Handgun Control Inc. and the Anti-gun Lobby - big money, big lies!!!!


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I find it most interesting the hypocritical attack on the NRA by the radical left, villifying the NRA as a "lobby". Yet, the left refuses to call Handgun Control, Inc and the Joyce Foundation just to name a few as "lobbies". Both are big money lobbies full of lies. As usual with the left, a sword only cuts one way, and a street only goes in one direction. No surprise.

What some people don't understand, it is the person, not the gun. I am postive that everyone in this forum wakes up in the morning, most likely not looking forward to going to work, but planning on what they will do after their shift is over. We plan for our weekends, we plan for our vacations, we plan for many, many things, but what we NONE of us plan for is how we are going to commit mass murder. We don't have it in us. With that in mind, no amount of gun laws or any laws will prevent some whack job from following through with the heinous act they plan on performing.

So, let us take a look at the results of gun laws and gun bans. Here is just a short list of such from 1915 to 2002:

Ottoman Turkey - 1915-1917

Targets - Armenians (mostly Christians)

Number of people killed: 1-1.5 million

Gun Laws - Art. 166, Pen. Code, 1866 & 1911 Proclamation, 1915

• Permits required •Government list of owners
•Ban on possession

Soviet Union - 1929-1945

Targets - Political opponents; farming communities

Number of people killed: 20 million

Gun Laws - Resolutions, 1918, Decree, July 12, 1920, Art. 59 & 182, Pen. code, 1926

•Licensing of owners
•Ban on possession
•Severe penalties

Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe - 1933-1945

Targets - Political opponents; Jews; Gypsies; critics; "examples"

Number of People killed:20 million

Gun Laws - Law on Firearms & Ammun., 1928, Weapon Law, March 18, 1938,Regulations against Jews, 1938

•Registration & Licensing
•Stricter handgun laws
•Ban on possession

China, Nationalist - 1927-1949

Targets - Political opponents; army conscripts; others

Number of people killed: 10 million

Gun Laws - Art. 205, Crim. Code, 1914, Art. 186-87, Crim. Code, 1935

•Government permit system
•Ban on private ownership

China, Red - 1949-1952, 1957-1960, 1966-1976

Targets - Political opponents; Rural populations; Enemies of the state

Number of people killed: 20-35 million

Gun Laws - Act of Feb. 20, 1951, Act of Oct. 22, 1957

•Prison or death to "counter-revolutionary criminals" and anyone resisting any government program
•Death penalty for supply guns to such "criminals"

Guatemala - 1960-1981

Targets - Mayans & other Indians; political enemies

Number of people killed:100,000-200,000

Gun Laws - Decree 36, Nov 25 •Act of 1932, Decree 386, 1947
Decree 283, 1964

•Register guns & owners •Licensing with high fees
•Prohibit carrying guns
•Bans on guns, sharp tools
•Confiscation powers

Uganda - 1971-1979

Targets - Christians & Political enemies

Number of people killed: 300,000

Gun Laws - Firearms Ordinance, 1955, Firearms Act, 1970

•Register all guns & owners •Licenses for transactions
•Warrantless searches •Confiscation powers

Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) - 1975-1979

Targets - Educated Persons; Political enemies

Number of people killed: 2 million

Gun Laws - Art. 322-328, Penal Code, Royal Ordinance 55, 1938

•Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions
•Photo ID with fingerprints
•License inspected quarterly

Rwanda - 1994

Targets - Tutsi people

Number of people killed: 800,000

Gun Law - Decree-Law No. 12, 1979

•Register guns, owners, ammunition •Owners must justify need •Concealable guns illegal •Confiscating powers

As you can see, this is not made up, I have even provided the gun laws that were enacted before the genocides. So everyone, as you can see, the lobbies like HCI , the Joyce Foundation and others are just that, lobbies with a poltical agenda who could care less about the amount of genocides they may cause in forcing through their agenda. So, with the information I have provided, let's give a big round of applause to all the lives that gun laws have saved!!! Way to go Sarah Brady and you maniacal anti-gun lunatics!!!


In closing, guns don't kill people, gun laws and Planned Parenthood kill people. Don't believe the lies and political agenda of the tyrannical leftist orgainzations such as Handgun Control Inc., the Joyce Foundation and other America-hating groups like them
Funny how licensing and registration are most always precursors to confiscation, people just refuse to learn from history, cause it can never happen here. Makes you wonder how many of the millions dead thought the same thing?
YOu can always tell the crazy people when they compare America to genocides in other country without mentioning our genocides.

You really think the problem in China was gun controls laws and not 40 years of civil war? Are you some kind of low-grade retard?


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