Hamas' unprovoked crimes against southerners continue

Learn History and international law.

When land is taken and occupied, its 100% lawful for the people to resist Occupation.

And that is their own land Palestinian rockets are striking.

Response to Post 1

al-Majdal Asqalan

Tracing all That Remains of al-Majdal-?????? ????????-?????? - YouTube

Why don't you and the ethnic cleansers of al-Majdal Asqalan go back where you came from?

Try to keep up, the issue is Hamas launching rockets into Israel.

So hypocritical Sherri is, always telling other to stay on topic, when she in unable to do the same. Pathetic Sherri. You are pathetic.

Land is taken and bought all the time. Towns change and reshape, it is call progress.
If it is a substandard home, it might be a safety issue. People might have been relocated.
A bit and all might be true, and perhaps some were for any number of reason forced out. Terrorism or aiding, might have been a reason.
Palestinians have no been ethnically cleansed, unless you want to talk number by syria, jordan, lebanon and egypy. Right now palestinians are starving to death in syria.
thousands have been killing in the cross fire in syria. Assad does not care. Al qaida does not care.
Christians in the middle east are being ethnically cleansed, so to speak. Brutally killed or forced to convert, but you being such a good Christians seem quite silent about their plight. Even in gaza, christians are being killed or forced to convert. Not just jews free but soon to be christian free. Will hamas use the churches as toilets or convert them to mosques?
In case you even care about Gaza, one of the strikes targeted a camp used for training by the Ezzedine al-Qaddam Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamist Hamas group that has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, Palestinian security officials said.
Two children were lightly wounded, not by targeting but shrapnel from the explosives in the camp. They were hurt by the actions of those trying to kill Israelis.
Instead of attacking, perhaps they should think of the security of their own and move their military activity away from civilians.
You harp about Israel but you seem unmoved by what is happening to others in the region, even christians.
Yes, the middle east is an ugly place filled with hate. Sick vial cruel people that use and abuse their own in the name of god, or so they say constantly. This is really what god wants? These are people who corrupt their own religion of peace into a call for war.
Israel is trying to be secure and safe. They want to get on with the business of living and working.
Hamas provokes attacks. Point the blame where it is deserved. Stop being such a hypocrite.
In war people die and are injured on both sides. If you care you would be for disarming terrorist groups and for talking peace. Teaching to at least coexist if not love thy neighbor.
Show as much energy in concern for syrian refugees that you mistakenly use to hating Israel. Help raise money for those dying of starvation. Care about christians being killed.
Arabs are volatile people. Most want to change and develop their countries, some want to use violence instead of verbal arguments. Instead of waving their arms, some want to wave gun, and fire them to kill other arabs.
Care about those being killed by arabs and less about what happened when Israel was attacked and how they responded while trying to protect their own.
Excellent aris2chat.

Oh, an PS to the would be... under the mandate all people including jews were called palestinians, so to say this or that was a palestinian home might have been a home of a jewish family before the end of the mandate.
Wars move people. Landscapes change.
If the cemetery is not cared for ask the arab Israelis that still live there. The video show that there was both jews and arabs.
And according to Sherri, the attacks that led to the deaths/injuries of these children is perfectly legal.

The nshe has the nerve to call others hateful and say they have a lust for blood??
Amnesty debunked that lying Zionist claim about human shields.

You would have thought your Hamas pals would have told you about that.

I wonder what foul reply Sherri will respond with now.

Would you like to hear the story of each of those 1519 children Israel killed?

Children? More than likely combatants plus the human shields.

As I posted, stop the rockets into Israel, or there will be another full scale invasion. The Islamists are not exactly blessed with the common sense gene are they. :lol:
The term 'Human Shield' has been explained to Sherri many many times. Yet she is still unable to comprehend it, just like she is unable to comprehend the word 'target'

Sherri needs to go back and finish high school. Or maybe she is mentally retarded, which in that case, it's perfectly understandable that she cannot understand simple words or terms
Israel stold land and unlawfully kicked over 750,000 Palestinians off of their land and Palestinians have a right to return under international law.

These are the facts you are ignoring.

In addition, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza and has moved illegal settlers onto land stolen from Palestinians.

Learn History and international law.

When land is taken and occupied, its 100% lawful for the people to resist Occupation.

And that is their own land Palestinian rockets are striking.

Try to keep up, the issue is Hamas launching rockets into Israel.

