Happy May Day


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A day late, but a poignant piece on the true meaning behind May Day - and a cautionary tale of what spreading the wealth around really means.

I just watched a documentary on Stalin which showed a old Ukrainian woman telling the story of the horrors her family faced when Stalin pushed them onto the collectives, stole their grain and sold it abroad to fund his industrial dreams.

She said that their house had the only nearby well and neighbors came there to fetch water. No one had any food. Everyone was starving.

Her mother had three children. The youngest was a boy around five. He had taken ill so they had put him in the warmest place, a bunk bed over the stove. The mother had nothing to feed her children save a single turnip. She boiled it up and divided it between the two oldest children. The youngest child, smelling the turnip from his bed over the stove ask for some. The woman refused. The child climbed down from his sick bed, crying, grabbing at her skirts and begging for just a bite of turnip. Seeing this, the neighbors told the woman to give the starving child just a bite of turnip.

“No,” she said, “I have to save the food for my healthy children.”

Hearing this, the boy sagged. He gave up begging and weeping bitterly, struggled back into his bed. He cried until he died the next day.

When a child dies slowly, such as from starvation, they often begin to make a particular rhythmic, low, mewing cry in their final hours. ...


I will say but this: Stalin is long dead and communism and fascism are history’s dust, but the evil that birthed it all still haunts us, still pushes in on us in new guises with new rationales.

The killing arrogance of those who believe they have the knowledge to order entire societies, even the entire world, is ultimately what empowered Stalin to do what he did.

That arrogance has not abated. One need only glance at the news to see it. The intellectual descendants of the people who lectured us all about the virtues of Stalin’s regime back then, today lecture us about their own grandiose visions. They are every bit as certain in their intellectual and moral rectitude as were those who defended Stalin. If we risk letting them into power, we risk a Stalin reborn.

We must remain ever vigilant all of our days to fight against this evil that forever lurks in the core of our beings. We must all resist the urge to believe ourselves superior, to believe ourselves possessed of the one true knowledge, to believe ourselves entitled to sacrifice the living here and now for the sake of a utopia generations hence.

Should we fail, we should all pray to fate, physics or all the gods ever named that we quickly meet the peace of the grave rather than find ourselves in that brave woman’s shoes.

Chicago Boyz Blog Archive Happy May Day
So you decided to post about May Day a day late to justify your real agenda, which is a partisan post about Obama.

Kerry on! :thup:

International Workers' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886, when Chicago police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight hour day, killing several demonstrators and resulting in the deaths of several police officers, largely from friendly fire.[1
So you decided to post about May Day a day late to justify your real agenda, which is a partisan post about Obama.

Kerry on! :thup:

International Workers' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886, when Chicago police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight hour day, killing several demonstrators and resulting in the deaths of several police officers, largely from friendly fire.[1

Actually, no where in her post are the words "Obama, democrat, progressive or liberal".

The post is one of those that you can read anyone into it, depending on your flavor.

If the Foo Shits, Shertlock. It's in the eye of the beholder.

The poor in America are fat. Contrast that with the starvation under Stalin.

See the difference?
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Actually, no where in her post are the words "Obama, democrat, progressive or liberal".

The post is one of those that you can read anyone into it, depending on your flavor.

Well I don't think you'll find anyone on here who will think Stalin was a good person. The reason I mentioned what I did was her commentary on the post:

A day late, but a poignant piece on the true meaning behind May Day - and a cautionary tale of what spreading the wealth around really means.

Speaking of which, just recently read a book about the battle of Stalingrad called Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege: 1942-1943 by Antony Beevor. Good read.

If the Foo Shits, Shertlock. It's in the eye of the beholder.

The poor in America are fat. Contrast that with the starvation under Stalin.

See the difference?

Number of Starving Americans Increases - Legal Momentum Briefing Room

During his campaign, President Obama pledged to end childhood hunger by 2015, stating that “too many fellow citizens – over 35.5 million Americans, including 12.6 million children – face a constant struggle against hunger.” Unfortunately the number of people going hungry has increased since the campaign. A Washington Post article published today titled “America’s Economic Pain Brings Hunger Pangs” states that nearly 50 million people -- including 17 million children, almost one in four -- do not have access to adequate amounts of food.

