Handing Iraq back to Al Qaeda: How do our Iraq War vets feel about it?


It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

Bush relied on the fact that people are as loyal, patriotic and stupid as you are. We don't fight wars so that our pawns/grunts/troops can feel good about their mission. They go where our leaders tell them to go. Viet Nam and Iraq were huge mistakes but 2 presidents decided to start those wars anyways.

Who should be the last soldier to die for a mistake? Bring our boys home, and don't worry what they think about the mission. Their job is not to think.
Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

Yea bush did a great job and McCain and the GOP want to go to war with Iran next. Now that's setting the world on fire, you dumb ****.
you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

Yea bush did a great job and McCain and the GOP want to go to war with Iran next. Now that's setting the world on fire, you dumb ****.

Uh-huh...there was a plan in place to leave residual troops in place. Obama changed it. WE see the result. (alQuieda on the run...or Obama told us back in 2012...and YOU fell for it)...:eusa_hand:

As to McCain? He's correct...one of FEW times...but then he was in the Military...Obama? He was too busy partying with the "Choom Gang" to be bothered.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist
what. the fuck. do you know?
are you a vet? married to one? have you sat at home not knowing if your loved one was safe?

would you tell those that have that although their lives have already been turned upside down, they need to go back and do it some more because the fucking iraqis, with their uniforms, guns, artillery, and tanks that were paid for by us won't do it for their fucking selves?

what would you have us do, stephanie? wet nurse iraq for ever? keep sending our men and women over in to harms way to protect people that won't protect themselves?

fuck you and your fake ass "support the troops" bullshit.
Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

You want to see how Americans as a whole, including red state patriots, really feel about the endless saber-rattling that invariably seems to land us in wars where our global ambitions and reach generally exceeds our grasp? Re-institute the draft, and minimize the ability of the rich and powerful to get deferments for their sons who, like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, had other priorities when they both supported the Vietnam war even though they never supported it to the point that they volunteered to go on active duty.
Handing back?

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until after the US invasion.

Oh, that's right.

Those were Boy Scouts that Saddam was training in those camps.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Do you leftist fanatics EVER pause for breath between lies?

What does "little Acorn" stand for. Is that they size of your pointed and brain damaged little head. From your own link:

Could there have been an al-Qaida connection?

Did Iraq need Usama and al-Qaida? Saddam sought to destroy any international groups-be they religious or ethnic based-that he perceived would attack him because of their linkages to domestic Iraqi factions. Iraq ruthlessly suppressed elements of its Shia community, nearly 60 percent of the population, who were known or suspected of belonging to, harboring members, or merely sympathetic with the aims groups such as the Iraqi Islamic Amal, the Islamic Dawa Party, and the Iranian-based Supreme Council for the Islamic Republic in Iraq (SCIRI). As noted above, Saddam was willing to aid the Syrian-based Sunni Islamic Muslim Brotherhood organization as a tool to attack Hafiz al-Asad, but he would not permit an Iraqi chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood to thrive. Saddam may have posed as a devout Muslim to win the support of Iraq's Shia but he was at heart a secular Arab nationalist whose only loyalty was to himself and the state.

In my judgment, Saddam assessed Usama bin Ladin and al-Qaida as a threat rather than a potential partner to be exploited to attack the United States. Bin Ladin wanted to attack Iraq after it occupied Kuwait in 1990 rather than have the Saudi government depend on foreign military forces. Several captured al-Qaida operatives have said Usama refused to consider working for or with Saddam, according to press accounts. Saddam would have understood that after Usama had realized his ambition to remove U.S. forces from Arabia and eliminate the Al Sa`ud and other ruling families in the Gulf, that he would have been the next target. The threat would have appeared particularly risky to Saddam, given the modest indicators of a revival in personal piety and Islamist dress among Iraqi Sunnis in the last decade. He certainly suspected Saudi Arabia of encouraging Wahhabi pietism and practices among Iraq's Sunni Arabs and Bin Ladin's loyalists would have been suspect of similar anti-regime activities.


And this people is a terrific example of why Republicans failed in Iraq. They believe what they want to. Whatever they read, if the read, they imagine is says something other than what it says.
He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

Yea bush did a great job and McCain and the GOP want to go to war with Iran next. Now that's setting the world on fire, you dumb ****.

