"Hamilton" production lectures Pence...but they are actually racists, not Pence...

I love the internet......it is the bane of all things left wing and totalitarian...

The morons at the musical "Hamilton" acted like assholes and openly called out not only the new Vice President of the United States.....but millions of people who supported him.......because he and they believe in legal immigration and are opposed to foreign people breaking the law and entering the country illegally, jumping the line while other lawful immigrants spend years following the rules and entering legally....

Turns out....."Hamilton" is a racist production...which goes along with everything from the left wing, totalitarian, democrat party, the party of racism, violence, hate, crime and rape.....

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call

But contrary to this braying about “diversity,” this is the same stage show that recently issued a casting call that essentially told white actors not to bother applying for work on the show because no whites would be hired.

The details of the Hamilton casting call released in March read, “Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours.”

Democrats are openly and proudly racist.........

When the show’s producers and staff were confronted about this seeming violation of federal employment laws, show producer Jeffrey Seller insisted that Hamilton encourages “diversity,” but that it was perfectly legitimate to exclude all white people. “I stand by it and believe it to be legal,” Seller said of the controversial casting call.

AND they received tens of thousands in federal grants to put the show.
I love the internet......it is the bane of all things left wing and totalitarian...

The morons at the musical "Hamilton" acted like assholes and openly called out not only the new Vice President of the United States.....but millions of people who supported him.......because he and they believe in legal immigration and are opposed to foreign people breaking the law and entering the country illegally, jumping the line while other lawful immigrants spend years following the rules and entering legally....

Turns out....."Hamilton" is a racist production...which goes along with everything from the left wing, totalitarian, democrat party, the party of racism, violence, hate, crime and rape.....

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call

But contrary to this braying about “diversity,” this is the same stage show that recently issued a casting call that essentially told white actors not to bother applying for work on the show because no whites would be hired.

The details of the Hamilton casting call released in March read, “Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours.”

Democrats are openly and proudly racist.........

When the show’s producers and staff were confronted about this seeming violation of federal employment laws, show producer Jeffrey Seller insisted that Hamilton encourages “diversity,” but that it was perfectly legitimate to exclude all white people. “I stand by it and believe it to be legal,” Seller said of the controversial casting call.

AND they received tens of thousands in federal grants to put the show.

They did? Prove it. You know how much the show cost to produce? $12.4 MILLION. They've since made that back and oodles more. They are currently bringing in $600,000 per WEEK.
Looks like President Snowflake needs a safe space where nobody is allowed to hurt his feelings
I love the internet......it is the bane of all things left wing and totalitarian...

The morons at the musical "Hamilton" acted like assholes and openly called out not only the new Vice President of the United States.....but millions of people who supported him.......because he and they believe in legal immigration and are opposed to foreign people breaking the law and entering the country illegally, jumping the line while other lawful immigrants spend years following the rules and entering legally....

Turns out....."Hamilton" is a racist production...which goes along with everything from the left wing, totalitarian, democrat party, the party of racism, violence, hate, crime and rape.....

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call

But contrary to this braying about “diversity,” this is the same stage show that recently issued a casting call that essentially told white actors not to bother applying for work on the show because no whites would be hired.

The details of the Hamilton casting call released in March read, “Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours.”

Democrats are openly and proudly racist.........

When the show’s producers and staff were confronted about this seeming violation of federal employment laws, show producer Jeffrey Seller insisted that Hamilton encourages “diversity,” but that it was perfectly legitimate to exclude all white people. “I stand by it and believe it to be legal,” Seller said of the controversial casting call.

AND they received tens of thousands in federal grants to put the show.
Care to back that up?
Boycott the fucking show! They'll realize exactly how much this stupidity and rudeness has cost them when they take the show on the road to some non liberal cities.
I don't plan to see the musical and will join the boycott but how are we going to stop the faggots from going?

We dont.

We let fags blow their money on stupid shit plays instead of putting it to political action. We encourage other such plays to diminish their discretionary earnings as well.
Are you calling Pence a "fag".
Boycott the fucking show! They'll realize exactly how much this stupidity and rudeness has cost them when they take the show on the road to some non liberal cities.
I don't plan to see the musical and will join the boycott but how are we going to stop the faggots from going?

We dont.

We let fags blow their money on stupid shit plays instead of putting it to political action. We encourage other such plays to diminish their discretionary earnings as well.
Are you calling Pence a "fag".
You seem to have a problem with recognizing the general vrs the particular.
Boycott the fucking show! They'll realize exactly how much this stupidity and rudeness has cost them when they take the show on the road to some non liberal cities.
I don't plan to see the musical and will join the boycott but how are we going to stop the faggots from going?

