Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel


Aug 5, 2012
Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently published a recording of a speech given by former senator Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s highly controversial nominee for secretary of defense, in which he said that the United States has to "reverse optics" in its relationship with the state of Israel.

In order to restore its credibility as an honest broker between Israelis and Palestinians, America has to “reverse optics” in its ties with the Jewish state, the former Republican senator from Nebraska said in 2007, as first reported by Breitbart.com.

"There's no question in the Arab-Israeli issue that Israel is a nation today as a result of the United States," he said, possibly referring to the decision by President Harry Truman to recognize the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as continued military, financial and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

While his remarks are not entirely clear, in context, it seems that Hagel was intending to reinforce perceptions of Israel as a client state of the United States, according to Breitbart.

It was recently revealed that Hagel made further staggering accusations against Israel, alleging that the Jewish state is keeping the “Palestinians caged up like animals.”

The highly controversial nominee does not elaborate on the claim or explain how he believes Israel is keeping “Palestinians caged up like animals,” according to the Journal Star report. The comment is, however, consistent with his long anti-Israel and anti-Jewish record.

The two-term senator chosen by President Barack Obama to replace current secretary of defense Leon Panetta, has come under intense fire for his record on Israel, Iran, Hamas, as well as his comments about “the Jewish lobby,” homosexuals and a myriad of other issues.

The Senate Armed Services Committee postponed a panel vote that was expected to take place Thursday on the contentious nomination after Republicans demanded that he release additional financial information, including details regarding compensation for speeches he delivered since leaving Capitol Hill.

This is exactly what should happen....Hagel is hope for the Middle East........:cool:
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The US is not viewed as an honest broker as if the past few years. He's right, this policy needs to see a change to enable a calm atmosphere in the territories and Israel. It can't be a one sided support thing. And Israel needs to withdraw their settlers and settlements. Things will change, but Israel sees the West Bank as a strategic land and they want a foothold there.
The West Bank IS Israel. It will never be given to the Palestinians.
The only way to get the West Bank is by force, but I'm sure we all know how that will work out ;)
Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently published a recording of a speech given by former senator Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s highly controversial nominee for secretary of defense, in which he said that the United States has to "reverse optics" in its relationship with the state of Israel.

In order to restore its credibility as an honest broker between Israelis and Palestinians, America has to “reverse optics” in its ties with the Jewish state, the former Republican senator from Nebraska said in 2007, as first reported by Breitbart.com.

"There's no question in the Arab-Israeli issue that Israel is a nation today as a result of the United States," he said, possibly referring to the decision by President Harry Truman to recognize the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as continued military, financial and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

While his remarks are not entirely clear, in context, it seems that Hagel was intending to reinforce perceptions of Israel as a client state of the United States, according to Breitbart.

It was recently revealed that Hagel made further staggering accusations against Israel, alleging that the Jewish state is keeping the “Palestinians caged up like animals.”

The highly controversial nominee does not elaborate on the claim or explain how he believes Israel is keeping “Palestinians caged up like animals,” according to the Journal Star report. The comment is, however, consistent with his long anti-Israel and anti-Jewish record.

The two-term senator chosen by President Barack Obama to replace current secretary of defense Leon Panetta, has come under intense fire for his record on Israel, Iran, Hamas, as well as his comments about “the Jewish lobby,” homosexuals and a myriad of other issues.

The Senate Armed Services Committee postponed a panel vote that was expected to take place Thursday on the contentious nomination after Republicans demanded that he release additional financial information, including details regarding compensation for speeches he delivered since leaving Capitol Hill.

This is exactly what should happen....Hagel is hope for the Middle East........:cool:

i am not sure how much the DoD has to do with it all but yes, hagel is a good and honest man, and having served in the 9th didision myself, i gotta go with my man.

he says "powerful jewish lobby" and the powerful jewish lobby comes out to prove his words right.
The West Bank IS Israel. It will never be given to the Palestinians.
The only way to get the West Bank is by force, but I'm sure we all know how that will work out ;)

what part of this do you not understand...that would constitute a genocide of the palestinian people by the israelis.
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The West Bank IS Israel. It will never be given to the Palestinians.
The only way to get the West Bank is by force, but I'm sure we all know how that will work out ;)

Yeah....you keep telling yourself that....:cuckoo:
Yeah....you keep telling yourself that....:cuckoo:

Who controls the West Bank and how was it attained?