Uh-huh...there was a plan in place to leave residual troops in place. Obama changed it. WE see the result. (alQuieda on the run...or Obama told us back in 2012...and YOU fell for it)...:eusa_hand:

As to McCain? He's correct...one of FEW times...but then he was in the Military...Obama? He was too busy partying with the "Choom Gang" to be bothered.


John McCain being a soldier doesn't trump his love for defense contractors. He doesn't give a shit about soldiers or vets. They want war, that's it. Notice things are just fine and we haven't invaded Iran. THey want a nuke? Go for it.

And we can't stop Iraq, Afgan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and all the other arab countries if they want to go with Al Queda and be muslim nations we should stay out of it. We don't even need their fucking oil anymore. Lets get out and just the next time we have a Republican president and the FBI warns you that terrorists are going to use airplanes as weapons, give the fucking airlines a heads up. NOT what Bush did. He went back to painting at his Crawford ranch. Fucking retard.
Yea bush did a great job and McCain and the GOP want to go to war with Iran next. Now that's setting the world on fire, you dumb ****.

Uh-huh...there was a plan in place to leave residual troops in place. Obama changed it. WE see the result. (alQuieda on the run...or Obama told us back in 2012...and YOU fell for it)...:eusa_hand:

As to McCain? He's correct...one of FEW times...but then he was in the Military...Obama? He was too busy partying with the "Choom Gang" to be bothered.


John McCain being a soldier doesn't trump his love for defense contractors. He doesn't give a shit about soldiers or vets. They want war, that's it. Notice things are just fine and we haven't invaded Iran. THey want a nuke? Go for it.

And we can't stop Iraq, Afgan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and all the other arab countries if they want to go with Al Queda and be muslim nations we should stay out of it. We don't even need their fucking oil anymore. Lets get out and just the next time we have a Republican president and the FBI warns you that terrorists are going to use airplanes as weapons, give the fucking airlines a heads up. NOT what Bush did. He went back to painting at his Crawford ranch. Fucking retard.

Nor does Obama's LOVE for WALL STREET, and being propped up by him and the FED....put a sock in it.:eusa_hand:

It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

ogibillm said it for me Stephanie. Go fuck yourself. :eusa_hand:

Fake ass patriot. Bush really pulled one over on you. After all these years you probably still believe he had WMD's. Dumb ****.
Uh-huh...there was a plan in place to leave residual troops in place. Obama changed it. WE see the result. (alQuieda on the run...or Obama told us back in 2012...and YOU fell for it)...:eusa_hand:

As to McCain? He's correct...one of FEW times...but then he was in the Military...Obama? He was too busy partying with the "Choom Gang" to be bothered.


John McCain being a soldier doesn't trump his love for defense contractors. He doesn't give a shit about soldiers or vets. They want war, that's it. Notice things are just fine and we haven't invaded Iran. THey want a nuke? Go for it.

And we can't stop Iraq, Afgan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and all the other arab countries if they want to go with Al Queda and be muslim nations we should stay out of it. We don't even need their fucking oil anymore. Lets get out and just the next time we have a Republican president and the FBI warns you that terrorists are going to use airplanes as weapons, give the fucking airlines a heads up. NOT what Bush did. He went back to painting at his Crawford ranch. Fucking retard.

Nor does Obama's LOVE for WALL STREET, and being propped up by him and the FED....put a sock in it.:eusa_hand:

Hey if you are in agreement that the entire system is corrupt why don't you join us and insist the corporate Supreme Court overturn Citizens United and lets push for real campaign finance reform and lobbyist reform.

But I suspect you're desire to clean up the corruption will fall short as soon as Rush Limbaugh tells you the sinister plot and the reasons why it will "kill jobs and raise prices".

Lets face it, Republicans are never wrong. If they didn't crash the economy in 2007 or if they didn't lie us into Iraq, then they'll never admit to ever being wrong so fuck them all.
How do our Iraq War veterans, who fought and bled to free Iraq from Saddam Hussein and his terrorist training camps, feel about Obama pulling our troops out and handing the country back to Al Qaeda?

According to antiwar.com, 4,489 of them are "not available for comment", having given their lives to free the country in the first place.