We dont.

We let fags blow their money on stupid shit plays instead of putting it to political action. We encourage other such plays to diminish their discretionary earnings as well.
Are you calling Pence a "fag".
You seem to have a problem with recognizing the general vrs the particular.

No... you said you would let the "fags" waste their money watching plays like Hamilton. Pence went to see the play. So you are calling Pence a "fag?" Michael Bloomberg has seen it too.
That's what creative licensing allows for. It's actually a message that no matter where you come from, you can be something great in this country
Well at least for the time being until we find an ethically pure candidate, we won't have to endure a woman as our President.

Still it was a close call

As for my people, children are their oppressors,
and women rule over them. O my people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err,
and destroy the way of thy paths.
Is 3:12
I love the internet......it is the bane of all things left wing and totalitarian...

The morons at the musical "Hamilton" acted like assholes and openly called out not only the new Vice President of the United States.....but millions of people who supported him.......because he and they believe in legal immigration and are opposed to foreign people breaking the law and entering the country illegally, jumping the line while other lawful immigrants spend years following the rules and entering legally....

Turns out....."Hamilton" is a racist production...which goes along with everything from the left wing, totalitarian, democrat party, the party of racism, violence, hate, crime and rape.....

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call

But contrary to this braying about “diversity,” this is the same stage show that recently issued a casting call that essentially told white actors not to bother applying for work on the show because no whites would be hired.

The details of the Hamilton casting call released in March read, “Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours.”

Democrats are openly and proudly racist.........

When the show’s producers and staff were confronted about this seeming violation of federal employment laws, show producer Jeffrey Seller insisted that Hamilton encourages “diversity,” but that it was perfectly legitimate to exclude all white people. “I stand by it and believe it to be legal,” Seller said of the controversial casting call.

white supremacists always like saying the people who point out their racism are racists. it's an old dirty trick

get over yourself loon. they also weren't talking about color, necessarily, moron, you go to a broadway show and there are gay people on stage as well as straight and you have the piece of garbage who signed the go discriminate against gay people bill in front of them. they reminded him that he now has to represent them, too.

you homophobic white supremacists are such whiny little bitches.

He doesnt have to represent anyone except the consensus that elected him. Learn to lose.
No asswipe....left wingers are stupid......they will go and see the play no matter what...but when you are in the business of entertaining people...you lose millions when you insult half of your audience just to push a political agenda........when your fucking job is acting....

But but but...you said boycotting would make them lose money!!!

It will.....there are now millions of people who will not give them money to see the show...or by the movie Blue Rays.....they will lose money because they wanted to be political over being actors.......

I'm sure Trump's demographic and the theater attendees are one and the same....LOL.

"Where's the popcorn maw? We are at the theater"
"Dunno paw, maybe they sell food on another floor"

Trump Won.....you morons act like children.......it will be a happy 8 years for our country.....

Maybe we should do something to Mr. Trump that is novel novel like call his wife names, make fun of his family name, insinuate that he is not a Christian, insinuate that he was born in another nation even thought Trump may have shown us his birth certificate, complain that he plays golf too much, complain that he doesn’t solve every problem in the universe…. Yeah all of that would be new ideas. Oh wait; you guys spent the last 8 years doing exactly that.

If you find Mr Trump was born to a Kenyan and spent his youth "at the madras" and Indonesia and have a picture of him in muslim garb then you may.
But but but...you said boycotting would make them lose money!!!

It will.....there are now millions of people who will not give them money to see the show...or by the movie Blue Rays.....they will lose money because they wanted to be political over being actors.......

I'm sure Trump's demographic and the theater attendees are one and the same....LOL.

"Where's the popcorn maw? We are at the theater"
"Dunno paw, maybe they sell food on another floor"

Trump Won.....you morons act like children.......it will be a happy 8 years for our country.....

Maybe we should do something to Mr. Trump that is novel novel like call his wife names, make fun of his family name, insinuate that he is not a Christian, insinuate that he was born in another nation even thought Trump may have shown us his birth certificate, complain that he plays golf too much, complain that he doesn’t solve every problem in the universe…. Yeah all of that would be new ideas. Oh wait; you guys spent the last 8 years doing exactly that.

If you find Mr Trump was born to a Kenyan and spent his youth "at the madras" and Indonesia and have a picture of him in muslim garb then you may.

