Hamas MPs ask chief justice to implement verdicts

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Hamas lawmakers in the West Bank addressed a message to the Palestinian chief justice in Ramallah city Dr. Farid Al-Jallad asking him to adopt all measures necessary to accelerate implementation of high court verdicts on release of detainees in PA jails in the West Bank.

The message addressed on Wednesday said that the PA security apparatuses should be obliged to implement the high court's rulings and impose the supremacy of the law to preserve the reputation of the judiciary and its institutions.

Hamas MPs ask chief justice to implement verdicts
The London Times: Gaza's Deadly Guardians :eek:
A radical Islamist state has emerged from the smoking ruins of Gaza, threatening a new war with nearby Israel. Marie Colvin ventures into the lair of the Hamas extremists imposing their hardline doctrine on Palestinians trapped there. Hamas wants you to believe it has created a benevolent sanctuary where once chaos reigned. At the beginning of the journey into Gaza it’s easy to believe that things are better. Then you start talking to people – in private. Young men show you bruised limbs and welts on their feet; every girl wears a hijab head covering and, for the first time, women wear niqab – Saudi-style face coverings that reveal only the eyes. And people whisper.

Welcome to Hamastan.

Ahmed Al-Naba’at, 24, sits in his courtyard in an oversized Barcelona shirt. He looks too young to be the father of the three young children who toddle barefoot round the tiny dirt courtyard. His feet still hurt. Hamas came for him at 2am. About 30 armed men, their faces masked but wearing the black uniforms and badges of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of Hamas, had surrounded the house. They covered his eyes and took him away in a car. “They took me somewhere, I don’t know, a room,” Naba’at says. He has high cheekbones and the near-black skin of his Sudanese ancestry. “They were screaming and beating me, punching me, slapping me on the face,” he says. “Then they tied my legs together and started falaka” – a traditional Arabic torture where the soles of the feet are beaten with sticks. “I relaxed.” He sees the surprise in my face. “I thought they were going to kill me,” he explains. “When I realised it’s just falaka, I thought, okay, it’s just torture.” Qassam dumped him near his home, hours later. It took him half an hour to walk what usually takes two minutes. “You were lucky,” interjects his unsympathetic father, who is sitting against a courtyard wall. “Most of the people they beat, they throw them unconscious in the street and they are not found until the morning.”

His crime? Earlier that night at a party for a friend’s wedding, Naba’at had danced and played a song popular in Gaza – an over-romanticised ballad to Samih al-Madhoun, a Fatah commander executed by Hamas during the fighting. Hamas cameramen had filmed as Madhoun was dragged down the street amid spitting crowds, shot in the stomach, beaten and shot some more. It was shown on Hamas television that night.

The overblown ballad of his death – “Your blood is not for free Samih/You left behind an earthquake/We will not forget you Samih” – is such a Gazan hit that many young people have it on their mobile phones. Hamas, predictably, is furious. Three of Al-Naba’at’s friends who had danced at the wedding were also beaten. Azil Akhras is a sophisticated 24-year-old woman with heavily kohled eyes, thick, flowing black hair and rouged lips, comfortable in her jeans and tight red shirt. Life used to be shopping, going out – maybe to Roots, a popular Gaza nightclub even though it now serves only soft drinks – and going to the beach. Her life changed dramatically three months ago when Hamas took over Gaza. “Now, I cover my head when I go in a car. Hamas is at the checkpoints. Last week, they stopped a girl who was not covered and they beat her brother when he tried to protect her.”

She and her sister must be careful; they are alone. Their father, a former government health minister, has fled Gaza to escape Hamas. He has holed up in Ramallah, the West Bank capital, and is unable to return. It’s not just shopping trips she misses. A university graduate, Akhras had wanted to sit her master’s degree; she wanted to travel. “I had an idea, I wanted to be famous in history. Maybe a journalist,” she says. “Now, there’s no chance, I can’t even go outside.” She resents Hamas’s repression. “If I decide to cover [my head], it will be for my God, not some Qassam soldier.”

Gazans are living in a climate of fear.
Cont'd: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article2543457.ece
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In a related development, the Hamas deputies ridiculed the PA intelligence for saying that detainees on hunger strike were transferred to jails near their families' residence areas, stressing that they should be immediately released and not moved from one cell to another.

They denied PA media reports that the detainees had suspended their hunger strike, calling on all those concerned to intervene to save the lives of the hunger strikers.

You forgot to add this portion PF. More Pals fighting Pals. Par for the course. They are just attempting to gain a foothold in the law of the Presidency.

This is about as bright as Dubai being built on top of land tossed into the sea to make Islands.

In a related development, the Hamas deputies ridiculed the PA intelligence for saying that detainees on hunger strike were transferred to jails near their families' residence areas, stressing that they should be immediately released and not moved from one cell to another.

They denied PA media reports that the detainees had suspended their hunger strike, calling on all those concerned to intervene to save the lives of the hunger strikers.

