Hamas and Hezbollah


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “Hamas was once firmly in the Iranian/Syrian camp. Not anymore. As Syrian President Bashar Assad began his brutal crackdown on his own people last year, Hamas suddenly found itself on the same side as bad guys. It had always painted itself as the friend of the weak, against the strong oppressor. Now, it was quickly losing credibility across the Middle East.

2. At first Hamas kept quiet, not wanting to offend its patron, Iran, on the one hand, and fearing the loss of popular support on the other. …Iran began withdrawing its support…. the dramatic break came in February. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh publicly rejected both Assad and Iran while on a visit to Egypt. “I salute all the nations of the Arab Spring and I salute the heroic people of Syria who are striving for freedom, democracy and reform,”… “No Hezbollah and no Iran.”

3. Hamas moved its central politburo in exile from Syria to Qatar. …courting alternative donors… Hamas leader Khaled Meshal met with both Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan….rebuilding its relationship with Jordan. Meshal … met Jordanian King Abdullah II both in the January visit and in June….steadily moving away from Iran…

4. …Hezbollah is also finding itself under pressure. Faced with the same dilemma as Hamas—torn between public opinion and Iranian backers—Hezbollah, so far, has stuck with Iran. The group was set up by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, so its ties with Iran are stronger. It is a Shiite movement, unlike the Sunni Hamas.

5. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah told thousands of Shiite supporters in south Beirut in July: “Our missiles are Syrian.” Syria supported Hezbollah when it was still in the cradle. And Nasrallah vows to return the favor, even as the Assad regime crumbles.

6. But Hezbollah’s stance is hurting the group. As the Assad regime falls, Hezbollah, and perhaps the entire Shiite population of Lebanon, is likely to take a major hit. … in the crosshairs of an increasingly emboldened Sunni opposition,” Daniel Nisman wrote in the Times of Israel, referring to a growing anti-Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, especially within the past year.

7. [In] the Times of Israel, published July 26, Mitch Ginsburg spelled out a probable scenario for a post-Alawite-led Syria. He predicted it would lead to a rise in power for the Sunni Muslims in Lebanon and that it could push the country toward another civil war.

8. Lebanon will eventually join the Arab camp that opposes Iran…The civil war in Syria is making this happen. It has pushed Hamas away from Iran. That same pressure will eventually pry Hezbollah and Lebanon away from Iran too, or it will break Hezbollah entirely.” A Dramatic Break From Iran - theTrumpet.com

Note....in terms of armed strength, Hezbollah is far larger and better armed than Hamas.
The truth is that it makes no difference whether they call themselves hamas, hezbollah, or arab heroes fighting for freedom. They all know only one creed. Kill everyone else. And the same spineless westerners that stuck up for them in their previous incarnations will find a bullshit excuse to do it again no matter what they say or do.
The truth is that it makes no difference whether they call themselves hamas, hezbollah, or arab heroes fighting for freedom. They all know only one creed. Kill everyone else. And the same spineless westerners that stuck up for them in their previous incarnations will find a bullshit excuse to do it again no matter what they say or do.

1. "...The truth is that it makes no difference..."
Actually, straight, I posted it because it pointed out several differences, not the least in importance is how each views Iran at this time.

2. "...only one creed. Kill everyone else...."
I'd like to point out that this is the thinking that is found in every totalitarian view!

a. Communism, at its core, is a ‘death cult.’ Here, let Marx himself say so: “Everything that exists deserves to perish.” These were words were spoken by Goethe’s Mephistopheles, and quoted approvingly by Karl Marx. For a very long time now, Marxism in its guise of modern liberalism has worked toward the satanic goal of making everything that exists perish.
What's Next: Fire and Brimstone?

b. Nazism, is also attractive to its adherents because it of the priority it places on death and killing. The nexus of the various totalist philosophies can be seen in the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939, which exposed the leftists who were totalitarians, in that they continued to align with Stalin, even though it required league with Nazi Germany.

c. Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler.
FrontPage Magazine - Islamo-Fascism Denial

3. Islamism also has roots in Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Turkish journalist Mustafa Akyol has written about the influence of Marxism on the godfathers of Islamism, Sayyid Qutb, Muslim Brotherhood theoretician, and Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi, major 20th century Islamist thinker, and Ali Shariati, the 'ideologue of the Iranian Revolution'. Akyol wrote in ‘Bolshevism in a Headdress,’ that many ex-Marxists joined the Islamists.
Dr. J. Glazov, "United In Hate."

a. The Ayatollah Khomeini incorporated the Marxist paradigm of a world divided into oppressors and oppressed, but made it Islamic by using the terms ‘mostakbirine’ (the arrognant) and ‘mostadafine’ (the weakened). Ibid.

