after appearing to show that she doesn’t really know what infrastructure is.

"Noem, touted by ex-President Donald Trump as a possible 2024 presidential candidate, was asked by Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday for her take on President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure bill. The bill seeks to overhaul the country’s roads and bridges, counter the climate crisis and revitalize the eldercare and housing sectors.

"But Noem drove herself straight into a ditch.

“I was shocked by how much doesn’t go into infrastructure,” she said. “It goes into research and development, it goes into housing and pipes and different initiatives, green energy, and it’s not really an honest conversation that we’re having about what this proposal is.”

See the link and compare and contrast her with the current Vice President of the United States. Who do you believe will respond to that 3am phone call, Harris and the kook that has no clue to reality.
Can't say I blame her.

On Day 63, Joe Biden ostensibly put Kamala Harris in charge of resolving the border crisis. Except, she claims that’s not quite right.
Harris, Border Czar.

Vice President Kamala Harris was tapped to take the lead on addressing the immigration influx at the southern border, President Joe Biden announced last Wednesday.

“I’ve asked her, the VP, today—because she’s the most qualified person to do it—to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help—are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” Biden said.

“If you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there,” Biden said. “Unfortunately, the last administration eliminated that funding—did not engage in it, did not use it—even though there was over $700 million to help get this done. We’re re-instituting that program.”

But Harris herself is now pushing back – claiming to be in charge of the “root causes” of what is happening at the border, but not the border itself.

A delegation of Biden officials and members of Congress visited Carrizo Springs, Texas, on Wednesday amid outcry over the lack of press access to border detention facilities and criticism of Biden and Harris for not making the trip themselves. The White House allowed one TV camera to accompany the delegation.

Harris said Wednesday that she and Biden will visit the border “at some point,” but that the White House wants to focus on “bringing our allies together” and “developing those countries.”

Joe Biden 'flicked the booger' .... entrusted solving his border disaster ... to the most Liberal Extremist in Congress, who compared ICE to Nazis, and who advocated decriminalizing illegal immigration - a slap in the face, insult to injury - to Americans who care about our sovereignty and health of US citizens.

Harris caught on immediately that she was being set up. She knows she can't fix Biden's failure...and does NOT WANT to fix Bidn's border disaster. She wants an open border.
I believe that when the disasters keep piling up we will continue
to see Biden delegating the responsibilities to others.
A President delegating responsibility, how unusual they are supposed to do everything themselves.

Looks like Red Joe will have to handle this one himself. He told Kamala to do it and she told him to get fucked.

She is a tough one. Love her.

Yep, so did Willie....many times.
Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

OMG. The Bidens are the whitest people in America.

Do you have a problem with White people?

No. I think it's great that the Democrats decided their best option for a president is an old, rich, white Christian man. Don't you?

Absolutely. No more Muslim Presidents.
The entire Biden Administration is a complete joke in itself. No Unity or transparency whatsoever. But yet, those on the left still think Biden is a "nice guy". :auiqs.jpg:
Got anything substantive? All I read from you white-right Republiklan voters is name-calling and innuendo.

The border? Those people were coming before Biden was elected. This is old news. Suddenly it's a "crisis". Oh, I see, Biden isn't torturing chldren in cages and losing them... so he's screwing up, right?

Y'all aren't happy unless brown children are crying.
Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

OMG. The Bidens are the whitest people in America.

Do you have a problem with White people?

No. I think it's great that the Democrats decided their best option for a president is an old, rich, white Christian man. Don't you?

Absolutely. No more Muslim Presidents.

We've had a Muslim President? No... but we have had one fully-fascist one, with an orange pompadour and a psychotic attitude.

We've also had several criminals against humanity... notable examples: Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan.
The entire Biden Administration is a complete joke in itself. No Unity or transparency whatsoever. But yet, those on the left still think Biden is a "nice guy". :auiqs.jpg:
Got anything substantive? All I read from you white-right Republiklan voters is name-calling and innuendo.

The border? Those people were coming before Biden was elected. This is old news. Suddenly it's a "crisis". Oh, I see, Biden isn't torturing chldren in cages and losing them... so he's screwing up, right?

Y'all aren't happy unless brown children are crying.
Another liar to the shit pile.
Can you believe how low Democrats go, it's fucking incredible. Imagine Pence saying it's not my problem only to giggle.
The entire Biden Administration is a complete joke in itself. No Unity or transparency whatsoever. But yet, those on the left still think Biden is a "nice guy". :auiqs.jpg:
Got anything substantive? All I read from you white-right Republiklan voters is name-calling and innuendo.

The border? Those people were coming before Biden was elected. This is old news. Suddenly it's a "crisis". Oh, I see, Biden isn't torturing chldren in cages and losing them... so he's screwing up, right?

Y'all aren't happy unless brown children are crying.
Another liar to the shit pile.
Just what the board needs, another libtard Halfwit troll.
The entire Biden Administration is a complete joke in itself. No Unity or transparency whatsoever. But yet, those on the left still think Biden is a "nice guy". :auiqs.jpg:
Got anything substantive? All I read from you white-right Republiklan voters is name-calling and innuendo.

The border? Those people were coming before Biden was elected. This is old news. Suddenly it's a "crisis". Oh, I see, Biden isn't torturing chldren in cages and losing them... so he's screwing up, right?

Y'all aren't happy unless brown children are crying.
People are always coming but not on this scale. You can come up with a better reasoning :rolleyes:
Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

OMG. The Bidens are the whitest people in America.

Do you have a problem with White people?

No. I think it's great that the Democrats decided their best option for a president is an old, rich, white Christian man. Don't you?

Absolutely. No more Muslim Presidents.

We've had a Muslim President? No... but we have had one fully-fascist one, with an orange pompadour and a psychotic attitude.

We've also had several criminals against humanity... notable examples: Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan.

You do know that I was kidding and busting his chops?
Dr. Pepper weighed in today... and promptly fucked the pinata for our amusement....

She really is dumber than a fucking fence post. But in all fairness, she was the family baby sitter before Plugs promoted her to the bedroom.... so don't expect any deep thinking from that critter....

Si, se puede (yes, you can) will now be pronounced SISAYPWODWAY and mean "the future is ours".... they fuck over everything else they touch, why not fuck over a romantic language that's been around for centuries.

That bitch has a big mouth. Not too smart for a Doctor either. But it does look like she's outdrawing the sniffer on the speaking circuit.

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