Israel occupies it, lametard.
It gained the land when Arab animals attacked Israel from it, lametard. No you can't have it back. There are consequences to being animals.

Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently published a recording of a speech given by former senator Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s highly controversial nominee for secretary of defense, in which he said that the United States has to "reverse optics" in its relationship with the state of Israel.

In order to restore its credibility as an honest broker between Israelis and Palestinians, America has to “reverse optics” in its ties with the Jewish state, the former Republican senator from Nebraska said in 2007, as first reported by Breitbart.com.

"There's no question in the Arab-Israeli issue that Israel is a nation today as a result of the United States," he said, possibly referring to the decision by President Harry Truman to recognize the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as continued military, financial and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

While his remarks are not entirely clear, in context, it seems that Hagel was intending to reinforce perceptions of Israel as a client state of the United States, according to Breitbart.

It was recently revealed that Hagel made further staggering accusations against Israel, alleging that the Jewish state is keeping the “Palestinians caged up like animals.”

The highly controversial nominee does not elaborate on the claim or explain how he believes Israel is keeping “Palestinians caged up like animals,” according to the Journal Star report. The comment is, however, consistent with his long anti-Israel and anti-Jewish record.

The two-term senator chosen by President Barack Obama to replace current secretary of defense Leon Panetta, has come under intense fire for his record on Israel, Iran, Hamas, as well as his comments about “the Jewish lobby,” homosexuals and a myriad of other issues.

The Senate Armed Services Committee postponed a panel vote that was expected to take place Thursday on the contentious nomination after Republicans demanded that he release additional financial information, including details regarding compensation for speeches he delivered since leaving Capitol Hill.

This is exactly what should happen....Hagel is hope for the Middle East........:cool:
Why the fuck are we even talking about Israel in a Senate confirmation hearing for the Secretary of Defense? We should be talking about our interests and how he plans to use the military against our threats. He's going to be Sec of Defense for this country, not Israel's. We should be talking about the increasing hostilities between Japan and China, not arabs and Israeli's. We should be talking about potential hostilities between North and South Korea ramping up again, not possible hostilities between Israel and Iran. What's important to Israel, they can deal with it themselves. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of them trying to hijack our government, in order to deal with THEIR problems.

As far as it not being clear regarding "Palestinian's caged up like animals", were you living on the moon for the last 45 years? Israel has turned Gaza into the largest open air prison in the world and they have over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank restricting the freedom of movement for Palestinian's.

It always amazes me when people give you this "deer in the headlights" look, in regards to Israeli atrocities in the ME. It is so obvious Gazans are "caged up like animals", you could practically see it with Google Maps!
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Even if Hagel gets nominated his balls with regards to Iran and Israel have been cut off.
Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently published a recording of a speech given by former senator Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s highly controversial nominee for secretary of defense, in which he said that the United States has to "reverse optics" in its relationship with the state of Israel.

In order to restore its credibility as an honest broker between Israelis and Palestinians, America has to “reverse optics” in its ties with the Jewish state, the former Republican senator from Nebraska said in 2007, as first reported by Breitbart.com.

"There's no question in the Arab-Israeli issue that Israel is a nation today as a result of the United States," he said, possibly referring to the decision by President Harry Truman to recognize the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as continued military, financial and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

While his remarks are not entirely clear, in context, it seems that Hagel was intending to reinforce perceptions of Israel as a client state of the United States, according to Breitbart.

It was recently revealed that Hagel made further staggering accusations against Israel, alleging that the Jewish state is keeping the “Palestinians caged up like animals.”

The highly controversial nominee does not elaborate on the claim or explain how he believes Israel is keeping “Palestinians caged up like animals,” according to the Journal Star report. The comment is, however, consistent with his long anti-Israel and anti-Jewish record.

The two-term senator chosen by President Barack Obama to replace current secretary of defense Leon Panetta, has come under intense fire for his record on Israel, Iran, Hamas, as well as his comments about “the Jewish lobby,” homosexuals and a myriad of other issues.

The Senate Armed Services Committee postponed a panel vote that was expected to take place Thursday on the contentious nomination after Republicans demanded that he release additional financial information, including details regarding compensation for speeches he delivered since leaving Capitol Hill.