Recent headlines:

BAGHDAD FALLING: Iraq crisis: Baghdad prepares for the worst as Islamist militants vow to capture the capital - Middle East - World - The Independent
MOSUL OVERRUN BY AL QAEDA: Mosul is burning, and Iraq could still get worse. Here are 5 reasons why - The Washington Post
AL QAEDA ALLIES SIEZE TIKRIT: TIME - Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews
TERRORISTS "FULL-BLOWN ARMY": Iraq?s Terrorists Are Becoming a Full-Blown Army - The Daily Beast

Election have consequences. Especially when you elect liberal fanatics to be the Commander in Chief, and give them majorities in Congress... as we did after defeating most terrorists in Iraq.


Congress's Iraq Vets Helplessly Watch Their Gains Lost - NationalJournal.com

Congress's Iraq Vets Helplessly Watch Their Gains Lost

By Clara Ritger
June 11, 2014

Americans are tired of war. For the 17 members of Congress who served in Iraq, that means watching helplessly as the cities they fought for fall once more to extremists.

Three Republican congressmen who served in Iraq—Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Doug Collins of Georgia, and Brad Wenstrup of Ohio—said it feels like the progress they made has been thrown away.

"Going out across the desert I remember the feelings that you have, wondering if you're going to make it out alive," Perry said. "Right now I wonder what that was all about. What was the point of all of that?"

"We have an enemy today that senses weakness, knows how to find it, and then goes after it," Wenstrup said. "I came home from Iraq feeling that we liberated 25 million people."

"I think at this point the administration made a choice to cut and run," Collins said. "When Fallujah fell again, we knew this foreign policy had consequences."

I've lost count of the favors Obama has granted to Muslim terrorists. Is there anything he won't do for them?
No, it's the size of yours, rdean. Once again, evidence you don't research for yourself-

Handing back?

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until after the US invasion.

Oh, that's right.

Those were Boy Scouts that Saddam was training in those camps.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Do you leftist fanatics EVER pause for breath between lies?

What does "little Acorn" stand for. Is that they size of your pointed and brain damaged little head. From your own link:

Could there have been an al-Qaida connection?

Did Iraq need Usama and al-Qaida? Saddam sought to destroy any international groups-be they religious or ethnic based-that he perceived would attack him because of their linkages to domestic Iraqi factions. Iraq ruthlessly suppressed elements of its Shia community, nearly 60 percent of the population, who were known or suspected of belonging to, harboring members, or merely sympathetic with the aims groups such as the Iraqi Islamic Amal, the Islamic Dawa Party, and the Iranian-based Supreme Council for the Islamic Republic in Iraq (SCIRI). As noted above, Saddam was willing to aid the Syrian-based Sunni Islamic Muslim Brotherhood organization as a tool to attack Hafiz al-Asad, but he would not permit an Iraqi chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood to thrive. Saddam may have posed as a devout Muslim to win the support of Iraq's Shia but he was at heart a secular Arab nationalist whose only loyalty was to himself and the state.

In my judgment, Saddam assessed Usama bin Ladin and al-Qaida as a threat rather than a potential partner to be exploited to attack the United States. Bin Ladin wanted to attack Iraq after it occupied Kuwait in 1990 rather than have the Saudi government depend on foreign military forces. Several captured al-Qaida operatives have said Usama refused to consider working for or with Saddam, according to press accounts. Saddam would have understood that after Usama had realized his ambition to remove U.S. forces from Arabia and eliminate the Al Sa`ud and other ruling families in the Gulf, that he would have been the next target. The threat would have appeared particularly risky to Saddam, given the modest indicators of a revival in personal piety and Islamist dress among Iraqi Sunnis in the last decade. He certainly suspected Saudi Arabia of encouraging Wahhabi pietism and practices among Iraq's Sunni Arabs and Bin Ladin's loyalists would have been suspect of similar anti-regime activities.


And this people is a terrific example of why Republicans failed in Iraq. They believe what they want to. Whatever they read, if the read, they imagine is says something other than what it says.
So this is the talking point being pushed....

And carefully not being answered by liberals, as usual.

How do vets feel? The same way I felt in 1975 seeing those choppers lifting off from the roof of the American Embassy with Americans and South Vietnamese running for their lives.

Understand one thing - this is NOT the fault of the American military, they could have leveled Iraq to dust anytime they wee ordered to - just as in Hanoi.


POLITICIANS. You can NOT unleash hell then expect to tell it to "play nice". To all those vets who sacrificed, bled, died and came home maimed - God Bless you. I am sorry that we such weak0in-the-knees pussy politicians that won't allow the job to get done.
The rewriting of history is in full swing. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.


It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

That is a detestable position.