So hypocritical Sherri is, always telling other to stay on topic, when she in unable to do the same. Pathetic Sherri. You are pathetic.

Land is taken and bought all the time. Towns change and reshape, it is call progress.
If it is a substandard home, it might be a safety issue. People might have been relocated.
A bit and all might be true, and perhaps some were for any number of reason forced out. Terrorism or aiding, might have been a reason.
Palestinians have no been ethnically cleansed, unless you want to talk number by syria, jordan, lebanon and egypy. Right now palestinians are starving to death in syria.
thousands have been killing in the cross fire in syria. Assad does not care. Al qaida does not care.
Christians in the middle east are being ethnically cleansed, so to speak. Brutally killed or forced to convert, but you being such a good Christians seem quite silent about their plight. Even in gaza, christians are being killed or forced to convert. Not just jews free but soon to be christian free. Will hamas use the churches as toilets or convert them to mosques?
In case you even care about Gaza, one of the strikes targeted a camp used for training by the Ezzedine al-Qaddam Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamist Hamas group that has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, Palestinian security officials said.
Two children were lightly wounded, not by targeting but shrapnel from the explosives in the camp. They were hurt by the actions of those trying to kill Israelis.
Instead of attacking, perhaps they should think of the security of their own and move their military activity away from civilians.
You harp about Israel but you seem unmoved by what is happening to others in the region, even christians.
Yes, the middle east is an ugly place filled with hate. Sick vial cruel people that use and abuse their own in the name of god, or so they say constantly. This is really what god wants? These are people who corrupt their own religion of peace into a call for war.
Israel is trying to be secure and safe. They want to get on with the business of living and working.
Hamas provokes attacks. Point the blame where it is deserved. Stop being such a hypocrite.
In war people die and are injured on both sides. If you care you would be for disarming terrorist groups and for talking peace. Teaching to at least coexist if not love thy neighbor.
Show as much energy in concern for syrian refugees that you mistakenly use to hating Israel. Help raise money for those dying of starvation. Care about christians being killed.
Arabs are volatile people. Most want to change and develop their countries, some want to use violence instead of verbal arguments. Instead of waving their arms, some want to wave gun, and fire them to kill other arabs.
Care about those being killed by arabs and less about what happened when Israel was attacked and how they responded while trying to protect their own.
You need to finish kindergarten.

The term 'Human Shield' has been explained to Sherri many many times. Yet she is still unable to comprehend it, just like she is unable to comprehend the word 'target'

Sherri needs to go back and finish high school. Or maybe she is mentally retarded, which in that case, it's perfectly understandable that she cannot understand simple words or terms
You need to finish kindergarten.

The term 'Human Shield' has been explained to Sherri many many times. Yet she is still unable to comprehend it, just like she is unable to comprehend the word 'target'

Sherri needs to go back and finish high school. Or maybe she is mentally retarded, which in that case, it's perfectly understandable that she cannot understand simple words or terms

You're the one who is unable to understand simple words and terms, not me :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:
20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun

*20 Jul 2006

B'Tselem's nvestigation finds: " during an incursion by Israeli forces into Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, on 17 July 2006, soldiers seized control of two buildings in the town and used residents as human shield.After seizing control of the buildings, the soldiers held six residents, two of them minors, on the staircases of the two buildings, at the entrance to rooms in which the soldiers positioned themselves, for some twelve hours. During this time, there were intense exchanges of gunfire between the soldiers and armed Palestinians. The soldiers also demanded that one of the occupants walk in front of them during a search of all the apartments in one of the buildings, after which they released her."

Btselem discusses intl law: International humanitarian law prohibits using civilians as human shields by placing them next to soldiers or next to military facilities, with the intention of gaining immunity from attack, or by forcing the civilians to carry out dangerous military assignments.

B'Tselem has demanded that the Judge Advocate General immediately order a Military Police investigation into the matter and prosecute the soldiers responsible for the action.

20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun | B'Tselem
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Amnesty debunked that lying Zionist claim about human shields.

You would have thought your Hamas pals would have told you about that.

Would you like to hear the story of each of those 1519 children Israel killed?

Children? More than likely combatants plus the human shields.

