Hamas Used Child Labor to Build Terror Tunnels; Hundreds Killed


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
To sum up: Hamas is not only using child labor, but likely child slavery, in building its terror tunnel network. While the world worries obsessively over the child casualties of Israeli attacks on Hamas targets in Gaza, it has ignored Hamas's deliberate killing of hundreds of Palestinian children, over the objections of the local populace.

The knowledge that Hamas used children to dig tunnels for smuggling and terror up to 25 meters below ground changes the moral calculation of the war significantly. Not only does Hamas show extreme indifference to the lives of Palestinian children by using them as human shields, placing rockets in UN schools and the like, but it actively destroys those lives by sending Palestinian children to die underground in 19th century conditions.

Those defending the Palestinian resistance to Israel--and, equally, those demanding a ceasefire that would leave the Hamas tunnel network in place--are effectively defending a slaveholding regime more odious in moral terms than any the world has seen since the child soldiers of Joseph Kony's brutal Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, or the forced labor camps of the Nazis in the Second World War, who set children to work for the war effort.

It is rather ironic that President Barack Obama, who touted his own election in 2008 as an answer to the moral stain of slavery in America, would insist today on shoring up a Hamas administration that demonstrably uses child slavery. The Israeli government was reportedly shocked at how closely Obama's ceasefire terms reflect the Hamas position. The American public ought to be shocked at how cynically Obama has cast morality aside

Report: Hamas Used Child Labor to Build Terror Tunnels; Hundreds Killed
160 kids, the Slavery charge is a push, at best, and it's a war, children die in war. Israel just killed more than that in the last couple of weeks eh?
This will either be completely ignored, or there will be some anti Israel rant by someone blaming the Jews for everything bad in the world.
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:

all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:
Zionists have proven by their words and deeds they intend to posses all the land between the River and the sea, regardless of how many "sub-human Arabs" object to that policy.

When you have about 20 minutes to spare, I suggest everyone reading this take time to listen to the following interview of a young man with blood ties to the current pogrom going on in Gaza and its predecessor, Cast Lead.

What Do Gazans Endure? A Palestinian Student Who Lost 2 Brothers, 4 Cousins Tells His Story | Democracy Now!
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:

all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
Anyone who supports Israel and their vile agenda of genocide on the Palestinian people. Are depraved and sick individuals who should be locked up and euthanized like any rabid dog. ... :evil:
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:

all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
Anyone who supports Israel and their vile agenda of genocide on the Palestinian people. Are depraved and sick individuals who should be locked up and euthanized like any rabid dog. ... :evil:

Now THAT sounds like a good jihadist
The Palestinian people are in a life and death struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is an evil fascist country that cares nothing about the human rights of non jews.

The brave Hamas freedom fighters must use any and all of it's citizens and resources in order to survive the IDF savage jews and their genocidal cult of death. .. :doubt:

all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
Anyone who supports Israel and their vile agenda of genocide on the Palestinian people. Are depraved and sick individuals who should be locked up and euthanized like any rabid dog. ... :evil:

you sound like an 8th century jihadist...or those Palestians trained from birth who don't know any better...(but even they complained about Hamas using their children...)

you on the other hand have no excuse....:eusa_hand:
so NOW the right is concerned with the welfare of children.

Imagine that.
all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
Anyone who supports Israel and their vile agenda of genocide on the Palestinian people. Are depraved and sick individuals who should be locked up and euthanized like any rabid dog. ... :evil:

you sound like an 8th century jihadist...or those Palestians trained from birth who don't know any better...(but even they complained about Hamas using their children...)

you on the other hand have no excuse....:eusa_hand:

Israel responds to attacks, yes. If Hamas cares about civilians, why keep attacking?
all they have to do is behave themselves and Israel will stop bombing back and they can get on with their lives...

child soldiers, hiding behind children, and child slave labor is despicable.....that you support such depravity displays your own.....
Anyone who supports Israel and their vile agenda of genocide on the Palestinian people. Are depraved and sick individuals who should be locked up and euthanized like any rabid dog. ... :evil:

you sound like an 8th century jihadist...or those Palestians trained from birth who don't know any better...(but even they complained about Hamas using their children...)

you on the other hand have no excuse....:eusa_hand:

The Palestinian Hamas terrorist organization’s own mission statement and charter specifically calls for the elimination of Israel and all Jews.

And they will do anything and use anyone no matter the age or gender to accomplish their mission
Remember when we used to do that?

Then we got unions.

Then we screwed that up to when Unions started protecting the worst workers.

We just can't seem to find the happy pragmatic middle in America.
Remember when we used to do that?

Then we got unions.

Then we screwed that up to when Unions started protecting the worst workers.

We just can't seem to find the happy pragmatic middle in America.

middle America is growing by leaps and bounds. Sooner or later the middle majority will elect a POTUS intent on running the country for the people and not the party. When that day comes, and it will, both the Right and the Left can kiss their ass adios.
American child labor in WWII:

The 160 figure is just a briebart factoid in an amazing story. No wonder Israel wants to destroy these tunnels.

in 2008, the average daily wage was $75, five times Gaza’s median wage according to official Palestinian figures, and more than West Bank Palestinians earned building Israel’s Jewish settlements. The tunnel trade was also the largest overall employer of youth. School dropouts scrounging NIS 20/day as street peddlers earned ten times that much in the tunnels. Although market saturation and recourse to Egyptian labor later depressed daily wages to more like NIS 80, even this was quadruple a farmhand’s wage. With each fully functioning tunnel employing twenty to thirty people, by 2010 the tunnel industry was estimated to employ some five thousand tunnel owners and twenty-five thousand workers, supporting about one hundred and fifty thousand dependents, or 10 percent of Gaza’s population.

Such was the turnaround in the local economy that Gaza City had a surfeit of new hotels, restaurants, and beach cafés, which attracted not only the new moneyed elite the tunnels had fostered but also exiles returning to the Strip (sometimes via tunnels), and even visitors from northern Sinai. Gaza’s new luxury hotel, al-Mashtal, optimistically bought cocktail glasses, while visiting businessmen from the West Bank complained that the latest-model sports cars and Hummers could be seen on Gaza’s streets long before they surfaced in Ramallah. Real-estate brokers said the multiplier effect of the increased spending power spurred a threefold increase in real-estate prices.

Institute for Palestine Studies - Home
Once in control of the commercial tunnels, the Hamas government set about formalizing the smuggling economy through regulation. In the wake of Operation Cast Lead, the Interior Ministry established the Tunnel Affairs Commission (TAC) to act as the regulatory authority for commercial activities. Among its first acts was to issue a list of blacklisted imports, including weapons, alcohol, and tramadol, a painkiller much used in Gaza. In response to public concern at a rising toll of tunnel casualties, particularly of child workers, the TAC issued guidelines intended to ensure safe working conditions

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