The acquisition of freedom is messy, but at least the Iraqi people have a shot. An unencumbered Saddam with France and Russia covering for him while at the same time either harboring or capitulating to Bin Laden would be much worse for everyone.

Think it through a little.
This is just damn sad watching Iraq fall..After all our military did to free the people from a raving dictator and have as an ally in the midst of the other raving madness in the middle east...now a country rich with oil will be in the hands of terrorist and all our sacrifices will have been vain

Obama, Kerry, Hagel and Clinton be damned

I heard a couple of interviews with soldiers that were over there when they were being pulled out...Iraqui's by and large begged them NOT to leave. They know what we did for them. Obama and the left apparently didn't give a shit.

Now look at it? Obama is blowing up the entire region...his foreign policy is like giving a kid a book of matches in a refinery.

These assholes screw up everything they touch.

The only people that wanted us to stay were living/working/making a fortune off us in the green/safe zones. Everywhere else, say 95% of Iraq hate us for what we did. They are not better off than they were when Saddam was in power, stupid.

That is complete bullshit. For starters, the entire Kurdish population has actual freedom and autonomy (even now). I'm sure Halabja is just a funny word for you, but it was the site of Saddam's genocide. What wasn't reported are similar attacks in Zakho, Dahok, Amedi, Dayrabun, Derker Ajam, Suran, and just about every village north of Mosul.

A well-educated goat herder asked to speak to my brother (then the Battalion Commander of an outpost north or Kirkuk) at the edge of the wire. He asked for a private meeting which sorta freaked everyone out. Then he handed one of the guards a photo and said, "I'll be over there tending to my goats." The photo was of he and I, 15 years prior, at his library in Zakho a few days after he came down from the mountains when the Marines arrived to push the Republican Guard back. We have a fairly uncommon last name in the military, and I had told this gentleman about my family and specifically about my brother who was an officer in the Army. My brother took the meeting. He called me first, to see if I remembered Ali. I did and gave him some bonafides to check and make sure it really was him.

This man, Ali, was a Marine Biologist born in Kirkuk. He was the elder son of the family and was sent to Beirut to study. He lived there after college, worked for a research facility, and sent money home. When Beirut exploded, he fled home and started a library in Zakho. When the Republican Guard made a push into Kurdistan after Saddam signed the cease-fire, he and his family fled into the mountains on the border of Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. When we showed up and coaxed them down, he tried to rebuild his library but it just didn't work out. He packed up his family and moved back to his family's property near Kirkuk and herded goats.

He thanked my brother for leaving his family to protect someone else's, he thanked me(via my brother) for trying to help him stack books and rebuild the shelves and fix the computers. He said (then) that while the destabilization is hard to take, ANYTHING is better than living in Saddam's Iraq.

I agree.
you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist

He's doing a damned fine job of it too. That cannot be denied. It started with his "World apology Tour" at Cairo University in 2009. He's been at it ever since with Hillary Clinton doing his dirty work until she stepped down...Now John F'ing Kerry has taken up the charge.

ALL of them inept, and setting the world on fire.

Good job you leftist Progs...you can't get anything right...or is it intentional? :eusa_whistle:

You want to see how Americans as a whole, including red state patriots, really feel about the endless saber-rattling that invariably seems to land us in wars where our global ambitions and reach generally exceeds our grasp? Re-institute the draft, and minimize the ability of the rich and powerful to get deferments for their sons who, like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, had other priorities when they both supported the Vietnam war even though they never supported it to the point that they volunteered to go on active duty.

Bush never got a deferment. While I agree that Cheney used every connection possible, that doesn't negate the strategy, nor the honor he actually has displayed to every single military person he's ever met.

That said, I don't want any of my brothers to go back to Iraq. All this partisan bickering is silly and it's just the distraction this gang of amateurs in the White House needs to divert attention away from the true scandal, the VA bonuses paid for letting veterans die.

I can't really fault Obama's actions on this point because this really is a lose-lose. Could he have done things better? Yes. Has he been asleep at the wheel? Yes. Would any of that have prevented the breakup of Iraq? No.

But let's not get crazy here, he is often now quoted in a statement he made in 2002 regarding his position on the invasion of Iraq. Are we really supposed to believe that a State Senator is some sort of Foreign Policy expert? The guy had no clue back then, and nothing in his background gives him any insight.

