Hannity interview with OWS rep last night...Wow!

Except, this OWS representative is not an extremist of the movement and is quite mainstream.

But you are free to point out the outrage the 'mainstream' expresses against this loose cannon if you would like.

Your Tea Party 'representative' does not exist, regardless of the fake sign and photoshopped bumper stickers.

And why does a Leftist such as yourself parade around as an 'Independent'?

"my side has no leader.......guys like this are your side's leader"

how retarded does partisanship really make people? scale of one to twelve....tbh

My point stands.

mac1958, being the closet Leftist he is, offers up a fake argument he manufactures against the Tea Party and presents it as a moral equivalency to the MAINSTREAM positions supported tacitly by most everyone in the OWS movement.

I dont think that the "mainstream" position that you've had painted all pretty for you nice in your brain of the OWS movement, is the truth. That's an issue, but it's not mine. It's never clever to put things inside of a neat little box because of the cheesey clips that you can find on the internets.

Retard videos go viral.

Intelligence is boring.

Simple math.
Seems when they do accidentally interview someone well spoken they leave it on the cutting room floor.

Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube

Funny,I just watched it?

From a Fox camera, is the question in place of your question.

When this interview happened last year the unaired Fox news footage was posted, Fox made them take it down. You would not see it at all if it were not for camera phones.
For instance -

people say things like "how can you be for ows, and be pro-wallstreet at the same time"

why do they even ask this?

They dont actually think past "this or that," or what is called "critical thinking."

Being for a less corrupt Wallstreet, is not being against Wallstreet. Somehow that escapes people who like to bicker partisanship on the daily.
"my side has no leader.......guys like this are your side's leader"

how retarded does partisanship really make people? scale of one to twelve....tbh

My point stands.

mac1958, being the closet Leftist he is, offers up a fake argument he manufactures against the Tea Party and presents it as a moral equivalency to the MAINSTREAM positions supported tacitly by most everyone in the OWS movement.

I dont think that the "mainstream" position that you've had painted all pretty for you nice in your brain of the OWS movement, is the truth.

Back it up.
Seems when they do accidentally interview someone well spoken they leave it on the cutting room floor.

Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube

Don't be fooled.....this guy is promoting the same ideas of "social justice" that the guy interviewed by Hannity was talking about...."social justice" is all about getting the goodies....

(this old clip has been around quite awhile....from the early on part of the protest.....when a reporter was able to find at least one coherent person.....this guy and his pals looked to be union reps who are used to talking about such things....)
My point stands.

mac1958, being the closet Leftist he is, offers up a fake argument he manufactures against the Tea Party and presents it as a moral equivalency to the MAINSTREAM positions supported tacitly by most everyone in the OWS movement.

I dont think that the "mainstream" position that you've had painted all pretty for you nice in your brain of the OWS movement, is the truth.

Back it up.

I don't need to. I support less fraud and cheating people out of money in Banking and on Wallstreet.

I am me.

I dont want anything for free.

Nobody handed me orders.

I saw a dying economy in 2008 - but it didn't escape me that - SOMEhow, while everyone was suffering in the slow-assed recovery, Big Corpos who have their hands in Obama's, Boehner's, Bush's, etc. pockets made RECORD PROFITS, while middle class stayed stagnant.

If you don't have a problem with that at all, good on you, but I'm not just thinking about myself. Middle class = most of America, i.e. what would in theory keep us strong.
OWS pretends to have no 'official' list of demands.

Here is an 'unofficial' list which receives at least tacid support judging by the complete lack of those from the movement taking issue with the platform:

'Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.'
I saw that interview. The young man is incredibly stupid. He is unemployed so one of his major gripes is that he can't find a job. As a stop gap measure, he returend to graduate school so he could get a student loan and that's what he's living on. In a few years he'll be screaming that he has to pay the student loan back.

He has lots of complaints, he wants a job, he wants everything for free and the police ruined the OWS protests by having undercover cops rape women, crap on police cars, commit assaults and take drugs, just to give OWS a bad name.

Even over the television cable you could see that young man's fear. He is terrified that no one will take care of him. He is an infant. He wants to move back in with mom and dad and they'll buy him a new car. He can still blame his older brother for doing all kinds of bad things and blaming him for them. He says that capitalism is at fault. What's really at fault is that he doesn't live in Neverland and has had to grow up and he just isn't ready.
Seems when they do accidentally interview someone well spoken they leave it on the cutting room floor.

Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube

Don't be fooled.....this guy is promoting the same ideas of "social justice" that the guy interviewed by Hannity was talking about...."social justice" is all about getting the goodies....

(this old clip has been around quite awhile....from the early on part of the protest.....when a reporter was able to find at least one coherent person.....this guy and his pals looked to be union reps who are used to talking about such things....)

Where have you seen him articulate those ideas to draw your conclusion?

People amaze me with their pre-judging.

I love how Glenn Beck tried to say that MLK Jr. would be ashamed of Democrats and was all about Republican ideals, when in reality he mentions social justice like 100 times in speeches.
I saw that interview. The young man is incredibly stupid. He is unemployed so one of his major gripes is that he can't find a job. As a stop gap measure, he returend to graduate school so he could get a student loan and that's what he's living on. In a few years he'll be screaming that he has to pay the student loan back.

