H.R. 5029 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?
Where is the Economic Freedom? I see nothing that reduces the deficit, nothing to balance the budget, nothing on responsible spending.

Its just another irresponsible Republican tax cut
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

So basically help the rich, help the rich, help the rich, don't actually solve any of the problems with Wall Street. Yup, typical Republican bill these days.
Where is the Economic Freedom? I see nothing that reduces the deficit, nothing to balance the budget, nothing on responsible spending.

Its just another irresponsible Republican tax cut

And here's me thinking that we were just told tax cuts are called the work of socialists the other day. Go figure.
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

I would vote for it. Number 5 would put money in everyones pocket. Number 2 would stop most corporate migration to other countries. Number 1 would stimulate investment.

What's not to like?
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Yup, they got ideas. The same crap that's they've always pushed, but they're ideas, I guess.
1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

I would vote for it. Number 5 would put money in everyones pocket. Number 2 would stop most corporate migration to other countries. Number 1 would stimulate investment.

What's not to like?

Where is the Economic Freedom? I see nothing that reduces the deficit, nothing to balance the budget, nothing on responsible spending.

Its just another irresponsible Republican tax cut

You're right. Spending has to stop. Number 6 & 7 will help with that. Congress can balance the budget anytime they want; they just need the balls and the will to make the hard choices.

Stimulating the economy means jobs and that means more tax revenue.

Lowering the corporate tax rate brings foriegn companies to America instead of American companies to foriegn countries.

Rich people don't have to make money. They can sit back and enjoy life with no income at all, so, they don't pay tax at all. Eliminate capitol gains tax and they will invest their fortunes and thus, stimulate our economy.

This bill has it right, first things first, get the economy working.
Where is the Economic Freedom? I see nothing that reduces the deficit, nothing to balance the budget, nothing on responsible spending.

Its just another irresponsible Republican tax cut

You're right. Spending has to stop. Number 6 & 7 will help with that. Congress can balance the budget anytime they want; they just need the balls and the will to make the hard choices.

Stimulating the economy means jobs and that means more tax revenue.

Lowering the corporate tax rate brings foriegn companies to America instead of American companies to foriegn countries.

Rich people don't have to make money. They can sit back and enjoy life with no income at all, so, they don't pay tax at all. Eliminate capitol gains tax and they will invest their fortunes and thus, stimulate our economy.

This bill has it right, first things first, get the economy working.

You bought all that "Tinkle down" crap didn't you?

If you want true economic freedom then balance the freaking budget. No tax cuts without equivalent cuts in spending.
Where is the Economic Freedom? I see nothing that reduces the deficit, nothing to balance the budget, nothing on responsible spending.

Its just another irresponsible Republican tax cut

You're right. Spending has to stop. Number 6 & 7 will help with that. Congress can balance the budget anytime they want; they just need the balls and the will to make the hard choices.

Stimulating the economy means jobs and that means more tax revenue.

Lowering the corporate tax rate brings foriegn companies to America instead of American companies to foriegn countries.

Rich people don't have to make money. They can sit back and enjoy life with no income at all, so, they don't pay tax at all. Eliminate capitol gains tax and they will invest their fortunes and thus, stimulate our economy.

This bill has it right, first things first, get the economy working.

You bought all that "Tinkle down" crap didn't you?

If you want true economic freedom then balance the freaking budget. No tax cuts without equivalent cuts in spending.

I agree with you. I am in favor of spending cuts. Start with TARP and stimulus, then stop all earmarks when we have a deficit, end useless government agencies and layoff the people staffing them. It is like I said, Congress can balance the budget.
You're right. Spending has to stop. Number 6 & 7 will help with that. Congress can balance the budget anytime they want; they just need the balls and the will to make the hard choices.

Stimulating the economy means jobs and that means more tax revenue.

Lowering the corporate tax rate brings foriegn companies to America instead of American companies to foriegn countries.

Rich people don't have to make money. They can sit back and enjoy life with no income at all, so, they don't pay tax at all. Eliminate capitol gains tax and they will invest their fortunes and thus, stimulate our economy.