He has enough fuck-ups in his "management" of this government without trying to pin this chaos on him. It's not Bush's fault either. This was eventually going to happen no matter who was elected in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, or even 2016. The only variable is when and on what terms. Bush (correctly) decided to take out Saddam due to the strategic threat to us that was very real and much more real that most people even want to consider. The rest has been a clusterfuck, but that was going to happen anyway.

Put it this way. At least we're not forced to live in a 2002 geopolitical situation where we have to choose between Bin Laden and Saddam.

Oh and Iraqi Kurdistan is still free. We can't save everyone, but we can save someone. :eusa_clap:
Handing back?

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until after the US invasion.

Oh, that's right.

Those were Boy Scouts that Saddam was training in those camps.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Do you leftist fanatics EVER pause for breath between lies?

What does "little Acorn" stand for. Is that they size of your pointed and brain damaged little head. From your own link:

Could there have been an al-Qaida connection?

Did Iraq need Usama and al-Qaida? Saddam sought to destroy any international groups-be they religious or ethnic based-that he perceived would attack him because of their linkages to domestic Iraqi factions. Iraq ruthlessly suppressed elements of its Shia community, nearly 60 percent of the population, who were known or suspected of belonging to, harboring members, or merely sympathetic with the aims groups such as the Iraqi Islamic Amal, the Islamic Dawa Party, and the Iranian-based Supreme Council for the Islamic Republic in Iraq (SCIRI). As noted above, Saddam was willing to aid the Syrian-based Sunni Islamic Muslim Brotherhood organization as a tool to attack Hafiz al-Asad, but he would not permit an Iraqi chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood to thrive. Saddam may have posed as a devout Muslim to win the support of Iraq's Shia but he was at heart a secular Arab nationalist whose only loyalty was to himself and the state.

In my judgment, Saddam assessed Usama bin Ladin and al-Qaida as a threat rather than a potential partner to be exploited to attack the United States. Bin Ladin wanted to attack Iraq after it occupied Kuwait in 1990 rather than have the Saudi government depend on foreign military forces. Several captured al-Qaida operatives have said Usama refused to consider working for or with Saddam, according to press accounts. Saddam would have understood that after Usama had realized his ambition to remove U.S. forces from Arabia and eliminate the Al Sa`ud and other ruling families in the Gulf, that he would have been the next target. The threat would have appeared particularly risky to Saddam, given the modest indicators of a revival in personal piety and Islamist dress among Iraqi Sunnis in the last decade. He certainly suspected Saudi Arabia of encouraging Wahhabi pietism and practices among Iraq's Sunni Arabs and Bin Ladin's loyalists would have been suspect of similar anti-regime activities.


And this people is a terrific example of why Republicans failed in Iraq. They believe what they want to. Whatever they read, if the read, they imagine is says something other than what it says.

I think you missed this part, where it has been documented that the dynamic changed.


Yea bush did a great job and McCain and the GOP want to go to war with Iran next. Now that's setting the world on fire, you dumb ****.

Uh-huh...there was a plan in place to leave residual troops in place. Obama changed it. WE see the result. (alQuieda on the run...or Obama told us back in 2012...and YOU fell for it)...:eusa_hand:

As to McCain? He's correct...one of FEW times...but then he was in the Military...Obama? He was too busy partying with the "Choom Gang" to be bothered.


John McCain being a soldier doesn't trump his love for defense contractors. He doesn't give a shit about soldiers or vets. They want war, that's it. Notice things are just fine and we haven't invaded Iran. THey want a nuke? Go for it.

And we can't stop Iraq, Afgan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and all the other arab countries if they want to go with Al Queda and be muslim nations we should stay out of it. We don't even need their fucking oil anymore. Lets get out and just the next time we have a Republican president and the FBI warns you that terrorists are going to use airplanes as weapons, give the fucking airlines a heads up. NOT what Bush did. He went back to painting at his Crawford ranch. Fucking retard.

Speaking of someone that doesn't give a shit about soldiers or vets, I'll give you one guess as to whom is the soldier or veteran that our President has dedicated the most time in briefings, press releases, ceremonies, and speeches.

Here's a hint, it's not any of our Medal of Honor recipients. Our President has never sent any of his employees out on the media circuit to defend, vouch, or even support any of our medal winners beyond a ceremony. But, one soldier has been the subject of a Rose Garden speech, a full media blitz by the National Security Advisor, multiple briefings, and all sorts of activity.

Who is this soldier and why is that?

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