So Kenya is the only other nation he could be from? Don’t know many Americans (excuse me….not RWNJ enough….) err I mean “real” Americans who have hair like that. Right wing losers are the most childish retards ever.
Tickets to Hamilton were $1400. Each.

He should get his money back. He didn't pay to be singled out for a lecture.
Wow you completely missed the point of Lin-Manuel Miranda and other's purpose for the show.

It's wasn't suppose to be a word-for-word reenactment of history, but rather showing about how Hamilton's story, from poor as shit immigrant, to the Secretary of Treasury is still possible in America. There no question that the plurality of immigrants in this country are people of color. So you retell the story as if they were all not white. That's what creative licensing allows for. It's actually a message that no matter where you come from, you can be something great in this country.

Why you conservatives are so offended and need your safe space is beyond me.
Because it is RACISM you stupid fuck.

You don't know what racism MEANS. It means that you believe a person is superior to another simply because of their race. Trying to tell a story through a different lens isn't racism.
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.
That's a pipe dream.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....
Where was capitalism attacked, and by whom in this story?


You don't know what racism MEANS. It means that you believe a person is superior to another simply because of their race. Trying to tell a story through a different lens isn't racism.
You dont understand the English language very well. 'Racism' is an -ism, meaning it is a system of thought. Thinking that one race is superior in some ambiguous undefined way is not a system of thought, though it is a step up for most liberals, sure. It is much broader than you seem to think it is.

Racism - Wikipedia

The term racism is a noun describing the state of being racist, i.e., subscribing to the belief that the human population can be classified according to race. The origin of the root word "race" is not clear. Linguists generally agree that it came to the English language from Middle French, but there is no such agreement on how it came into Latin-based languages, generally. A recent proposal is that it derives from the Arabic ra's, which means "head, beginning, origin" or the Hebrew rosh, which has a similar meaning.[4] Early race theorists generally held that some races were inferior to others and that differential treatment of races was consequently justified.[3][5][6][7] These early theories guided pseudo-scientific research assumptions; the collective endeavors to adequately define and form hypotheses about racial differences are generally termed scientific racism.

Today, most biologists, anthropologists, and sociologists reject a taxonomy of races in favor of more specific and/or empirically verifiable criteria, such as geography, ethnicity or a history of endogamy.[8] To date, there is little evidence in human genome research indicating that race can be defined in such a way as to be useful in a genetic classification of humans.[9][10][11]

An entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (2008) defines racialism simply as "An earlier term than racism, but now largely superseded by it," and cites it in a 1902 quote.[12] The revised Oxford English Dictionary cites the shortened term "racism" in a quote from the following year, 1903.[13][14][15] It was first defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race", which gives 1936 as the first recorded use. Additionally, the Oxford English Dictionary records racism as a synonym of racialism: "belief in the superiority of a particular race". By the end of World War II, racism had acquired the same supremacist connotations formerly associated with racialism: racism now implied racial discrimination, racial supremacism and a harmful intent. (The term "race hatred" had also been used by sociologist Frederick Hertz in the late 1920s.)

So we have three different conditions for racism to be held as a belief;

1. The theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race; this means that one attributes general characteristics about a race to each member of that race in a deterministic way. Star Trek and Tolkien are inebriated with this sort of racialism, ascribing behavior on the part of one species or race as endemic to that species and they have no choice, as one episode of Star Trek put it, "I am a scorpion; it is in my nature." No, human beings make choices and are not controled by their genetic behavior, their lizard mind. This rebirth of this widespread notion is leading to a resurrection of genuine racism, and it will return, largely in part thanks to leftist ideologues who have entirely bleached any sting at all in the use of the term.

2. The belief in the superiority of a particular race; usually the author of a racist theory believes that their race is the one that is supreme above all others. I believe that north east Asian ethnicities are superior to the rest of the world for the level of social stability that they have been able to maintain, especially Korea. But I dont wish the law to change in any way due to this notion I have.

3. The implication of the system of thought requires also an intent to promote:
a. Discrimination against other races/ethnicities, and
b. Harmful intent. Though I think the former falls under the latter, it merits special mention as it is the most common way today that the left manifests its racism against whites, defending and promoting racist policies against white people, especially the white middle class.

You leftist throw these words around without meaning, context or any objective use of any sort.

Minorities can indeed be racists and Eric Holder, President Obama, and the Black Lives Matter movement are indeed such racists.

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