4. “The blood of the enemy renews the identity of the lynch mob…Death is not an instrumentality-like the death of the enemy on the battlefield- it has become an end in itself”
Laurent Murawiec, “The Mind of Jihad,” p. 8-9

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.” Know Thy Enemy - Michael Ledeen - National Review Online
Hamas doesn't bow down to Iran and most of their weopons aren't from Iran you stupid fucks
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The truth is that it makes no difference whether they call themselves hamas, hezbollah, or arab heroes fighting for freedom. They all know only one creed. Kill everyone else. And the same spineless westerners that stuck up for them in their previous incarnations will find a bullshit excuse to do it again no matter what they say or do.

Hamas fights for their people.....go take your bs somewhere else
The truth is that it makes no difference whether they call themselves hamas, hezbollah, or arab heroes fighting for freedom. They all know only one creed. Kill everyone else. And the same spineless westerners that stuck up for them in their previous incarnations will find a bullshit excuse to do it again no matter what they say or do.

That's funny Hamas only killed one Israeli in the past 4 years
Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Shoe fit?

Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Shoe fit?


I am a Gazan and have had 4 cousins killed in the 2009 war.....so throw this left bulshit out the window
Poltocial chick don't post something you have no clue about.

You're just spamming these Rightwing horrible analogies
Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Indeed, Israeli Arabs live two paradoxes. Although they suffer discrimination within Israel, they enjoy more rights and greater stability than any Arab populace living in their own sovereign countries (think Egypt or Syria). Second, they hold citizenship in a country that their fellow Arabs malign and threaten with annihilation."
Israel's Arabs, Living a Paradox :: Daniel Pipes
Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Indeed, Israeli Arabs live two paradoxes. Although they suffer discrimination within Israel, they enjoy more rights and greater stability than any Arab populace living in their own sovereign countries (think Egypt or Syria). Second, they hold citizenship in a country that their fellow Arabs malign and threaten with annihilation."
Israel's Arabs, Living a Paradox :: Daniel Pipes

Yeah daniel Pipes would be the guy to ask!!!:lol:
Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Indeed, Israeli Arabs live two paradoxes. Although they suffer discrimination within Israel, they enjoy more rights and greater stability than any Arab populace living in their own sovereign countries (think Egypt or Syria). Second, they hold citizenship in a country that their fellow Arabs malign and threaten with annihilation."
Israel's Arabs, Living a Paradox :: Daniel Pipes

Yeah daniel Pipes would be the guy to ask!!!:lol:

Time and again the ignorant attack the messenger when they have no way to attack the message.


"... enjoy more rights and greater stability than any Arab populace living in their own sovereign countries..."

Have a go?
Your post #3 is a pack of horseshit......wow you are pretty desperate if youre gonna try to tell us Khomeni is a Marxists.....I could give a shit about Hezbollah or Iran either way
Hamas is a result of of the Israeli brutal occupation

"Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Shoe fit?


I am a Gazan and have had 4 cousins killed in the 2009 war.....so throw this left bulshit out the window

And that, somehow, verifies your objectivity?

Au contraire....

...it puts you way over in subjectivity, and hardly able to view the situation with equanimity.

Are you denying that the anti-Israel doctrine is ingrained in the Left?
And, was on view at the Democrat Convention?

But....good to know, as I would like the alternate viewpoint. Any perspective you'd like to share re: how Jordan treated the Palestinians, and vice versa?
"Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Shoe fit?


I am a Gazan and have had 4 cousins killed in the 2009 war.....so throw this left bulshit out the window

And that, somehow, verifies your objectivity?

Au contraire....

...it puts you way over in subjectivity, and hardly able to view the situation with equanimity.

Are you denying that the anti-Israel doctrine is ingrained in the Left?
And, was on view at the Democrat Convention?

But....good to know, as I would like the alternate viewpoint. Any perspective you'd like to share re: how Jordan treated the Palestinians, and vice versa?

Yes I've experienced the conflcit....not because I'm a "Lefty"

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