Hamas Refuses to Allow Flotilla Aid Into Gaza

Nothing. But it would appear as if hamas is not letting the aid off the docks.

So according to hamas, it would appear to me that the aid is not necessary at all.

As just about every major human rights organization has documented, aid is clearly needed in Gaza - about 80% of the population can't sustain itself without international help. Other aid (apart from the flotilla) continues to trickle in, as it has for the past 3 years. However, many items that are urgently needed (such as building materials) have been prohibited by Israel.

The point of contention is what the activists have already stated: their objective is to end the blockade. Cooperating with the status quo -- agreeing to hand over aid to Israel, where Israel may say "yea or nay" to each item that goes in or out of Gaza - is merely perpetuating the blockade.
As just about every major human rights organization has documented, aid is clearly needed in Gaza - about 80% of the population can't sustain itself without international help. Other aid (apart from the flotilla) continues to trickle in, as it has for the past 3 years. However, many items that are urgently needed (such as building materials) have been prohibited by Israel.

The point of contention is what the activists have already stated: their objective is to end the blockade. Cooperating with the status quo -- agreeing to hand over aid to Israel, where Israel may say "yea or nay" to each item that goes in or out of Gaza - is merely perpetuating the blockade.

I have an easy solution for that, take the aid to Egypt and let them ship it through instead.

Oops, I forgot, Egypt is also blockading Gaza, and is letting in even less. Do you think that means that there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to blockade Gaza as long as Hamas is in charge?

Watch as the fact that Egypt is also blockading Gaza is ignored, and Israel again gets all the blame for everything.
Nothing. But it would appear as if hamas is not letting the aid off the docks.

So according to hamas, it would appear to me that the aid is not necessary at all.

As just about every major human rights organization has documented, aid is clearly needed in Gaza - about 80% of the population can't sustain itself without international help. Other aid (apart from the flotilla) continues to trickle in, as it has for the past 3 years. However, many items that are urgently needed (such as building materials) have been prohibited by Israel.

The point of contention is what the activists have already stated: their objective is to end the blockade. Cooperating with the status quo -- agreeing to hand over aid to Israel, where Israel may say "yea or nay" to each item that goes in or out of Gaza - is merely perpetuating the blockade.

So what you are saying is cut your nose off to spite your face. Deny the needed aid on principal?

So if the objective is to end the blockade fine. When they are boarded and searched they should stop whining. If they claim to be peaceful than stop attacking. If they need aid than take the aid that is there OR stop whining about aid.

Do you have anything to prove that Israel is passing on the "bulk" of the aid supplies? (which was in large part cement - 550 tons of it - which Israel has banned.)

It is sitting in trucks outside the borders of Gaza, and all Hamas can say is that Israel took batteries out of the wheelchairs. Wouldn't it make more sense to let it in, and then complain about what is not getting through, than not letting it in, and blaming it on wheelchair batteries. Don't manufactures routinely remove those for shipping anyway?

Israel already announced that it would not allow the cement to enter.

And I've never had a wheelchair, so I don't know if batteries are standard equipment or not.

But the point of the Gaza flotilla (once again) is not to merely deliver aid into Israel's control so that it may arbitrarily decide what goes in and what doesn't - this is the current situation that they wish to change. And Hamas is well aware of that.
I have an easy solution for that, take the aid to Egypt and let them ship it through instead.

Oops, I forgot, Egypt is also blockading Gaza, and is letting in even less. Do you think that means that there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to blockade Gaza as long as Hamas is in charge?

Watch as the fact that Egypt is also blockading Gaza is ignored, and Israel again gets all the blame for everything.

The Mubarak regime is well paid by the U.S. to cooperate with Israel's policies, and its closure of the Gaza border was a direct result of U.S. pressure to do so.

However, the Mubarak dictatorship is walking an extremely difficult line - forced to go along with Israeli demands because it's dependent on the money it gets from U.S. to sustain itself in power, and the need to pacify the mounting anger of its own population which is extremely sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and which sees the Egyptian government as collaborating with an oppressor.

Egypt opened the Gaza border after the flotilla fiasco, but we'll see how long before it is pressured to close it again.
I have an easy solution for that, take the aid to Egypt and let them ship it through instead.

Oops, I forgot, Egypt is also blockading Gaza, and is letting in even less. Do you think that means that there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to blockade Gaza as long as Hamas is in charge?

Watch as the fact that Egypt is also blockading Gaza is ignored, and Israel again gets all the blame for everything.

The Mubarak regime is well paid by the U.S. to cooperate with Israel's policies, and its closure of the Gaza border was a direct result of U.S. pressure to do so.

However, the Mubarak dictatorship is walking an extremely difficult line - forced to go along with Israeli demands because it's dependent on the money it gets from U.S. to sustain itself in power, and the need to pacify the mounting anger of its own population which is extremely sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and which sees the Egyptian government as collaborating with an oppressor.

Egypt opened the Gaza border after the flotilla fiasco, but we'll see how long before it is pressured to close it again.

The fact that activist in the convoys Egypt let through the blockade clashed with police and caused massive problems is not the problem, Egypt is being bribed to close the borders by the US. Nice twist.
I have an easy solution for that, take the aid to Egypt and let them ship it through instead.

Oops, I forgot, Egypt is also blockading Gaza, and is letting in even less. Do you think that means that there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to blockade Gaza as long as Hamas is in charge?

Watch as the fact that Egypt is also blockading Gaza is ignored, and Israel again gets all the blame for everything.

The Mubarak regime is well paid by the U.S. to cooperate with Israel's policies, and its closure of the Gaza border was a direct result of U.S. pressure to do so.

