
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud...
  • H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens. Under H.R. 1, someone could simply sign a statement in which they claim to be who they say there are. This would be on top of allowing same-day voter registration. The combination of these two policies that H.R. 1 outlines would open the door for massive fraud.
  • The bill would also require automatically registering individuals to vote who partake in government programs such as receiving welfare or obtaining a driver’s license. This would automatically enroll ineligible voters such as illegal aliens who take advantage of government programs. In addition, it limits states ability to verify eligible voters and remove ineligible voters from registration rolls.
  • In addition to these dangerous policies, it would turn the Federal Election Commission into a hyper-partisan body. Currently the FEC is bipartisan, with six members (three from each party). H.R. 1 would reduce the number to five, giving one political party a majority and the opportunity to essentially rig elections in their party’s favor.
Thankfully, Republicans control the Senate and the White House, so there is almost 0 chance of this passing. However, it illustrates exactly what the left will do if they regain control over the other chamber and the White House.
See what I mean about the left's inability to be happy, no matter what? They have the House, yet they frantically try to grab more, even knowing there's no way they're going to get it.

Give them a single inch, and they want a mile. Screw that.
Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud...
  • H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens. Under H.R. 1, someone could simply sign a statement in which they claim to be who they say there are. This would be on top of allowing same-day voter registration. The combination of these two policies that H.R. 1 outlines would open the door for massive fraud.
  • The bill would also require automatically registering individuals to vote who partake in government programs such as receiving welfare or obtaining a driver’s license. This would automatically enroll ineligible voters such as illegal aliens who take advantage of government programs. In addition, it limits states ability to verify eligible voters and remove ineligible voters from registration rolls.
  • In addition to these dangerous policies, it would turn the Federal Election Commission into a hyper-partisan body. Currently the FEC is bipartisan, with six members (three from each party). H.R. 1 would reduce the number to five, giving one political party a majority and the opportunity to essentially rig elections in their party’s favor.
Thankfully, Republicans control the Senate and the White House, so there is almost 0 chance of this passing. However, it illustrates exactly what the left will do if they regain control over the other chamber and the White House.
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Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud...
  • H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens. Under H.R. 1, someone could simply sign a statement in which they claim to be who they say there are. This would be on top of allowing same-day voter registration. The combination of these two policies that H.R. 1 outlines would open the door for massive fraud.
  • The bill would also require automatically registering individuals to vote who partake in government programs such as receiving welfare or obtaining a driver’s license. This would automatically enroll ineligible voters such as illegal aliens who take advantage of government programs. In addition, it limits states ability to verify eligible voters and remove ineligible voters from registration rolls.
  • In addition to these dangerous policies, it would turn the Federal Election Commission into a hyper-partisan body. Currently the FEC is bipartisan, with six members (three from each party). H.R. 1 would reduce the number to five, giving one political party a majority and the opportunity to essentially rig elections in their party’s favor.
Thankfully, Republicans control the Senate and the White House, so there is almost 0 chance of this passing. However, it illustrates exactly what the left will do if they regain control over the other chamber and the White House.

It doesn't violate state voter laws since that is the basis of the registration that it must comply with state laws.

Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended—

(1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and

(2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection:

“(j) Requirement For State To Register Applicants Providing Necessary Information To Show Eligibility To Vote.—For purposes meeting the requirement of subsection (a)(1) that an eligible applicant is registered to vote in an election for Federal office within the deadlines required under such subsection, the State shall consider an applicant to have provided a ‘valid voter registration form’ if—

“(1) the applicant has accurately completed the application form and attested to the statement required by section 9(b)(2); and

“(2) in the case of an applicant who registers to vote online in accordance with section 6A, the applicant provides a signature in accordance with subsection (c) of such section.”.
Text - H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019
Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud...
  • H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens. Under H.R. 1, someone could simply sign a statement in which they claim to be who they say there are. This would be on top of allowing same-day voter registration. The combination of these two policies that H.R. 1 outlines would open the door for massive fraud.
  • The bill would also require automatically registering individuals to vote who partake in government programs such as receiving welfare or obtaining a driver’s license. This would automatically enroll ineligible voters such as illegal aliens who take advantage of government programs. In addition, it limits states ability to verify eligible voters and remove ineligible voters from registration rolls.
  • In addition to these dangerous policies, it would turn the Federal Election Commission into a hyper-partisan body. Currently the FEC is bipartisan, with six members (three from each party). H.R. 1 would reduce the number to five, giving one political party a majority and the opportunity to essentially rig elections in their party’s favor.
Thankfully, Republicans control the Senate and the White House, so there is almost 0 chance of this passing. However, it illustrates exactly what the left will do if they regain control over the other chamber and the White House.
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Text - H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019

I see several constitutional challenges. It will never get a vote in the senate.


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