As I posted, stop the rockets into Israel, or there will be another full scale invasion. The Islamists are not exactly blessed with the common sense gene are they. :lol:

Hamas even admit they use human shields. Wow, you are just digging yourself deeper and depper. :lol:
IDF is Responsible for Death of "Human Shield"


*14 Aug 2002

Soldiers used Nidal Abu M'khisan to get Nasser Jarrar out of his House

This evening, IDF Spokesperson admitted that IDF soldiers used a Palestinian resident of Tubas to get Nasser Jarrar to come out of his house. When the Palestinian went to the house, Jarrar shot and killed him, apparently thinking he was an IDF soldier.

Information given to B'Tselem reveals that the Palestinian who was sent to Jarrar's house and was then killed, is Nidal Abu M'khisan, aged 19, the nephew of B'Tselem field researcher 'Ali Daraghmeh. Daraghmeh, who was present at the scene, said that his nephew was taken by the soldiers and was forced to go to Jarrar's house at gunpoint.

The IDF has been using Palestinian civilians as "human shields" for some time. Since the beginning of the current Intifada, IDF soldiers have ordered Palestinian civilians to:

Enter buildings to check whether they are booby-trapped or to expel their occupants.Remove suspicious objects from the road.Stand inside houses that the IDF has turned into military positions, so that Palestinians will not fire at soldiers.Walk in front of soldiers to shield them from gunfire.IDF is Responsible for Death of "Human Shield" | B'Tselem
International legal authorities define what the unlawful practice of using human shield is, not Hamas.That includes UN organizations and human rights groups, people responsible for knowing and applying intl law.

Amnesty debunked that lying Zionist claim about human shields.

You would have thought your Hamas pals would have told you about that.

Children? More than likely combatants plus the human shields.

As I posted, stop the rockets into Israel, or there will be another full scale invasion. The Islamists are not exactly blessed with the common sense gene are they. :lol:

Hamas even admit they use human shields. Wow, you are just digging yourself deeper and depper. :lol:
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Do we ask serial killers to define murder?

Those accused of crimes do not define what constitutes crimes under the law.

Zionist should at least finish kindergarten before posting here.
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Oh my goodness. :lol::lol::lol:

International legal authorities define what the unlawful practice of using human shield is, not Hamas.That includes UN organizations and human rights groups, people responsible for knowing and applying intl law.

Amnesty debunked that lying Zionist claim about human shields.

You would have thought your Hamas pals would have told you about that.

Hamas even admit they use human shields. Wow, you are just digging yourself deeper and depper. :lol:
Do we ask serial killers to define murder?

Those accused of crimes do not define what constitutes crimes under the law.

Zionist should at least finish kindergarten before posting here.

sherri-----your post makes no sense. it is silly that a person whose kith and kin
have murdered 100s of millions----acts which she justifies ----claiming that SHE decides
who is eligible to DEFINE CRIME. Your comment is reminiscent of those of your
fellows at the nuremberg trials who declared that they did nothing ILLEGAL under
the laws----THE NUREMBERG LAWS In fact-----your fellows today are doing
nothing illegal in Syria either-----under SHARIAH LAW ----nor do your fellows when
they shoot the brains out of Israeli &/or Hindu &/or christian children do anything illegal under shariah law. Your people even have a loop hole for the LEGAL rape and
murder of fellow meccists-----just declare TAKFIR

What does KINDERGARTEN have to do with anything?. One generally does not
learn how to write until the FIRST GRADE. Kindergarten is actually
optional I learned how to print my name in kindergarten-----and that
was about it. What is your problem? ---the jewish pre-law students in
your undergraduate class got into Harvard -----and you ended up in the
mississippi for misfits buy a diploma law school?
Oh my goodness. :lol::lol::lol:

International legal authorities define what the unlawful practice of using human shield is, not Hamas.That includes UN organizations and human rights groups, people responsible for knowing and applying intl law.

Sherri's entertaining, isn't she ? :lmao:

Oh absolutely. I am really enjoying this. Most would give up when they get to the stage she is at and slink away with their tail between their legs, but that would be boring. Who else would we play with. :lol:
International legal authorities define what the unlawful practice of using human shield is, not Hamas.That includes UN organizations and human rights groups, people responsible for knowing and applying intl law.

ROFLMAO-----wrong again SHERRI----neither NGO's nor "UN ORGANIZATIONS"---
adjudicate ------some are really idiotic interest groups devoted to their own
perpetuation-------none have a history of either being or acting RESPONSIBLY---
gee you are dim-----nor do they get to APPLY "INTERNATIONAL LAW"

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