Harnessing the energy generated when freshwater meets saltwater


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Harnessing the energy generated when freshwater meets saltwater

Penn State researchers have created a new hybrid technology that produces unprecedented amounts of electrical power where seawater and freshwater combine at the coast. That difference in salt concentration has the potential to generate enough energy to meet up to 40% of global electricity demands.
To determine the gained voltage of the flow cell depending on the type of membrane used and salinity difference, the team recorded open-circuit cell voltages while feeding two solutions at 15 milliliters per minute. Through this method, they identified that stacking multiple cells did influence electricity production. At 12.6 watts per square meter, this technology leads to peak power densities that are unprecedentedly high compared to previously reported RED (2.9 watts per square meter), and on par with the maximum calculated values for PRO (9.2 watts per square meter), but without the fouling problems.

“What we've shown is that we can bring that power density up to what people have reported for pressure retarded osmosis and to a value much higher than what has been reported if you use these two processes alone,” Gorski said.

I love it when we discover new modes of energy production. The more, the merrier.
I love it when we discover new modes of energy production. The more, the merrier.

Presuming you read the article of course, rather than just your regular random and politically motivated advertising/spamming efforts.
I wonder how much energy can be generated via this method, as compared to solar panels or wind power.

If it's more, we seriously need to start looking into this.
We need to look at all non-polluting energy sources. What is not economical in one place may be just what is needed in another. It is not a one size fits all situation.
We need to look at all non-polluting energy sources. What is not economical in one place may be just what is needed in another. It is not a one size fits all situation.

You're right...............what works in the TX panhandle (wind) might not work so well in the desert where solar would be better.

And.............I REALLY like the possibility that you can generate energy by two different saline levels in the water. I wonder if that can be adjusted so that you can make it work with large water tanks as well?
At 12.6 watts per square meter, this technology leads to peak power densities that are unprecedentedly high compared to previously reported RED (2.9 watts per square meter), and on par with the maximum calculated values for PRO (9.2 watts per square meter), but without the fouling problems.

Solar produces 10 to 20 times that. A square meter of surface receives 1,000 watts of energy. Solar panels can achieve near 20% conversion efficiency.
Aye penn state :) I went there! Fascinating read, however I've heard of this before. I do wonder what are the advantages of this over harnessing wave power.

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