You forgot to add this portion. More Pals fighting Pals. Par for the course. They are just attempting to gain a foothold in the law of the Presidency.

This is about as bright as Dubai being built on top of land tossed into the sea to make Islands.


Can't post the whole article. Its that copyright thing.

The presidency thing is a problem since Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009 and he will not allow the constitutional procedures to follow their course.
Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas IslamoNazis beat and tortured children in Gaza for raising a Fatah banner last night. :eek:
Today [Hamas] arrested a minor child Mohammed Abu Harbeed (13 years old) and other children, and tortured and beat them with batons and blindfolded them in the cold, for raising the banners of the Fatah movement.

A Fatah spokesman said that 'these practices are incompatible with the principles of national and moral traditions and customs, and with human rights and international covenants and instruments, which provide for the protection of the rights of children, as well as inconsistent with the teachings of our religion.

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In a related development, the Hamas deputies ridiculed the PA intelligence for saying that detainees on hunger strike were transferred to jails near their families' residence areas, stressing that they should be immediately released and not moved from one cell to another.

They denied PA media reports that the detainees had suspended their hunger strike, calling on all those concerned to intervene to save the lives of the hunger strikers.

You forgot to add this portion. More Pals fighting Pals. Par for the course. They are just attempting to gain a foothold in the law of the Presidency.

This is about as bright as Dubai being built on top of land tossed into the sea to make Islands.


Can't post the whole article. Its that copyright thing.

The presidency thing is a problem since Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009 and he will not allow the constitutional procedures to follow their course.

Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'
You forgot to add this portion. More Pals fighting Pals. Par for the course. They are just attempting to gain a foothold in the law of the Presidency.

This is about as bright as Dubai being built on top of land tossed into the sea to make Islands.


Can't post the whole article. Its that copyright thing.

The presidency thing is a problem since Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009 and he will not allow the constitutional procedures to follow their course.

Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'

Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.
Can't post the whole article. Its that copyright thing.

The presidency thing is a problem since Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009 and he will not allow the constitutional procedures to follow their course.

Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'

Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Gibberish, as usual. No wonder you have 0 reputational points. :lol:

Hamas IslamoNazis Infiltrate Gaza Hospital, Threaten Doctors...:eek:
Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'

Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Gibberish, as usual. No wonder you have 0 reputational points. :lol:

Hamas IslamoNazis Infiltrate Gaza Hospital, Threaten Doctors...:eek:

And this relates to the presidency, how?
Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Gibberish, as usual. No wonder you have 0 reputational points. :lol:

Hamas IslamoNazis Infiltrate Gaza Hospital, Threaten Doctors...:eek:

And this relates to the presidency, how?

Take your schizophrenia medication, sick boy.:cuckoo:
Can't post the whole article. Its that copyright thing.

The presidency thing is a problem since Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009 and he will not allow the constitutional procedures to follow their course.

Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'

Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.
Except, Pallies live under fascist rule with no constitutional rights, dimwit. :eek:

Hamas tries to detain woman merely for walking with man :eek:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters :eek:
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas bans laughter among women... :eek:
'They accused me of laughing in public'

Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.

Peace talks with Israel are irrelevant. Abbas has no authority to make any agreement. There is nothing legitimate about the Abbas government. The unity government created after the Mecca agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government in all of Palestine.

The policy of Abbas, through his holding of the purse strings, is that government employees in Gaza get paid if they do not go to work. If they go to work they get fired.

The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.
Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.

Peace talks with Israel are irrelevant. Abbas has no authority to make any agreement. There is nothing legitimate about the Abbas government. The unity government created after the Mecca agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government in all of Palestine.

The policy of Abbas, through his holding of the purse strings, is that government employees in Gaza get paid if they do not go to work. If they go to work they get fired.

The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.

Israelis want peace. Pallie IslamoNazis, not so much. You are clueless.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh...
I don’t care who is in government in Israel. There is a partner. And my partner is the Jewish people. Why? Because a majority of Jews have already accepted a 2 state solution. I see a majority of Jews who don’t care anymore about Gaza. I see a majority of Jews who want to disengage from the Palestinians. I see a majority of Jews over the last 15 years marching toward moderation and pragmatism. I don’t know today of one Jewish mother that wants to send her son back to the streets of Ramallah or Gaza. I don’t know of one Jew who wants to control the lives of the Palestinians and run their education and health system. Sadly though, while the Jewish public has been marching towards pragmatism and realism and moderation, on the Arab side the message remains no, no and no.
Abu Toameh: What the Western Media Misses | FrumForum

Khaled Abu Toameh...
If Hamas say they want to destroy you, you have no reason not to believe them. And if Ahmadinejad says he wants to destroy you, there’s no need to start analysing what he means by that. Stop fooling ourselves and if anyone thinks that Hamas will ever recognise Israel’s right to exist, you’re also living in an illusion. Take it from their mouth directly…the PLO however is different – they will tell you one thing in English and then another in Arabic.
Abu Toameh: What the Western Media Misses | FrumForum
Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.

