Happy Birthday Ruby Bridges


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
A few days late....

Such a tiny girl, surrounded by such tall and serious men, doing something incredibly brave.



Ruby s Story Ruby Bridges Foundation
Every morning a group of forty or more women, known as the “cheerleaders”, shouted obscene, racist threats at Ruby as she entered Frantz Elementary. Ruby received instruction in isolation from her teacher, Mrs. Barbara Henry. Even to use the restroom, she had to be escorted by the marshals, and Ruby ate lunch alone in the classroom every day.


Why someone would want the demonize a little girl is beyond me. Those people are awful. Im proud that the white community is nothing like them today. Now if only the black community would step up their game, we would be golden.
God bless her.

Even so, I'm ashamed to say that I'm not sure we're better off today, though.

More polarized than ever: that's the sad reality of today's America.

The reason that that this is still "today's" America is that this was not in the distant past.
The girl in the picture was born in 1954, which would make her 60 years old today.

Some of the people in those pictures are most likely still living today. It's the same America, just a little more politically correct in public, probably because social media has made the world a smaller place where everyone can see your dirty laundry.
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Why someone would want the demonize a little girl is beyond me. Those people are awful. Im proud that the white community is nothing like them today. Now if only the black community would step up their game, we would be golden.


Surprised at least one or two idiots haven't quoted you and responded with some load of crap like: "Have you read the comments on THIS BOARD?"

I realize that we're dangerously polarized in America today, but I can't help but believe some of the most polarizing comments here about race aren't made by Americans, but by foreigners with malicious intentions of dividing us.

It's called the World Wide Web for a reason, we know. :thup:
Slavery was the single worst thing this country ever got involved with.

They should have stayed where they belong and we should be allowed to run our country how we like...but the gvmt has been infiltrated and subverted and now our tax dollars go to support the very people who work so hard to undermine our values and culture.

Historians in the future will shake their heads and smile at the stupidity.

Oh well..we'll rebuild...and not make the same mistakes this time.
Slavery was the single worst thing this country ever got involved with.

They should have stayed where they belong and we should be allowed to run our country how we like...but the gvmt has been infiltrated and subverted and now our tax dollars go to support the very people who work so hard to undermine our values and culture.

Historians in the future will shake their heads and smile at the stupidity.

Oh well..we'll rebuild...and not make the same mistakes this time.

So you admit that whites should have remained in Europe and not have stepped foot in the Americas, Hawaii, Australia, Africa and the Islands???

It's not too late for you , jet back to Europe...
Slavery was the single worst thing this country ever got involved with.

They should have stayed where they belong and we should be allowed to run our country how we like...but the gvmt has been infiltrated and subverted and now our tax dollars go to support the very people who work so hard to undermine our values and culture.

Historians in the future will shake their heads and smile at the stupidity.

Oh well..we'll rebuild...and not make the same mistakes this time.

So you admit that whites should have remained in Europe and not have stepped foot in the Americas, Hawaii, Australia, Africa and the Islands???

It's not too late for you , jet back to Europe...

Nope..never said anything like that. I said we should have never imported negroes.
You'd be better off and so would we.
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I can't imagine the courage it takes for a little girl to do this in the face of so much irrational hate.

I hope people remember this.

She was just a little girl and these "adults' HATED her..hated.
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Why someone would want the demonize a little girl is beyond me. Those people are awful. Im proud that the white community is nothing like them today. Now if only the black community would step up their game, we would be golden.

Pussies exactly like you would want to demonize a little girl. Feral animals always go for the young. Those feral animals came from your community. Step up your game.
Slavery was the single worst thing this country ever got involved with.

They should have stayed where they belong and we should be allowed to run our country how we like...but the gvmt has been infiltrated and subverted and now our tax dollars go to support the very people who work so hard to undermine our values and culture.

Historians in the future will shake their heads and smile at the stupidity.

Oh well..we'll rebuild...and not make the same mistakes this time.

Well you got one thing right. Your version of slavery is the worst stain in the history of the world. Problem is that without Black people you would have nothing to rebuild. We built this country and made it an economic power. Historians in the future will talk about your type worse than you are talked about now.

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