He has lots of complaints, he wants a job, he wants everything for free and the police ruined the OWS protests by having undercover cops rape women, crap on police cars, commit assaults and take drugs, just to give OWS a bad name.

Even over the television cable you could see that young man's fear. He is terrified that no one will take care of him. He is an infant. He wants to move back in with mom and dad and they'll buy him a new car. He can still blame his older brother for doing all kinds of bad things and blaming him for them. He says that capitalism is at fault. What's really at fault is that he doesn't live in Neverland and has had to grow up and he just isn't ready.

And this is 99% of the OWS movement.
The OWS protest took place in my city close to where I live.

So I talked to several of them one on one.

The OWS people I talked to sounded exactly like the guy in the video.
Did anyone else watch this interview Hannity had last night with this OWS crazy? Wow! I was just dumbfounded while watching it....this guy is nuts! One part that stood out to me was when he admited that YES everyone should get ALL their basic necessities provided by the government...which INCLUDES a home, all free medical, free education....
this guy was SERIOUS! I had to scrape my jaw off the floor! Lol!

I don't know how to put the video here, so here's the link...........Watch it and laugh!!! :)

Hannity with Sean Hannity - Fox News

Yea, he's a total idiot. Has no clue and expects the government to give him everything. He has absolutely no idea where his "free money" is coming from. Yikes!!

Seems when they do accidentally interview someone well spoken they leave it on the cutting room floor.

Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube

Did you really listen to what he said?? Very early he said a patch was put on a flat tire, who patched that tire? The justice dept isn't listening, who's the attorney general?? I think you need to watch that video again.

"Hey, Mr TV Show Producer, find me an OWS representative who's on the far, far, far whacked-out end of the movement so we can make him look like everyone we disagree with is like that. Y'know, like the way MSNBC would find a Tea Party representative who thinks we should keep government out of Medicare. Easy pickens there, go find him."


I saw the interview and I have to say...that guy in no way represents the dozens of people I know who attended some of the earlier OWS gatherings.

I disagree with OWS (the original base...not the whackos that took over)....but they had a message.....sadly, others on the far left capitalized on their movement....

Interestingly, however, some far right loons tried to penetrate the tea party gatherings....but the tea party pretty much refused to give in to those people....The OWSers were so wrapped up in "numbers" they didnt force those people out.
Seems when they do accidentally interview someone well spoken they leave it on the cutting room floor.

Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube

Don't be fooled.....this guy is promoting the same ideas of "social justice" that the guy interviewed by Hannity was talking about...."social justice" is all about getting the goodies....

(this old clip has been around quite awhile....from the early on part of the protest.....when a reporter was able to find at least one coherent person.....this guy and his pals looked to be union reps who are used to talking about such things....)

Where have you seen him articulate those ideas to draw your conclusion?

People amaze me with their pre-judging.

I love how Glenn Beck tried to say that MLK Jr. would be ashamed of Democrats and was all about Republican ideals, when in reality he mentions social justice like 100 times in speeches.

pre-judging....? hardly....

if you actually listen to the clip you can hear the words "social justice" fall from his own smirking lips....

i think Beck was probably talking about the "content of character" aspect......but you are right about MLK....he had many communist ideas.....
I disagree with OWS (the original base...not the whackos that took over)....but they had a message.....sadly, others on the far left capitalized on their movement....

Interestingly, however, some far right loons tried to penetrate the tea party gatherings....but the tea party pretty much refused to give in to those people....The OWSers were so wrapped up in "numbers" they didnt force those people out.

I dunno, the Tea Party had my attention for about the first two weeks when their message was about limited, responsible government. Then the Bachmann/Palin/Beck brigade jumped on it and it turned into a, well, what it is today. And I'd be stunned if 10 Tea Partiers in a group of a thousand had a plan for precisely how and where and how much they would cut government.

There are wackos in both groups and unfortunately, they're the loudest in the crowd. So the media knows damn well to find the goofiest in the group. It ain't rocket science.

I disagree with OWS (the original base...not the whackos that took over)....but they had a message.....sadly, others on the far left capitalized on their movement....

Interestingly, however, some far right loons tried to penetrate the tea party gatherings....but the tea party pretty much refused to give in to those people....The OWSers were so wrapped up in "numbers" they didnt force those people out.

I dunno, the Tea Party had my attention for about the first two weeks when their message was about limited, responsible government. Then the Bachmann/Palin/Beck brigade jumped on it and it turned into a, well, what it is today. And I'd be stunned if 10 Tea Partiers in a group of a thousand had a plan for precisely how and where and how much they would cut government.

There are wackos in both groups and unfortunately, they're the loudest in the crowd. So the media knows damn well to find the goofiest in the group. It ain't rocket science.


For instance -

people say things like "how can you be for ows, and be pro-wallstreet at the same time"

why do they even ask this?

They dont actually think past "this or that," or what is called "critical thinking."

Being for a less corrupt Wallstreet, is not being against Wallstreet. Somehow that escapes people who like to bicker partisanship on the daily.

I completely agree.... being for Wall Street does not mean one supports the corruption practiced by some (not all) of Wall Street.

However, I do find some of the crap the 'OWS Rep' featured in the OPs link to be more than slightly worrying... if he's representative of the OWS Movement, they have some serious issues.... one of which will be jack shit stupidity.

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