This bill has it right, first things first, get the economy working.

You bought all that "Tinkle down" crap didn't you?

If you want true economic freedom then balance the freaking budget. No tax cuts without equivalent cuts in spending.

I agree with you. I am in favor of spending cuts. Start with TARP and stimulus, then stop all earmarks when we have a deficit, end useless government agencies and layoff the people staffing them. It is like I said, Congress can balance the budget.

given that no leader in recorded history cut taxes during time of war until baby bush, i have a better suggestion. end the 200 billion dollar drain on our economy and soldiers' lives that is iraq.

government agencies aren't useless and people who hate government should never run government.

and psssssst... we got paid back most of the TARP money already.

seems you guys don't have anything except the same old same old failed economic policies that created the problems to begin with.
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

LOL, more of the same will not fix our problems.
this is the same old Republican mantra.

I knew any bill with freedom in the title would suck.

A better suggestion, make all income taxes a flat 12.5% with no deductions for ALL income.
Yes eliminate inheritance tax.
And that is all.
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For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

I'd vote for it. But then I think I'd sponsor a second bill:

Cutting Government excess and waste
For those who say the Republicans are the party of 'no' and have no ideas, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced H.R. 5020 - Economic Freedom Act of 2010 - recently. It is still in committee and the Democratic majority probably will not allow it out of committee this year.

The bill has a number of supporters however and, should the Republicans achieve a majority in November, they will bring it to a vote on the House floor early in 2011.

Basically the bill proposes the following:

1) Eliminate the capital gains tax.
2) Reduce the corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
3) Permanently eliminate the death tax.
4) Provide immediate business expensing.
5) Reduce the payroll tax by half for 2010.
6) Repeal the "stimulus" spending (except for unemployment benefits and the tax cuts).
7) Terminate the TARP program.

Would you vote for this? Why or why not?

LOL, more of the same will not fix our problems.
I knew any bill with freedom in the title would suck.

Can you tell me when this was done before? It's kind of hard to be more of the same when it hasn't been done yet.
I would vote for it because they're ideas I agree with, but it's not even CLOSE to being a great bill.

I don't see any meaningful spending cuts.

The spending problem was already a fucking 800 lb gorilla in the room LONG before TARP and the stimulus bill came along.
Actually, scratch that.

I wouldn't vote for it.

I would vote no out of protest BECAUSE it lacks adequate spending cuts.
Actually, scratch that.

I wouldn't vote for it.

I would vote no out of protest BECAUSE it lacks adequate spending cuts.

I don't know. Ending the Tarp and stimulus spending would be a nice first step. Course, I said first step.
Actually, scratch that.

I wouldn't vote for it.

I would vote no out of protest BECAUSE it lacks adequate spending cuts.

I don't know. Ending the Tarp and stimulus spending would be a nice first step. Course, I said first step.

That only takes us back to late in Bush's 2nd term. Things were already way out of control by then.

I want to see some defense cuts, like getting the fuck out of some of the 150 countries we're in right now.

That's what would impress me, along with some kind of viable entitlement reform.
Actually, scratch that.

I wouldn't vote for it.

I would vote no out of protest BECAUSE it lacks adequate spending cuts.

I don't know. Ending the Tarp and stimulus spending would be a nice first step. Course, I said first step.

That only takes us back to late in Bush's 2nd term. Things were already way out of control by then.

I want to see some defense cuts, like getting the fuck out of some of the 150 countries we're in right now.

That's what would impress me, along with some kind of viable entitlement reform.

Like I said, good first step.
I don't know. Ending the Tarp and stimulus spending would be a nice first step. Course, I said first step.

That only takes us back to late in Bush's 2nd term. Things were already way out of control by then.

I want to see some defense cuts, like getting the fuck out of some of the 150 countries we're in right now.

That's what would impress me, along with some kind of viable entitlement reform.

Like I said, good first step.

Yeah, but what are the chances that they would go any farther if it passed?

They wouldn't. Because it would be enough to keep their seats, and they know it. They wouldn't HAVE to give anymore than that.


I say vote no and demand MORE. We fucking DESERVE it.

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