However, the Mubarak dictatorship is walking an extremely difficult line - forced to go along with Israeli demands because it's dependent on the money it gets from U.S. to sustain itself in power, and the need to pacify the mounting anger of its own population which is extremely sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and which sees the Egyptian government as collaborating with an oppressor.

Egypt opened the Gaza border after the flotilla fiasco, but we'll see how long before it is pressured to close it again.

The fact that activist in the convoys Egypt let through the blockade clashed with police and caused massive problems is not the problem, Egypt is being bribed to close the borders by the US. Nice twist.

It was in the news. You must have missed it.
It started when Carter promised Egypt $2B a year to side with Israel. That has continued uninterrupted to this day.

No, I don't have 30 years of links. It is just common knowledge for anyone who follows the news.

Thats what I thought.... now go sit in the corner :slap:
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8nZ6hqE9mg]YouTube - Egypt ~ why it blockades Gaza[/ame]

As for U.S. security and military aid to Egypt, which is about $1.3 billion annually, it does not aim to strengthen Egyptian military power against any external threat, as this would be contrary to the declared U.S. objective of ensuring Israeli security and maintaining Israeli military supremacy over its Arab neighbors, including Egypt. Instead, this aid is devoted mainly to strengthening the regime’s domestic security and its ability to confront popular movements. This hardly enhances USAID’s popularity among the Egyptian people or educated elites. The unflinching American support for Israel, and Washington’s failure to reach a comprehensive political settlement even on its own conditions of ensuring Israel’s security within the 1967 borders, make Egyptians and other neighboring Arabs skeptical of political settlements that lead nowhere. It also leads them to question the value of the limited U.S. aid tied to the peace treaty with Israel, which is used to improve America’s image in the media and cover up the U.S. bias toward Israel at the expense of Arab rights.

U.S. Aid to Egypt: The Current Situation and Future Prospects - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Aid is central to Washington's relationship with Cairo. The US has provided Egypt with $1.3 billion a year in military aid since 1979, and an average of $815 million a year in economic assistance. All told, Egypt has received over $50 billion in US largesse since 1975.

The money is seen as bolstering Egypt's stability, support for US policies in the region, US access to the Suez Canal, and peace with Israel.

$50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
This is not about the suffering of the Palestinian people. It never has been.

It is about destroying Israel one inch at a time till the jews are gone.

Hamas cares nothing for the Palestinian people except as pawns. As any HONEST muslim living in an arab country and they'll tell you the same thing, for their nations feel the same way.

These islamofascists cannot risk the people of Palestine giving credit to the Israelis for doing anything good for the poor people in Gaza trapped in this pit of global politics. The instant they stop seeing the Jews as less than human, their control will weaken and eventually crumble.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8nZ6hqE9mg"]YouTube - Egypt ~ why it blockades Gaza[/ame]

As for U.S. security and military aid to Egypt, which is about $1.3 billion annually, it does not aim to strengthen Egyptian military power against any external threat, as this would be contrary to the declared U.S. objective of ensuring Israeli security and maintaining Israeli military supremacy over its Arab neighbors, including Egypt. Instead, this aid is devoted mainly to strengthening the regime’s domestic security and its ability to confront popular movements. This hardly enhances USAID’s popularity among the Egyptian people or educated elites. The unflinching American support for Israel, and Washington’s failure to reach a comprehensive political settlement even on its own conditions of ensuring Israel’s security within the 1967 borders, make Egyptians and other neighboring Arabs skeptical of political settlements that lead nowhere. It also leads them to question the value of the limited U.S. aid tied to the peace treaty with Israel, which is used to improve America’s image in the media and cover up the U.S. bias toward Israel at the expense of Arab rights.

U.S. Aid to Egypt: The Current Situation and Future Prospects - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Aid is central to Washington's relationship with Cairo. The US has provided Egypt with $1.3 billion a year in military aid since 1979, and an average of $815 million a year in economic assistance. All told, Egypt has received over $50 billion in US largesse since 1975.

The money is seen as bolstering Egypt's stability, support for US policies in the region, US access to the Suez Canal, and peace with Israel.

$50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Isn't the Muslim Brotherhood the organization who wants to make the Quran the only source of laws for all Muslims everywhere? Don't they want all non Muslims to live under the same laws as Muslims, and to pay taxes (tribute) to the Islamic state? The one who renounces all violence, except for that which attacks Israel? The one that idiots like this guy in the You Tube video think will live peacefully with us if we just stop doing stupid things, like saying Israel has a right to exist?
Who does this make responsible for whatever suffering going on in Gaza?
Will Turkey now denounce Hamas for repressing Gaza? Will the UN call for an investigation into Hamas and demand that they allow humanitarian aid through?

Or will everyone still blame Israel?

'Hamas blocking delivery of aid' - Israel News, Ynetnews
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Hamas Refuses to Allow Flotilla Aid Into Gaza

There was a comic in today's paper that pretty much summed up this whole situation.

Pearls Before Swine free online comic strip library at comics.com

It is not a compromise when Israel is forced to give up something for nothing.

As has been clearly and directly stated by the activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla - the point is to end the blockade, not funnel aid directly to Israel so that it may continue to hold Gaza in a stranglehold.

Forcing Israel to end its illegal siege of Gaza, which inflicts a draconian collective punishment on a civilian population of 1.5 million people - denying them their basic human rights including unhindered access to food, water, medicine, electricity, work, education, and their freedom of movement - this is not called "giving up something for nothing." It's called "justice."

Ya justice would be allowing Hamas to unfettered ship in tons of missiles rockets and bombs. Sure thing. The PEOPLE elected Hamas which is at war with Israel. The blockade is LEGAL.

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