Now, obvious, the poor here in America do have it "better" than those under Stalin. However, they are not fat and content people when it comes to the issue of getting food there Boe.

Furthermore, the reason why many of the people who are in poverty or are borderline poverty can be considered "fat" is because the only food they can afford is cheap food that is high in calories and fat. (McDonald's anyone?)
Stalin did spread the wealth around - the way it will always work.

Anyone thuggish enough to acquire power in a command and control economy will use that power to benefit his cronies at the expense of the great unwashed masses. We have the soft version of that now in DC - witness how taxpayer money is funneled into rewarding cronies while U6 unemployment is at 17%.
Happy May Day?

Officials are combing through evidence connected with the car bomb found overnight in a parked SUV in New York's Times Square, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday, calling the incident a possible terrorist attack.

"It could be an act of terrorism," Napolitano told "Fox News Sunday."

Though authorities have not publicly identified any suspects in the case, Napolitano said the New York Police Department, FBI and Department of Homeland Security are working together to find out who was behind it.

"All the leads are being pursued," she said. "It's looking at the vehicle, it's tracing fingerprints, it's looking at video." Napolitano said nearby surveillance cameras could be a big help to investigators.

FOXNews.com - Investigators Pursuing 'All the Leads' in Times Square Bomb Plot
Historically has any revolution started over spreading the wealth around? Could you say that any revolution did not start over wealth in the hands of the few? Do dictators spread the wealth around? Did Stalin spread wealth around? Was the cause of the Russian revolution the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few? How about the French revolution. Could you generalize and say all revolutions are about spreading the wealth around - even the American revolution. These threads only demonstrate a lack of knowledge of history, oh, that life was so simple that one bias fits all.

October Revolution: Definition from Answers.com
The grain did not belong to Stalin, just like the money obie wan messiah steals does not belong to him and the democrats.. spreading the wealth around is code for theft. just like the 960 billion dollars he stole from the folks who paid and saved and put it in trust.. the elderly. he stole it plain and simple he is a liar and a thief and obie lied people will die.
Historically has any revolution started over spreading the wealth around? Could you say that any revolution did not start over wealth in the hands of the few? Do dictators spread the wealth around? Did Stalin spread wealth around? Was the cause of the Russian revolution the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few? How about the French revolution. Could you generalize and say all revolutions are about spreading the wealth around - even the American revolution. These threads only demonstrate a lack of knowledge of history, oh, that life was so simple that one bias fits all.

October Revolution: Definition from Answers.com

Let me hold your money for you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Historically has any revolution started over spreading the wealth around? Could you say that any revolution did not start over wealth in the hands of the few? Do dictators spread the wealth around? Did Stalin spread wealth around? Was the cause of the Russian revolution the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few? How about the French revolution. Could you generalize and say all revolutions are about spreading the wealth around - even the American revolution. These threads only demonstrate a lack of knowledge of history, oh, that life was so simple that one bias fits all.

October Revolution: Definition from Answers.com

"You must spread some Rep around before giving it to midcan5 again"
Gee, who decided to make May day international workers day?

Second International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought May Day was supposed to be a happy kind of day with dances around the May Pole, picnics and general all around merriment. You guys turned it into something way too serious...
I spent the day at the local bowling alley handing our goodie bags and collecting money for the 50/50, it was our 13th annual "Bowl A Strike for Cancer" tournament. The 50/50 is a raffle that whatever money we collect, the winner gets half and our sorority gets half. All the proceed goes to cancer research. We managed to raise $140, in our half of the 50/50, I won't know how much we raised over the whole event until our next meeting. It was fun, a lot more fun that the previous weeks begging businesses for their support.

All in all, I'd say that was a MayDay spent well. And a special thanks goes out to my son's caregiver, Tina, who came at the last minute so I could go to the event at which I was co-chair.
We went to a wedding last night, which was a much nicer way to spend time as opposed to sitting around bitterly complaining that someone somewhere else has more money and trying to figure out how to steal it from them.

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