Peace talks with Israel are irrelevant. Abbas has no authority to make any agreement. There is nothing legitimate about the Abbas government. The unity government created after the Mecca agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government in all of Palestine.

The policy of Abbas, through his holding of the purse strings, is that government employees in Gaza get paid if they do not go to work. If they go to work they get fired.

The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.

Such a callous attitude towards what the Palestinians are suffering in Gaza under Hamas. I guess only Palestinian "victims " of Israel count. Who cares if Hamas was "democratically" elected? So was Hitler. But once Hitler was in power, he instituted a brutal regime.
Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.

Peace talks with Israel are irrelevant. Abbas has no authority to make any agreement. There is nothing legitimate about the Abbas government. The unity government created after the Mecca agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government in all of Palestine.

The policy of Abbas, through his holding of the purse strings, is that government employees in Gaza get paid if they do not go to work. If they go to work they get fired.

The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.

Such a callous attitude towards what the Palestinians are suffering in Gaza under Hamas. I guess only Palestinian "victims " of Israel count. Who cares if Hamas was "democratically" elected? So was Hitler. But once Hitler was in power, he instituted a brutal regime.

They are past due for elections but they cannot hold elections with an illegal government running them. That would only mean a lot of fraud.

As long as the US props up an illegal government with money and weapons, the Palestinians will have no light at the end of their tunnel.
The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.

Constitutional protections in Gaza? :lol:

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh...
Here is some last-minute advice to the group of women who are planning to organize another aid ship to break the Israeli naval blockade on the Gaza Strip: Do not forget to wear the hijab and cover other parts of your body before you arrive at the Hamas-controlled area. And make sure that none of you is seen laughing in public. Otherwise, you are likely to meet the same fate as other Palestinian women who have been physically and verbally abused by fundamentalist Muslims in the Gaza Strip.

Some women in the Gaza Strip have had acid splashed in their faces for allegedly being dressed "immodestly" or for being seen in public with a male who is not a husband, father, brother or son. Just recently, Hamas's Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice stopped female journalist Asthma al-Ghul under the pretext that she came to the beach dressed "immodestly" and was seen laughing in public. "They accused me of laughing loudly while swimming with my friend, and for failing to wear a hijab," she told a human rights organization in the Gaza Strip. "They also wanted to know the identity of the people who were swimming with me at the beach and whether they were relatives of mine." This incident came only days after a Hamas judge ordered all female lawyers appearing in court to wear headscarves and a long, dark colored clock under their black robes. By seeking to help Hamas, the women who are planning to sail to the Gaza Strip are in fact encouraging the fundamentalist movement to continue oppressing Palestinian women living there. Wouldn't it have been better and more helpful had the same group of female activists launched a campaign to promote women's rights under Hamas? Or to protest against the severe restrictions imposed by Hamas on all women, including the right to stroll along the beach alone or to wear a swim suit?
Love of the Land: On Breaking Israel's Naval Blockade
Abbas ignores the constitution. He ignores the judiciary. He ignores legislature. He ignores his PM and cabinet. He ignores the fact that he is no longer the president.

But he stays in power with US money and weapons.

Then Abbas is biting the hand that feeds him. The Americans have pressured him into negogiating with the Israelis while they are building settlements, but Abbas has refused. And, Mr. Tinmore, if you are fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people, how could you not be outraged by the articles that Marc39 has posted? That is surely not freedom.

Peace talks with Israel are irrelevant. Abbas has no authority to make any agreement. There is nothing legitimate about the Abbas government. The unity government created after the Mecca agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government in all of Palestine.

The policy of Abbas, through his holding of the purse strings, is that government employees in Gaza get paid if they do not go to work. If they go to work they get fired.

The problems in Gaza are mostly due to the US insisting that all money into Palestine go through an illegal government. This leaves the civilian population without constitutional protections.

I could be wrong but I don't believe Hamas provides "constitutional protections" for the people in Gaza, if anyone from Hamas heard you say that they would laugh.
As long as the US props up an illegal government with money and weapons, the Palestinians will have no light at the end of their tunnel.

How many democracies exist among nearly 30 Arab and 60 Muslim shitholes?

That would be...not one.
As long as the US props up an illegal government with money and weapons, the Palestinians will have no light at the end of their tunnel.

As long as Hamas refuses to recognize Israels right to exist and continues to support terrorism, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel for the Palestinians.
As long as the US props up an illegal government with money and weapons, the Palestinians will have no light at the end of their tunnel.

As long as Hamas refuses to recognize Israels right to exist and continues to support terrorism, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel for the Palestinians.

Why should Hamas recognize Israel's "right" to occupy their country?

I surely would not recognize anyone's "right" to occupy my country. Why should I hold Hamas to a different standard?

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