This is exactly what should happen....Hagel is hope for the Middle East........:cool:
Why the fuck are we even talking about Israel in a Senate confirmation hearing for the Secretary of Defense? We should be talking about our interests and how he plans to use the military against our threats. He's going to be Sec of Defense for this country, not Israel's. We should be talking about the increasing hostilities between Japan and China, not arabs and Israeli's. We should be talking about potential hostilities between North and South Korea ramping up again, not possible hostilities between Israel and Iran. What's important to Israel, they can deal with it themselves. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of them trying to hijack our government, in order to deal with THEIR problems.

As far as it not being clear regarding "Palestinian's caged up like animals", were you living on the moon for the last 45 years? Israel has turned Gaza into the largest open air prison in the world and they have over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank restricting the freedom of movement for Palestinian's.

It always amazes me when people give you this "deer in the headlights" in regards to Israeli atrocities in the ME. It is so obvious Gazans are "caged up like animals", you could practically see it with Google Maps!

Couldn't agree with you more, it's time for the Americans to drive the Jews out of our government.....:cool:
Hagel: US Needs to 'Reverse Optics' With Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations recently published a recording of a speech given by former senator Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s highly controversial nominee for secretary of defense, in which he said that the United States has to "reverse optics" in its relationship with the state of Israel.

In order to restore its credibility as an honest broker between Israelis and Palestinians, America has to “reverse optics” in its ties with the Jewish state, the former Republican senator from Nebraska said in 2007, as first reported by Breitbart.com.

"There's no question in the Arab-Israeli issue that Israel is a nation today as a result of the United States," he said, possibly referring to the decision by President Harry Truman to recognize the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as continued military, financial and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

While his remarks are not entirely clear, in context, it seems that Hagel was intending to reinforce perceptions of Israel as a client state of the United States, according to Breitbart.

It was recently revealed that Hagel made further staggering accusations against Israel, alleging that the Jewish state is keeping the “Palestinians caged up like animals.”

The highly controversial nominee does not elaborate on the claim or explain how he believes Israel is keeping “Palestinians caged up like animals,” according to the Journal Star report. The comment is, however, consistent with his long anti-Israel and anti-Jewish record.

The two-term senator chosen by President Barack Obama to replace current secretary of defense Leon Panetta, has come under intense fire for his record on Israel, Iran, Hamas, as well as his comments about “the Jewish lobby,” homosexuals and a myriad of other issues.

The Senate Armed Services Committee postponed a panel vote that was expected to take place Thursday on the contentious nomination after Republicans demanded that he release additional financial information, including details regarding compensation for speeches he delivered since leaving Capitol Hill.

This is exactly what should happen....Hagel is hope for the Middle East........:cool:
Why the fuck are we even talking about Israel in a Senate confirmation hearing for the Secretary of Defense? We should be talking about our interests and how he plans to use the military against our threats. He's going to be Sec of Defense for this country, not Israel's. We should be talking about the increasing hostilities between Japan and China, not arabs and Israeli's. We should be talking about potential hostilities between North and South Korea ramping up again, not possible hostilities between Israel and Iran. What's important to Israel, they can deal with it themselves. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of them trying to hijack our government, in order to deal with THEIR problems.

As far as it not being clear regarding "Palestinian's caged up like animals", were you living on the moon for the last 45 years? Israel has turned Gaza into the largest open air prison in the world and they have over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank restricting the freedom of movement for Palestinian's.

It always amazes me when people give you this "deer in the headlights" in regards to Israeli atrocities in the ME. It is so obvious Gazans are "caged up like animals", you could practically see it with Google Maps!

Couldn't agree with you more, it's time for the Americans to drive the Jews out of our government.....:cool:
What's your problem with ZOG, Bob?
It's time for Americans to stop letting more Muslim donkeys in. Zero visas to Muslim countries. LOL
No really, Americans should start protesting at the White House against this influence which is very apparent and obvious. We can't afford to have Jews in our government who want to run things their way and turn this country into a servant for Israel. Drive them out and chew um up. It's getting ridiculous.
No really, Americans should start protesting at the White House against this influence which is very apparent and obvious. We can't afford to have Jews in our government who want to run things their way and turn this country into a servant for Israel. Drive them out and chew um up. It's getting ridiculous.
Muslim donkey, when will you learn that America is not some Islamic shithole that you animals run around persecuting and braying about the Jews all the time? Israel enjoys the highest approval rating among the American public and the US govt is just representing the will of the people.

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